Stories on Inspiration, Life Lessons, and Love
The Power of the Written Word
I Write for the Glory of God to Inspire and Help Others!!
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic. J. K. Rowling
No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world. Robin Williams
God the Father wrote with His Divine Finger the 10 Commandments many thousands of years ago.
God the Father used the power of the written word to inscribe on two stone tablets His Divine law and His commands.
Before man created the written word everything had to be accurately memorised and passed down through the generations. The written word allowed for accuracy and interpretation by its readers.
Many scholars throughout history argue that the written word is powerful. So powerful that it is the most effective tool man has ever created.
I use the gift that God the Father has bestowed on me very seriously. I use my written words to paint ideas in the minds of my readers. I use my words to inspire others. Before putting pen to paper and drafting each new story I pray to God for His guidance and inspiration.
I realize that each written word has the power to influence others. I take this responsibility conscientiously. I am trying to uplift and help my readers through each written word.
My written word connects to you. This most powerful and influential tool reaches out to you now. I wrote solely to you. I write to you to share my ideas with you.
Here is an article on: “The Written Word: Humanity’s Most Powerful Tool” by Cody
Have you ever considered the scintillating power of your written words? How many ways each day do you either put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard?
Consider the power of your written word to convey your emotions to those around you. A close friend kindly did you favour out of the blue. A word of gratitude spoken directly from your heart is called for now. Your friend is loved by you deeply. You feel merely spoken gratitude is not enough.
Perhaps, you take a stroll to the corner newsagent. Take your time selecting just the right thank you card. When you get home, you take care writing the words of love and gratitude.
In addition, you purchased a selection of your friend’s favourite chocolates to share. Your written words of just how thankful you are will last for a lifetime.
You used the power responsibly and with love. Did these words truly convey the message you sent? Yes oh! yes. And, so much more. Your written words and card they were written on along with the chocolates proved just how loved by you she is.
No other form of human communication has the capacity, has the power to travel through time as the written word.
Written words have enormous amounts of responsibility. This is why I draft, and proofread, again and again, each new story. The words I am publishing through Medium have the capacity to be read by millions.
Each word, coma and pause are written from my heart to connect to yours. Unlike the spoken word where I connect face to face. Where a word of hurt can be immediately remedied by an apology. Forgiveness is asked for and granted. I probably will never meet my readers. So great care must be given.
When you write in any form of daily communication is care and responsibility taken? Are you consistently thinking of the recipient with each word penned or typed?
Perhaps, when writing to a family member you have not seen for quite a while. Each word is penned directly from your heart to theirs. Time is taken in choosing the style of paper, pen to use and the envelope to post it in. Demonstrating to your loved one just how special she is to you.
Your hand-written letter of love instead of the printed out note. I love using a good quality fountain pen. It simply glides across the page. The written word is an art form in itself. Your loved one is of such value to you. You take the time and effort to pen words of love and longing.
Yes, you have a busy life. But finding the time to pen these very special hand-written words on this very special paper and placing it in its matching envelope.
Here is a story by a fellow Medium author:
“When what we do is done from the heart.”
The immense power and responsibility of the written word have no equal in human history. The manner in which it is used changes over time. The importance of the written word will only increase.
The fantastic power of the written word can heal. This power can be as simple as your local physician writing a prescription for the correct antibiotics to cure a dose of Bronchitis.
Have you ever searched Google for information on behalf of a loved one who has fallen ill?
How else can the written word be used to heal? Well, there isn’t enough space in this simple story to answer this question.
Doctors are able to confer with each other across the street or across the world. Ensuring each patient receives optimal treatment. Research and development programs would not exist without the written word. In other words, the medical profession and the healing process are enhanced and made possible because of the power of the written word. Awesome, yes??
My fervent prayer is that each individual who plays a role in the healing process takes diligent responsibility when writing.
Have you ever considered that the written word in itself has energy? Take the word “love” for example. Place this most important of all words on a plain white sheet of paper, written in very small text. Not very energetic here, right? Now the same word “LOVE”. This time was capitalized and written in gold ink, and in very large text. You handwrite it on very expensive ivory paper. This most impressive word now simply leaps from the page. LOVE now has the energy to inspire the recipient, yes?
This energizing of the written word is what I would term the author’s ability to inspire. To inspire others is intentional. When you use the right words, they can make all the difference in a person’s life.
God the Father with His Divine finger wrote the 10 Commandments on two stone tablets many thousands of years ago. His law and commandments have been successfully passed down through the power and permanency of the written word.
You use the written word every day in so many different ways. You convey words of thanks on a carefully chosen Thank You card. You send your love to a family member you have not seen for quite some time.
The written words make it possible for members of the medical profession to provide optimum treatment. The written word has the capacity to heal.
The written word brings with it the responsibility to care for the reader at all times!
Make sure you give this story some claps and follow me if you found it interesting and uplifting. And want to read more!
This article is also published in Vocal Media.