We Reach Out Our Hand. In Faith to Jesus. On Stormy Waters
We do as Saint Peter. We walk on stormy waters. We reach out to Jesus.
Reflection. Saint Peter’s faith was so sure and strong. He walked on the stormy waters to His Lord and God.
My dear reader, this article is a Bible Study into the powerful teaching of faith in Jesus our Lord and God. Let’s explore the powerful lessons from Matthew 14:24. Where Saint Peter walks on stormy waters. Saint Peter reaches out his hand to his Lord and God. In complete faith and with unbounded love. Saint Peter reaches out his hand.
We remember Jesus did not first calm the waves or still the winds. Oh! No! Jesus expected Peter to step from the boat while the storm was still raging all around. The clash of the mighty thunder. The striking of the blinding lightning. The height and size of the never-ending waves. The wind. Oh! The power of the wind.
Saint Peter’s heart must have been beating so. Nevertheless with complete faith in his Lord. With absolute trust in Jesus. Saint Peter stepped from the boat onto the stormy waters. Did he notice the storm? In our minds. He could not have missed it. For Saint Peter, perhaps. All he saw was Jesus. All he felt was the love of His Lord. All he had to give Jesus was his unceasing love in return. Saint Peter reached out his hand with love. Saint Peter stepped from the boat with courage and complete faith in Jesus.
Will our faith be as strong? Will our simple faith be felt by Jesus? We step back a little further in time. Before Saint Peter stepped from the boat. Before our Lord walked on the stormy water toward His disciples.
Scripture Reading: … the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. (Matthew 14:24, NIV)
Jesus is God the Son. Jesus had the power. If He so chose to. Our Lord had the power to calm the waves and still the wind. At the outset of the storm. Jesus chose not to. Jesus in His wisdom. Our Lord out of His love. Chose not to. Jesus, God the Son used this storm as a lesson. Not only to His beloved friends in their boat. Not only to Saint Peter, His beloved disciple. This storm, Jesus uses for all His disciples down through the ages.
Faith in Jesus is not placed in the absence of life’s storms. But as we face our times of sadness. As we struggle with days of heartbreak.
The lesson taught to us in Matthew’s Gospel is far more than an incredible story. Jesus’ lesson in faith. Gives us the choice to act with power unimaginable. To achieve things previously thought undoable. With absolute faith in Jesus. Miracles are not beyond us. In the Holy name of Jesus. Anything is possible.
Life’s storms, at times. Seem insurmountable. The waves of worry are about to crash over us. The winds of anxiety at times, are never-ending. Yes! Jesus could stop these before they begin. He chooses not to. Jesus uses them also as lessons. When on our knees we pray to God for the strength to tackle each one. In prayer, we ask for the comfort of Jesus our Helper and Companion.
Scripture Reading: Later that night a storm picks up. Matthew records that there were violent waves and a strong wind. These were experienced fishermen and storms in this area were common, so this wasn’t your average storm. The sea had claimed many lives, and it wasn’t something to be messed with. (Matthew 14:24)
And it’s in the middle of this storm that Jesus decides to show off. (Jeffery Curtis Poor, August 27, 2024)
Our Lord Jesus commanded with just one word, “Come.” This was all that Saint Peter needed. Just a simple word from his Lord and God, “Come.” Without hesitation. Without any doubt. With complete faith in Jesus. Saint Peter stepped from the safety of his small fishing boat. Peter stepped onto the raging waters of the lake. As Saint Peter walked on the waters. He reached out his hand. Jesus in return reached out to Peter.
Such a touching moment. A moment recorded for posterity. A moment of faith and love. Recorded in the Holy Word of God for all disciples to read and love. This lesson from Jesus teaches us the power of faith in Him. With faith in Him and our choice to act on this power. We also shall walk on stormy waters. We reach out our hand to Jesus. At all times. Jesus’ hand reaches down from Heaven to comfort and strengthen us. Jesus’ hand reaches down from Heaven — ALWAYS.
We then appreciate the value of Jesus not ridding our lives of the storms. We see each sadness as a strengthening of our faith. Without this lesson, we would not be the person we are now. At the time it felt like our world was coming to an end. Looking back we see Jesus’ hand in ours. Jesus gently guides us.
We will never welcome our stormy weather days. We will always hope they never come. We may always pray that life is kind. But when the storms do come. We step bravely from the safety of our boat. On to the stormy waters. We faithfully and, courageously walk to our Lord, Saviour and God. We reach out to Him in love and with faith. When Jesus Christ says to us, “Come.” We obey. Silently and always we obey.
The Lord said to Saint Peter, “Come.” Peter obeyed. Do we? On the stormy waters of life. Do we?
Scripture Reading: Lord, if it’s You,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to You on the water.”
“Come,” He said. (Matthew 14:28–29, NIV)
“Come,” He says. One simple word. It may be the most important word we ever shall hear. “Come, Follow me,” we for the rest of our lives and eternity obey Him. This is not just a lifestyle. This instruction is our ministry. To follow Jesus. To truly be Jesus’ disciple. To preach the good news of the Kingdom of God. To shine the light and the love of Jesus into the hearts of others. To be children of the light. To be true and faithful disciples of Jesus.
“Come, Follow me,” what a wonderful life and fulfilling life this will be. Following in the footsteps of our Lord, Saviour and God. As He preaches the good news of the Kingdom of God. The teaching of the importance and the urgency of repentance. The need to leave the darkness of sins behind. To show to all those we meet. They need to honestly confess their sins to God and accept the saving grace of Jesus.
Scripture Reading: And He saith unto them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. (Matthew 4:19, KJV)
This is our purpose in life. This is our calling. “To be fishers of men.” To bring lost sheep Home to God their Heavenly Father. To fill the hearts of those lost in the darkness of their sins. With the love, blessings and grace of Almighty God. To bring those stumbling in the darkness into the light of Jesus their Saviour, Redeemer and God. To show those lost in the darkness the love of Jesus Christ the Messiah. This is our purpose in life. “To be fishers of men.”
Conclusion. Jesus says to us, “Come.” We step courageously and bravely onto the stormy waters of life. With the utmost faith in Jesus. We step onto the stormy waters.
Grace’s article is filled with wisdom, Diane.
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God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.