There is True Power in God’s Love. Unlimited Power
God’s love is without limit. Almighty God is able to accomplish anything. Let us unleash the True Power which is God’s love.
God is Love. Let Heaven Adore Him.
God is Love, let Heav’n adore Him,
God is Love, let Earth rejoice.
Let creation sing before Him,
And exalt Him with one voice.God who laid the Earth’s foundation,
God who spread the heav’ns above.
God who breathes through all creation,
God is Love, eternal Love.(Timothy Rees, 1922)
Introduction. There is true and wondrous power in God’s unlimited LOVE. Let us together unleash this power. Let us share God’s LOVE with the world.
Scripture Readings: The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have continued My faithfulness to you. (Jeremiah 31:3, ESV)
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20–21, NIV)
You and I search within our heart. We admit Almighty God’s love for us. His unlimited love is far beyond our comprehension. In absolute faith. In complete trust, our life. Our love and our heart we dedicate to our Heavenly Father. Every day. Each moment, we walk on the Holy and the loving presence of the Almighty One.
Walking confidently each day with God believing. Yes, deep within our heart. Truly believing the Almighty One can accomplish anything. Brings to us a life of confidence and power.
As I admitted, to you dear reader, in yesterday’s article. I let myself down. On days when I need God my Father the most — I forget. My days of sadness and moments of heartache — I forget. I am aware my Father love me still — I forget. I forget to apply God’s love — I forget. I forget to apply His promises — I forget. May Almighty God forgive me — I forget.
Scripture Reading: We love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:9, NIV)
Unleash the true and wondrous power of God’s love. For God’s love is without limit. Our Father’s love can love can accomplish all He so chooses to do.
On documentaries we have witnessed the terrifying force and the destruction. Which is unleashed by a nuclear explosion. You and I have briefly glimpsed a shooting star in our night sky. We have held the wonder and the gift, which is a new-born baby. You and I have felt the love of our beloved. And, so many more blessings.
All wonders beyond our comprehension. All fade in comparison to the mighty power of God’s unlimited LOVE.
God’s love is not only powerful. The Almighty One’s love is also, not it is also great. God’s love is for you and for me, truly personal.
Do we understand. God actually created love. Yes, as everything else. LOVE was created. And who is the creator of all there is? God the Creator.
God is the Creator of love, and His nature is love. You can’t separate God and love, they’re one. Everything God does is from a place of love. Knowing God is knowing His love. The importance of God’s love is it teaches us how to love others. (Tinashe, Jaricha, Our God is With Us Blog)
Let us work through Tinashe’s words of wisdom. God is the creator of LOVE. God is love.
When we truly search through these three words. “God is LOVE.” God’s powerful and mighty love is not merely a part of Him. God’s love is His very character, His true nature. God is love. God’s unlimited love is His center. God Almighty’s true core, source and foundation.
There is no part of our Heavenly Father which is not LOVE. Almighty God is the only Person who loves completely, without reservation. God’s love is perfect. For God Almighty is perfect.
All love, every type of love has its very foundation in Almighty God. Who do we turn to for pure and sweet love. Our Heavenly Father!!!
Let us share the mighty and powerful love of God with the world!!!
Scripture Readings: Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. (1 John 4:7–8, NIV)
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. (1 Peter 4:8, NIV)
None of us are perfect. Surely, I know this and acknowledge my imperfections. When a friend and a family member love, me for who I truly am. Imperfections accepted. I am loved despite of them. Then I am truly loved.
We all are loved by God, our Heavenly Father. Loved by Him despite our imperfections. This to us God Almighty promises in His Holy Word. Imperfect we are. Our Heavenly Father loves us still. This is such a beautiful attribute of God’s love. No matter how many times we hurt Him. Our Heavenly Father loves us still.
Scripture Reading: Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:39, NIV)
What an amazing and loving promise from our Heavenly Father this is. There is nothing in the entire universe that can separate us from God and His love for us. Absolutely nothing and nobody.
Now to the world. We share the powerful. The mighty power of God’s love. You and I are so filled with joy and thanksgiving. We cannot. We do not want to keep God’s love to ourselves. It shines from within. In every word we speak. Through every action we take. God’s love and tender compassion shines through.
We are so loved by our Heavenly Father. Our heart is overflowing with the powerful and unlimited love of God, our Heavenly Father. It spills on to each person we meet. The passenger on the bus going to work. A little sad, a friendly smile and a shoulder for her to lean on is offered. A family in our street facing a hard time. We bake a cake and take it over. With a few words of love and compassion. A friend is laid low with sickness. A visit. Of course, a bunch of roses. Her favorite, white.
Such little acts of Jesus’ love, tenderness, kindness and compassion. Brings to this world. God’s powerful and mighty love is shared to the world.
Scripture Reading: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. (John 13:34, ESV)
There is true and wondrous power in God’s unlimited LOVE. Let us together unleash this power. Let us share God’s LOVE with the world.
Marvin’s article is filled with his love for God and wisdom, Diane.
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