Stories on Inspiration, Love and Life Lessons

The Importance of Prayer

Prayer is One of the Most Powerful Weapons God Has Given You!

Mrs Diane Mary Markey
6 min readJul 1, 2022


Young lady praying with the sunsetting in the background.
Enrique Jimenez took this photo from

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles. Psalm 34:17

Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:25

Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference. Max Lucado

Walter Kahler

I recommend Walter’s inspirational story: “2 Keys to a Powerful Devotion”

Jesus devoted Himself to God and used prayer as the means to do so. Each of the Gospels gives testimony to Christ’s loyalty through prayer. He spent time away from everyone and humbled Himself before God. Walter Kahler


I recommend Ethan’s inspirational article: “Daily Prayer”

Prayer helps us come to understand God more. Our good works come from prayer, not the other way around. Ethan Hester

Today’s story is covering the Importance, the Gift and the Blessing of Prayer. Prayer is our communion with God the Father. You and I, and everyone, are welcome to speak to God through the Holy Name of Jesus His Son.

My prayer is that this story will bless and touch the heart and soul of each reader.

Prayer is so important. So essential. Through prayer, we are encouraged to acknowledge the goodness and purity of our Heavenly Father. These are termed prayers of Adoration.

Then there are prayers of humble and sincere repentance. Prayers seeking God’s forgiveness and cleansing.

All prayers, I believe, should include thankfulness for all God’s blessings.

Then there are prayers where we simply share our day with our Heavenly Father. Simply share the moments of joy. The moments of sadness. The moments of love shared. These prayers to me are precious.

Prayer is the blessing that God the Father has appointed.

For you to receive Mercy, obtain Grace and the Help needed in times of trouble and darkness.

Firstly, I am going to focus on a need that we all have. To receive the Lord’s Almighty’s Mercy.

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us. Ephesians 2:4

What does it mean that you and I need to pray to our Heavenly Father for His mercy? Sadly, we have all sinned. That is, we have all chosen our way over obedience to God and His commands.

The consequence of this choice is our sin. Our decision to do what we want. Not what God commands. The result of this choice is separation from God the Father. After all, He loves us. He only wants what is best for us.

I can think of nothing worse. To not feel and be in His loving presence. To not feel His tender care in my life. To not feel His protection in my dark days. To not be able to share my joy and happiness.

Then the glory of glories! Jesus Christ, my Lord has pathed a way pack into God’s presence.

When I humbly pray “Lord have mercy on me for I have sinned.” I truly repent and change my ways. Believe in God’s promises and I am cleansed, righteous and washed pure.

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. Ephesians 1:7

The Word of God, the Holy Bible, many times speaks about how God’s almighty and peace-giving Grace works. Grace works hand-in-hand with prayer.

It is for me at times a difficult concept to obey and follow. That I don’t ask for grace in times of darkness or hardship. I store grace up by developing a consistent habit of prayer.

To put it simply. It is like depositing money into a savings account. The more you deposit. The larger your balance in your account.

Zac Durant took this photo from

In Acts, Chapter 4, the Apostle Luke defined “Great Grace” as a product of “Great Prayer.” If you desire to have your life constantly overflowing with God’s Amazing Grace. To cover your times of darkness, needs, loneliness and hardship you need to develop a habit of prayer.

You fill your spiritual grace prayer life in advance. This I suppose is kin to the spiritual insurance policy. Your consistent, simple and honest prayers growing daily into a prayer life.

Ongoing communion with God the Father, in the Name of Jesus. Results in the miraculous and wondrous gift from God. The abundant store or deposit of Grace. Grace bestowed on you by your Heavenly Father.

This to me is a revelation. A miracle. Proof of God’s pure and true love for you and me. We don’t have to wait in our time of need to call on our Heavenly Father for help.

Our prayers in our times of quiet and private conversations with our loving Father have cultivated the Grace needed. He has stored the love and help needed in our troubled times to see us through.

That for me is a wonder of wonders! You and I, by forming a regular habit of praying to our Heavenly Father. A habit of prayers of thanksgiving, praise, worship, adoration and heartfelt joy. Have stored Grace from God to access when needed.

Jesus our Lord sought peace and solitude with His Heavenly Father. To speak lovingly to God in prayer. He spoke to His Father with words of absolute love. He is our example.

When you and I pray, love should be the very foundation of each word.

The money deposited in the bank, if it were. Prayer should be a lifestyle. Remember, “the spirit of Grace is the spirit of prayer.”

It is your promise from God the Almighty. A promise that when troubles come. He has a plan in advance. A plan to overcome them with love and healing. His Holy and Almighty Grace.

Store this Grace in abundance through prayer, dear one. You will be blessed beyond imagination.

I, when in my deepest despair. Or, when my cancer zapped all my strength asked. How can my simple prayers help me in these terrible, terrible times?

Then I recall Jesus hanging on the Cross. My troubles are nothing in comparison.

To think my sins hammered in the nails to his ankles and wrists. My sins! Yet, He still loves me.

I do pray often. I do believe I have stored my much need reservoir of His Amazing and Healing Grace.

I remember! I remember! I am comforted! I am comforted!

The Holy Spirit within me is my Helper and my Comforter. My cancer is not miraculously healed. I still am so physically weak that I cannot stand. I am somehow at peace. A true peace that brings blessed sleep and renewed energy to fight this dreaded cancer.

The Holy Spirit images as a white dove, image from

One of the most beautiful things God promises about prayer. For me, is even when I don’t know what to say. Or cannot find the right words. That’s of no importance to our loving Heavenly Father.

God can see into your heart. He understands your needs. Understands even better than you do. His Holy Spirit within you actually speaks on your behalf in prayers. Prayers that God the Father understands and answers. God answers all your prayers when uttered in love and faith.

How to sum up the miracle of prayer?

I am not even going to try!

Prayer is a life-long conversation with God.

A DIALOGUE. You hear from God through His Word, the Holy Bible. Through the Guidance and Help of His Holy Spirit.

You speak humbly to God through your consistent prayers.

God loves you and always will!

Please be sure to give this story some claps and follow me if you found it interesting and uplifting. And want to read more!

Thank you!



Mrs Diane Mary Markey
Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Written by Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Published inspirational books on my love for God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The articles on Medium also are Christian stories. Retired Counselor.

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