We Find Peace in Jesus Christ
Jesus’ peace like a river flows.
Reflection. Amid worldwide unrest. Our Lord Jesus made to His disciples a promise.
Scripture Reading: Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27, King James Version)
This promise of comfort, courage, hope and love. Jesus’ promise was made to His disciples over two millennia ago. This promise is still relevant and active in the hearts of His disciples today. We all agree. There are times when Jesus’ peace is much needed in our hearts today. There are days when our hearts cry out for Jesus’ peace.
Now is an ideal time to ponder the meaning of (John 14:27.) If ever there were times in our lives when Jesus’ peace is needed. It is now. Days when our hearts are breaking. Times when sadness is overwhelming. These are the times when Jesus’ peace is needed the most. These are the times when Jesus is here for us. These are the times when our Lord blesses us with His peace and His never-ending love.
The peace that Jesus blesses us with. Is so very different from the peace we find in the world. The peace we find in the world. Is merely the absence of trouble or conflict. The peace offered by the world is dependent on other people and circumstances. Jesus’ peace on the other hand is so much more.
The peace that Jesus offers is about rest, quiet and stillness in our hearts. It is not the mere absence of trouble, but it exists despite trouble. The gift that Jesus bestows is rest in times of toil and trials. The blessing that Jesus puts in our hearts. Is a quiet stillness in the middle of a crisis.
Our lives at times are moments of struggles and seemingly endless battles. The peace of Jesus in our hearts. Brings us the quiet and the stillness to energize. We have the courage and the energy to battle through these times. Feeling the love and the peace of Jesus. Believing. We truly believe all will be well in the end.
This peace pushes through all the disturbing circumstances that life can throw at you. It gives you the ability to endure and be calm even in the face of extreme turmoil. This peace doesn’t eliminate conflict or trouble but gives you the ability to endure through it. Consider it an inner confidence that you know God will come through in this situation, and that removes your fear and worry and replaces it with peace. (Clarence L. Haynes Jr.)
Scripture Readings: Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times in every way. (2 Thessalonians 3:16, New International Version)
You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You. (Isaiah 26:3, New International Version)
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7, New International Version)
We take these precious words and cherish them in our hearts. “By all means,” for me, this means no matter what is happening. Jesus’ peace gives us the rest and the courage to conquer. The love and the peace of our Lord settle in our hearts and see us through. It is not like a magic wand that instantly takes our troubles away. Jesus’ peace settles our emotions and gives us the strength needed.
You and I are so very loved. We are so blessed to have a God who grants us such peace. Jesus is God the Son. God is love. We walk in our Lord Jesus’ presence. Wherever we go. We reach for the hand of Jesus. Jesus in turn. He reaches down from Heaven and takes our hand in His.
Believing His peace goes with us wherever we go. We pray for the peace of Jesus. We receive the peace of Jesus in our hearts. We take the peace of Jesus with us. No matter the circumstances life throws at us. All we need to do is remember and believe. Then pray to Almighty God.
Conclusion. We kneel before the Heavenly throne of Almighty God. We pray for the comfort and strength of His Spirit.
With the Holy Word of God in hand, we pray. We remember the times when Jesus’ peace healed our hearts and souls. We remember the days when the rest and the courage of Jesus’ peace helped us through. We remember the battles won because of the blessed peace of Jesus. We remember.
Jesus’ peace,
This peace pushes through all the disturbing circumstances that life can throw at you. It gives you the ability to endure and be calm even in the face of extreme turmoil. This peace doesn’t eliminate conflict or trouble, but gives you the ability to endure through it. Consider it an inner confidence that you know God will come through in this situation, and that removes your fear and worry and replaces it with peace. (Clarence L. Haynes Jr.)
The peace of Jesus is to our lives a calming and soothing balm. A balm we take with us in our hearts and souls. A balm we can use when life is not so easy. A balm we share with our loved ones. A peace we share with all those along our way.
This month we’re sharing the story behind When peace, like a river.
An event of great tragedy is associated with the writing of this hymn. Its author, Horatio G. Spafford, was a friend of prominent evangelists such as Moody, Sankey, and Bliss. In 1873, Spafford, his wife, and their four daughters were advised by their family doctor to take a European holiday, primarily to improve the state of Mrs. Stafford’s health. Unexpected business matters forced Spafford to postpone his departure, but his wife and daughters sailed as scheduled on the S.S. Ville du Havre in November, 1873. An English sailing vessel, the Lochearn, collided with the ship on November 22. The Ville du Havre sank in a matter of minutes. The daughters were lost, but Mrs. Spafford was rescued. On December 1, when the survivors had been brought to Cardiff in Wales, Mrs. Spafford sent the message “Saved alone.” Spafford wrote the words of this hymn as the ship taking him to meet his wife neared the spot of the tragedy. (Lifeway Women Blog)
Gary’s article has the same theme as mine, Diane.
When Things Feel Like an Earthquake | by Gary L Ellis | The Dove | Jul, 2024 | Medium
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God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.