We Were Found by Jesus
Once we were lost. Jesus our Good Shepherd found us.
You Will Be Found.
Even when the dark comes crashing through
When you need a friend to carry you.
And when you’re broken on the ground
You will be found.So let the sun come streaming in,
’Cause you’ll reach up and you’ll rise again.
Lift your head and look around
You will be found.(Peter Hollens, Justin Paul, 2016)
Reflection. We picture Jesus carrying us safely back to the fold. We were His lost sheep. Stumbling and falling in our darkness of sin. Jesus has found us.
Scripture Reading: Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents. ( Luke 15:10)
Scripture Reading: Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ (Luke 15:3–6, NIV)
We picture ourselves as a young lamb. She has strayed far from the comfort and the safety of her mother. She has wandered away from the protection of her flock. Perhaps she has given into the dream of her adventures. Beaconing to her. Of the possible adventures pulling at her. Calling to her from just beyond her stoney fence.
So, off she goes! She wanders off bravely at first. Off she goes to see for herself. Then she just keeps on going. Just around another corner? What is around that corner? What awaits her just over that hill? On and on she ventures. Till she, much too late. She realizes. She looks around. All around her is strange. Nothing familiar meets her gaze. NOTHING of comfort and protection meets her loneliness and her fear.
Yes! Oh! Yes! She is lost. The sun has faded from her sky. It is dark now. This sad little lady. This little lamb is all alone. She is lost. This little lady is stumbling in her night of darkness.
This sad little lamb cries desperately for her mother. This sad little lamb. Oh! so desperately needs the comfort and the safety of her mother. She so badly needs the protection of her flock.
Then in the far distance? She believes? She hears the call of a trusted and a valued friend. At first, just a faint sound. She cries out again. Her whole body is trembling now. In fear and in need. Her Shepherd calls out once more her name. He is a little closer this time. He calls out to her over and over. Her friend, her Shepherd is so very close now.
Dare she look up? Dare she? He bends down low. Her Good Shepherd. Her beloved friend bends low. He softly whispers her name, in such sweet love. He whispers her name. He scoops her gently into His strong and comforting arms. The entire time whispering words of comfort and the purest love. Her Good Shepherd places her gently onto His shoulders. Jesus carries her back to the protection of her flock. Back to the family of God. Jesus carries her.
Scripture Reading: For “you were like sheep going astray,” but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. (1 Peter 2:25, NIV)
Jesus is our Good Shepherd. He loves each of us so very much. Jesus leaves the rest in the tender care of the Father. Jesus calls and searches for us. When Jesus finds us. He places us gently on His shoulders. Jesus carries us Home.
Scripture Reading: “I am the Good Shepherd.” The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. (John 10:11, NIV)
These five precious words spoken by our beloved Lord Jesus. “I am the Good Shepherd.” Are treasured in our hearts. This beloved promise from the One who loves us so. Jesus searches for each one of us. His little lamb. Till Jesus our Good Shepherd finds us. Till we are found and placed gently on our Lord’s shoulders. Jesus carries us safely Home. Back to the Family of God.
This beloved promise, “I am the good shepherd.” From the One we trust with our hearts. With our very lives we place our faith. This promise of Jesus is filled with such sacred truth and such divine encouragement.
WHY? Why do we need a Shepherd’s guidance. Without the guidance of Jesus our Rabbi. Without Jesus’ lessons and teachings. We remain as children and do not progress and mature. Without following Him and the divine truth Jesus shows. You and I cannot grow in our spiritual life.
Scripture Reading: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6, NIV)
Conclusion. We Were Found by Jesus. Jesus the Good Shepherd searches for us. Calls out our names. Till He finds us. And carries us safely back to the Family of God, Home.
- You and I were once lost in the darkness of our sin.
- May the Lord Jesus be praised.
- Jesus our Good Shepherd searches for us. Till we are found.
- Jesus our Great Rescuer lifts up on to His Shoulders.
- Jesus takes carries us Home.
Today’s music video for you to enjoy.
Marvin’s article fits nicely with mine, Diane.
Seeking the Lost. Jesus’ Mission and Ours | by Marvin McKenzie | The Dove | Mar, 2024 | Medium
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