We Give to God our Heart. Our Life. Our Love
God Almighty Loves us so. We give Him all the love we have to give.
“Lift You High.
Come let us Sing to the Lord
Come let us Bow down before Him!
His Banner is Love Over Us
His Mercies are New every Morning.
I’ll sing,
Oh, oh, oh, oh — Oh, oh!
Oh, oh, oh, oh — Oh, oh!So, we Lift you High,
Forever Lift you High
High within our Hearts
High within our Minds
Jesus you Alone
Our Rock our Cornerstone
High within our Hearts
High within our Minds.”(Kirby Kaple & Dante Bowe)
Introduction. Loving God with all our heart. Leads us to Almighty God’s wisdom, peace, hope and His unceasing love.
Scripture Readings: Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. (Proverbs 4:23, NIV)
The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. (Mark 12:29–30, KJV)
Perceiving the heart as did the Jewish culture in Jesus’ time. For these people the heart was not merely the center of emotions. These proud and highly religious people. Believed the heart was far more vital. For them the heart is the center of all spiritual value and Godly meaning.
Loving Almighty God with all our heart in this way. Means for you and for me. Placing the Almighty One in our heart. As the true center of our spiritual life. On our journey of faith, in our thoughts, feelings, motivations, reasoning, and understanding. God as number One always.
In other words, all our decisions are made for His glory. All our actions and all our words are carried out according to His Holy will and His loving purpose.
Loving God with all our heart is to have a strong desire and will towards Him. (Natalie Regoli, Connect Us Blog)
On our journey of faith. All our love is for God our Father. Walking in the glorious presence of the Almighty One. Our heart’s strongest desire is to obey His Holy Law always. Our greatest pleasure at all times. Is to act according to His Supreme will and God’s purpose constantly.
Loving God, the Almighty One. A Christian concept. Demanding a Supreme and total loyalty from me and from you, ALWAYS.
When our Lord Jesus gave to us His Greatest Commandment. Christ was demanding of us not to divide our loyalty and our obedience. In our heart, our spiritual center we cannot love God and the things of this world.
Scripture Reading: No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. (Matthew 6:24, NIV)
Jesus warns we can only serve one master. You and I have chosen to serve and humbly obey God. We serve God by serving His people. By sharing His love and His mercy. As you and I rise each morning. A brief prayer we usher to Heaven. We devote and dedicate our day, our words, our hands and our actions to our Lord, our God. This supreme and total loyalty begins and ends from our heart.
Jesus also showed us another way to look at it. We all love the thought of treasure, yes??? Jesus knew this. In Matthew 6:21, Jesus teaches us. That when God is our most cherished treasure. Once more, God will always be the center of our heart and our life.
Scripture Reading: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21, NIV)
Radical love. Surrendering our life and our heart to the Almighty One. Now and forever more.
One thing this radical love brings to our life. God our Heavenly Father draws ever so nearby. In our walk of faith. Walking daily in His Holy and loving presence. You and I feel His closeness. Each day God is drawing closer, as our love for Him increases.
Living in Radical Love.
When we love God with radical love He will, in return, draw us into a bliss beyond what this world can promise. (Carolyn Berghuis, MS, ND, CTN)
At first, handing over to the Creator of the entire universe. All our heart and all of our life. Seems a little scary. Yet, with the comfort, help and the strength of the indwelling of God’s Spirit our fears fade. As our trust in God grows. We turn to His Holy Word for guidance and for the strength needed. We, with the open heart of a small child. Hand our heart and our life to the One who loves us so.
The true miracle of loving God with radical love. Being sincerely in love with God means.
Accepting that He first loves us. We are merely returning His love. God’s love is without end. Meaning, the more love we return to Him. The more love He pours into our heart. A never-ending supply of love to return to the One who loves us so.
We have all Three Persons of the Holy Trinity as our co-workers.
- God, the Father, first loves us.
- He gives to you and to me a never-ending supply of love.
- Which we gladly return to the Almighty One.
- God, the Holy Spirit lives within us.
- Giving us the help and the strength to love God the Father as we should.
- Jesus our Lord, our Savior. Our perfect example of how to love the Father.
- With all our heart, our soul, our mind, our strength. We love God Almighty.
If God touched your heart,
please highlight your favorite passages
and leave me a message.
Thank you.