With the Power of God’s Love. We are Victorious Always

Mrs Diane Mary Markey
5 min readJan 26, 2024


The wonder of abiding in God’s love. Abiding in God’s love. Makes us conquerors.

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Now the darkness fades,
Into new beginnings,
As we lift our eyes to a hope beyond.

And for every fear,
There’s an empty grave,
For the risen One has overcome.

Now the silence breaks,
As the heavens cry let the earth respond.

We will not be moved.

(Chris Brown, Steven Furtick, Mack Brown, 2017)

Introduction. Abiding in the wonder, the power of God’s love. Is more than a new way of living. It is love piled upon love. Blessing showered upon blessing.

Scripture Reading: You make known to me the path of life,
You will fill me with joy in Your presence,
with eternal pleasures at our right hand. (Psalm 16:11, NIV)

When we walk daily in the Holy and righteous presence of God. Almighty God’s love surrounds us and comforts us. As no other love can or ever shall. Abiding in the Holy presence of God means. We not only have eternal life through His Son, Jesus. It also means. The power of God’s love has no end in our life. God’s love has no limits in what we can achieve for Him. Almighty God’s love is a force that changes us in ways unimaginable and unfathomable.

The power of God’s love heals body, soul, spirit and heart. Jesus’ saving grace frees us from our prison of sin. Jesus releases us and gives to us, eternal life. God Almighty not only loves us. Our Heavenly Father is faithful in all He does. The Almighty One is faithful in all His promises and in His teachings. The power of God’s unconditional and limitless love, changes us and makes us whole.

God is faithful. We’ve all heard these words.

We’ve read them, said them, and sung them. And we’ve felt them.

God’s faithfulness is a palatable experience of His love. ( Pastor Jonathan Parnall, Desiring God Blog)

God uses His faithfulness as His mechanics. His tools to show to us His never-ending love.

Scripture Reading: For the Word of the Lord is right and true,
He is faithful in all He does.
The Lord loves righteousness and justice;
the Earth is full of His unfailing love. (Psalm 33:4–5, NIV)

Almighty God’s faithfulness is His way of delivering to us. All His promises. Our Heavenly Father’s faithfulness is the power of God’s love in action. It is like a seamstress using needle and thread. God Almighty uses His faithfulness as a means to express His love for us.

In fact, nothing, absolutely nothing our Father does. Is done without the use of His unwavering faithfulness toward us.

King David penned his psalm 33 to celebrate God’s love for His people, for all time. King David was so totally convinced of the almighty power of God’s love. David also saw faithfulness as making Almighty God’s love so utterly amazing.

Our Heavenly Father reaches down from Heaven. His hand in and with love. You and I reach up ours in love and in devotion to Him. Together miracles happen still. This, yes! This is the power. The awesome power of God’s unceasing love. And, the steadfastness of Almighty God’s faithfulness.

I love the power of a thunder storm. Here out west. The crack and the strike of God’s lightning. The roar and the rolling of His thunder is breath takingly beautiful. Without this awesome power. God’s display would be a mere whimper. Is this just a glimmer for us? Of the mighty and wondrous power of our Father’s love for us. The clap of thunder. Is it God speaking loudly to us, “I love you.?”

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All true and dedicated followers of our Lord Jesus Christ. Are to love our Father, God as Jesus does. Are to trust God completely.

Our Lord Jesus trusted God so very much. As Christ hung on His wicked and soul-saving cross.

Jesus trusted when He bowed His head and spoke, “It is finished.” Jesus knew that He who frustrates the plans of the peoples will also frustrate the plans of death. The Father’s faithfulness to Him, even in the shadow of death, was sovereign faithfulness. And so it must be with us. That’s the only kind there is. (Jonathan Parnall, Desiring God Blog)

Trusting in the Almighty One brings to our heart peace. Trusting completely our Heavenly Father gives us the courage to face our life. No matter what comes our way. God’s Holy Word has so many verses. Telling about how to completely place our trust in Almighty God.

A Mighty Fortress is Our God.

A mighty fortress is our God,
a bulwark never failing,
our helper He, amid the flood,
of mortal ills prevailing.

For still our ancient foe,
does seek to work us woe,
his craft and power are great,
and armed with cruel hate,
on earth is not his equal.

(Martin Luther, 1529)

What difference to our every day life does trusting in Almighty God really make? Handing total control of our life to the One who created us. This and nothing less. This is the meaning of trusting completely in our Heavenly Father.

Yes! Oh! Yes! So much easier said than done! For most of us like to believe. We can take quite good care of ourselves. But, looking back. When we do things our way. Do we???

Handing the steering wheel of our life. Over to the One who knows better. Frees us to live our life. And live it to the full. We are now free to love God Almighty with all we are. As we were created to. You and I are now able to serve our Father. By caring for the needs of His beloved children around us. Without first having to be concerned for our needs and our troubles.

Placing our complete trust and faith in our Heavenly Father. Frees us to love Him. Truly love God and all His people.

Scripture Reading: Now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require from you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and love Him, and to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. (Deuteronomy 10:12, ESV)

God Almighty loves us with unceasing and unconditional love.

  • The power of this love makes us conquerors over all of what life throws at us.
  • Completely handing our life over to Almighty God.
  • Gives us the freedom to live. Truly live.
  • Then we can humbly serve God.
  • And care for the needs of His people all around us.

Chris’ article moving and truly relevant, Diane.

How To Discern God’s Will For Your Life | by Chris O. | The Dove | Medium

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Mrs Diane Mary Markey
Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Written by Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Published inspirational books on my love for God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The articles on Medium also are Christian stories. Retired Counselor.

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