The Power of Jesus’ Grace and Mercy
Our Lord’s grace and His mercy. Changes our lives forever.
Scripture Reading: “Sir,” the woman said, “You have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can You get this living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?”
Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.” (John 4:11–15, NIV)
Reflection. This article is again a Bible Study. Studying the Parable of the Woman at the Well. Jesus again, teaches us to love anyone and everyone.
We recall the leper in Jesus’ other parable. The sad, suffering and isolated man in Jesus’ lesson on unconditional love. We remember the lesson on “risk-taking” love in Jesus’ parable about the Good Samaritan. In both these lessons, Jesus is showing us how to love as He does. Unconditionally and without bounds. Jesus loves anyone and everyone. Our Lord demands the same from us.
In the times when Jesus walked the dusty roads of Galilee. The Jews and the Samaritans did not mix. To see a Jewish Rabi speaking to a Samaritan woman was completely unheard of. Yet, this is what our beloved Lord Jesus did. Jesus had been walking all day. In the heat of the sun. He had been walking. Jesus was weary and parched with thirst.
Jesus approached Jacob’s well at noontime. At the peak of the day’s heat.
What can be learned from this parable of Jesus? The Woman at the Well.
From our reading, meditation and understanding gained from the Holy Word of God. We believe the Living Water, Jesus speaks of in this parable. Is none other than the salvation Almighty God gives us through Jesus. Jesus tells us that salvation is a gift from Almighty God. Salvation can only be gained through the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
When we truly believe and accept in our hearts. It is Jesus our Savior who is offering us this living water. It is Jesus and He alone who can give us freedom from our sins. We kneel before the Heavenly throne of Almighty God. We pray to our Heavenly Father. We ask our Lord Jesus to give us the living water. So we can drink this water. And never thirst again.
Believing. Always, believing Jesus is God the Son. God is love. Jesus gives freely to all who ask. Jesus gives this gift of grace and mercy. Jesus blesses all who ask for this gift — SALVATION. Jesus is love, kind and generous. Out of His generosity. His living waters flow. Through His love — salvation is granted. Out of His kindness. Salvation is offered to all humanity.
Jesus is hinting at the new covenant, the one where we can trust in Him and be completely satisfied, both in eternity and here on Earth. (Kenneth Ortiz, December 21, 2022)
Jesus’ story of the Women at Jacob’s Well is enriched with sacred and divine truth. Truth to cherish in our hearts. Lessons from Jesus are to be used in our everyday lives. Beautiful and divine examples of love, truth, redemption and acceptance. All of which Christ demonstrated in all His actions and words. All of which we aim to use when we minister to God’s people.
What a wondrous world this would be. If every child of God truly loved one another. If every follower of Jesus truly loved anyone and everyone. Just imagine what a world this would be.
A world of peace, joy and God’s love. A world where poverty is a mere memory. Because each person shared with their neighbour. A world where weapons were indeed made into instruments of peace. War is also a distant memory. Because everybody is our neighbour. Regardless of who they are. A world of friendship and companionship. Loneliness is also a thing of the past. Old people are cared for by the young. The sick and the injured are cared for by the healthy.
What a wondrous and glorious world this would be. Achievable??? Maybe?
Is this the love Jesus is speaking of in this parable? Is this the living water Jesus is offering? The sacred and divine love of truth, redemption and acceptance of anyone and everyone.
Jesus’ lesson in the Story of the Woman at the Well. Jesus’ love and mercy are indeed for anyone and everyone.
Every person on Earth is desperate for a satisfying life. Everybody needs unending grace. The woman at the well is forever changed by Jesus’ love for her. When every true believer. When every true follower of Jesus loves each person they meet with the unconditional and unbounded love of God. Their lives too will be forever changed. When they accept Jesus as their Saviour and God.
I, for the rest of my life. I remember the evening I stepped forward and pledged my life and soul to Jesus. When I accepted Jesus as my Lord and God. He changed me and my life. My life has been a roller coaster ride. Of many ups and downs. One thing I am certain of. God is always nearby. Jesus’ hand is in mine when needed. DO YOU? Do you remember the moment your life changed for good?
Conclusion. Accepting Jesus as our Lord, Saviour and God. Is drinking the living water. Drinking the water that refreshes the hearts and souls. Jesus’ love heals the hearts and the souls. We are forever changed.
This video touches your heart. This song is about Jesus’ parable “The Woman at the Well.”
The song “Woman At the Well” by Olivia Lane.
Is a powerful testament to the transformative power of grace and redemption. The lyrics are based on the story from the Bible known as “The Woman at the Well.” It has now become much more than just a story to her.
The song begins with Olivia recounting how, as a young girl, she heard about a broken-hearted woman who encountered the Savior of the world.
As she finds herself drinking red wine alone at home, she realizes that the woman in the story might actually be her. She feels the same brokenness and wonders how someone could love her when she can’t love herself.
But then, in a moment of revelation, Olivia captures a glimmer of hope. Staring at an empty bottle, she sees Him, the Savior, with her. He meets her at the bottom, turning the wine into living water and teaching her how to love again. The song beautifully expresses the bewildering yet amazing grace that allows someone to be loved just as they are, despite their flaws and doubts. (Oliver Heath, June 27, 2024)
Liza’s article will truly touch your heart, Diane.
How Marriage has Taught me About God | by Liza Lovett | The Dove | Sep, 2024 | Medium
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God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.