Through Grace. God’s Work of Love Will Be Done
We believe in what God is doing. God is faithful.
Grace is the most important concept taught in the Bible. Scripture is filled with verses about God’s grace, and even though it is not something we deserve, God is kind to us and wants the best for our lives. Simply put — grace is the unmerited, unearned love and favor of God.
Discover God’s riches for our lives through the grace He has given us as a free gift. The greatest gift of all is forgiveness of our sins through salvation in Jesus Christ. Because of the grace God gives us, we are able to then show grace to others as we seek to follow Jesus. (The BibleStudyTools Staff on 07/22/2021)
Reflection. Almighty God through His gift of grace. Has called His believers to a high calling. To show God’s grace to those we meet along our way.
Scripture Reading: He saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of His own purpose and grace. (2 Timothy 1:9, ESV)
What is Saint Paul telling all believers in this verse in Timothy? In this verse, Paul is teaching us to use our lives as a Holy calling in Jesus Christ our Lord. Paul is showing us. Life has a high calling. Serving others as a ministry given to us directly by Almighty God.
It is God’s purpose and grace which can be found behind the calling of every person who serves in ministry. (The BibleStudyTools Staff on 07/22/2021)
In serving others this way. We continually appreciate and acknowledge, that our ministry and our work. Is not based on our efforts or the gifts given to us by Almighty God. No, our work and all that we do. Is based upon the divine calling from Almighty God. Our lives and all that we do. Is based on the sacred and divine purpose and plan from God.
This divine and sacred calling from Almighty God. This high calling was designed for His predestined chosen ones. Since before time began. Yes, before God created the heavens and the Earth. Almighty God knew who would trust and believe in Him. Before God formed the Earth and all on it. God knew who would love and obey Him. This is beyond our comprehension. But with absolute faith, we accept this.
God knew before time began who would trust in Christ as Saviour, and predestined them to become like His Son. (
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through Him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. (Romans 5:1–2 ESV)
You, I and all faithful believers in the Almighty One have been saved body, heart and soul. We have been called to be set apart from this world we live in. To live in this world, but not of this world. We are to love Almighty God with all our hearts and souls. To love one another as God loves us. To forgive those who harm us. As God forgives us. We are called to obey God’s Holy Law, even though at times this may not be easy. To at all times live a life that is holy and righteous. “This is His will and purpose for all who are born from above, and it is ALL by grace.” (
By living a life that is both holy and righteous. We are living as we were initially designed to be. We are the reflection of Almighty God. We are the mirror image of the Supreme ruler of everything. We are abiding forever more in the Holy and righteous presence of Almighty God. You and I are walking with God in the Kingdom of Heaven. Both in this life. Then in Paradise for eternity.
This verse from Timothy is so comforting. When the trials of life come our way.
Saint Paul points out to us that God’s high calling is our sacred purpose through God. That our trials and heartbreaks do not diminish our worth. Indeed, just the opposite. We use them as the lessons in life. Teaching us to lean on God always. Showing us to endure our trials for the sake of the Gospels. To use our sad times to help others. To use our heartaches as lessons on our path of faith.
Scripture Reading: But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. (2 Peter 3:18, ESV)
We are filled with the love and grace of God. Now we share this grace with others.
Scripture Reading: As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. (1 Peter 4:10, ESV)
I use the two gifts that Almighty God has granted me to share His love and to spread the Gospels. God gave me the talent of painting. I create beautiful landscapes and seascapes in oils on canvas. To create His beauty for others to see. To capture in miniature the magnificence of God’s creations. And, then there is my writings. Where I paint God’s beauty in words. For the world to read. This is my ministry. My high calling. My mission in life. I gain great joy and pride from these wonderful gifts from God.
God has granted you a unique talent that you use for your high calling. I pray it gives you the joy and pride mine does. To believe others are seeing a little of God through your work and your talent. Now this is something wonderful.
We are so filled with the love and the grace of God. It seems only natural for us to share it with those we meet each day. In our hearts, we pray no one misses out on God’s love and His grace. In our hearts, we hope everyone feels the joy we have being in the presence of the Holy One. To abide in the embrace of God’s arms. To never again be alone. To never again cry alone. To never be lost and need a friend. For Almighty God is the best friend they ever will have. They too have a high calling, a ministry from God.
Conclusion. Through Grace. God’s Work of Love Will Be Done. We believe in what God is doing. God is faithful.
Almighty God’s mercy was granted us through salvation. God’s grace is granted through His undeserved and unearned love. We repay Almighty God for this wondrous gift. By using the talents He has granted us. We live our lives. In righteousness. We obey His Holy Law. We follow in a high calling. Serving others. Sharing His love. Showing them His mercy and grace.
“His Grace Will Carry You” This song reminds us that God is ever-faithful.
Marvin’s article is so very true, Diane.
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God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.