We Sing Hallelujah. Our Hearts Worship. The Almighty One

We have no other gift. Worthy of our King. Our praise we sing — HALLELUJAH!

Mrs Diane Mary Markey
6 min readApr 12, 2024
Sing Hallelujah! Image supplied by iStock.com

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty.

Praise to the Lord, above all things so wondrously reigning;
sheltering you under His wings, and so gently sustaining!
Have you not seen all that is needful has been
sent by His gracious ordaining?

Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore Him!
All that has life and breath, come now with praises before Him.
Let the Amen sound from His people again;
gladly forever adore Him.

Author: Joachim Neander (1680);

Reflection. Worshiping Almighty God with all our hearts. Mirrors our deepest dedication and devotion. To the One who loves us so very much.

The Biblical definition of worship:

Biblical worship is the act of acknowledging and honoring God for who He is and what He has done. It involves expressing reverence, respect, and gratitude to God, who is the King, the Creator, and the Savior. Biblical worship also means to kneel or lay face down before God as a sign of submission and humility1. Biblical worship is not just a ritual or a ceremony, but a lifestyle of obedience and service to God1. (Bing, 12/04/2024)

Do we honor and love the Almighty One above all else? When the answer is a constant “yes.” We are genuinely worshiping God and His Holy Name.

Acknowledging Almighty God for who He is.

The most prominent Greek word for worship conveys the idea of “showing reverence” or “bowing down to God” (JOHN 4:21–24). A second Greek term means “to serve, to minister,” Both are used in (Matthew 4:10) where Jesus says, “Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.” (Our Daily Bread Blog)

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Scripture Reading: You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for You created all things,
and by Your will they were created
and have their being. (Revelation 4:11, NIV)

Sadly, even in our churches true reverence for the Almighty One has been diluted. The Holiness of our creator has been largely forgotten. In our busyness we neglect to place our Heavenly Father first in our lives. In the busyness of our days. We let every little distraction. Take our hearts away from worshiping the creator of our days. In the need to please others. We forget to worship the One. We should and must worship first — ALWAYS.

In the times of the Old Testament. Things were ever so different. People in ancient times worshiped Almighty God. By bowing down at His Holy name. This signified true homage and genuine devoted reverence. Ceremonies and rituals diligently followed. Showing Almighty God true devotion and genuine reverence. Each aspect of Jewish life regulated. Jewish law controlled how people revered Almighty God. How Jews displayed reverence to the One who created each day.

Surely the creator of all deserves. Our true devotion and the purest reverence from all of us. In a manner worthy of the One valued above all others. Almighty God has not changed. His love for each person never wavers. God’s devotion for the entire world has not differed. What has changed? It is our lack of reverence. Mankind’s lack of worship to Almighty God. And our dedicated praise for our creator.

In the Holy presence of Almighty God. Yes, Oh! Yes we kneel before Him. We pay the rightful homage only Almighty God deserves. For it was Almighty God who created the universe and all the wonders it contains. This of course, includes you and me.

Who is Almighty God? Almighty God the Creator. God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

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Scripture Reading: All the Earth bows down to You; they sing praise to You, they sing the praises of Your Name. (Psalm 66:4, NIV)

Almighty God is a God who loves to love. God is love. Almighty God loves all His people with unceasing and unlimited love. God demonstrated His love for the entire world. God the Father sent His one and only beloved Son to pay for our sins. God sent Jesus. That through the saving grace of Jesus. All could be re-united back to the Father. All could return Home to the Kingdom of God.

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Scripture Reading: For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16, NIV)

Almighty God never changes. God is a God who can be relied upon. We can place our complete trust. And our absolute faith in Almighty God. Although we change with the seasons. God never does. God is the same today as He was yesterday. God will be the same tomorrow.

This being so. No matter how hard our lives may be. We can turn to our Heavenly Father. For God Almighty is a faithful God. A God who is reliable and trustworthy always. Almighty God is a God who loves each person. With a personal and an intimate love. So, we pray to Him knowing God cares and listens. We pray to a God who loves us and is reliable.


Scripture Reading: For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed. (Malachi 3:6, NIV)

God the Creator of all there is. God the creator of all there ever will be. God is our creator. This for you and for me. Is the ultimate reason to worship Almighty God. As we gaze up into the vastness of God’s ever expanding universe. Our hearts cannot help but worship its creator. We appreciate. We acknowledge. We also were created by God. And our hearts sing our worship to Him.

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Scripture Reading: You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the Earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of Heaven worship You. (Nehemiah 9:6 NIV)

Conclusion. Almighty God is a God who loves to love. God is love. Out of His love . God created all there is and ever will be. This includes you and me.

For all God is and for all God did. We worship Him with all we are — ALWAYS!

Today’s music video for your pleasure.

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Mrs Diane Mary Markey
Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Written by Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Published inspirational books on my love for God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The articles on Medium also are Christian stories. Retired Counselor.

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