The Greatest Gift of All. The Infinite Love of God
The love God has for us is infinite, has no limits and has no conditions.
God is completely sovereign. God is infinite in wisdom. God is perfect in love. God in His love always wills what is best for us. In His wisdom He always knows what is best, and in His sovereignty He has the power to bring it about. (Jerry Bridges)
Reflection. God, in His Holy Word. Tells us time and time again. That He loves us.
Scripture Reading: The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. (Jeremiah 31:3, ESV)
This article dives into the greatest gift Almighty God has ever bestowed. His infinite and boundless love.
Do you love Almighty God enough? Do you seek God and His love with all your being? Is searching for Almighty God and His love the most important quest in your life? Do you need God’s love? As you need the air you breathe. Like you need His living water to refresh your ever-thirsty soul.
For me this quest. This seeking of Almighty God and His infinite love is a lifestyle. For me, this is an adventure of love, hope and faith. I have a guidebook like no other. The Holy Word of God is overflowing with verses and texts telling of the infinite love of God. I believe the Bible is not just another religious book. I believe the Bible is the living and active Word of God. The Bible for me. Was written by God about God and His infinite love. Every word in the Bible is a word of love. Because God is love.
The Holy Word of God is cherished by all God’s children. The Holy Scriptures when searched with all the love for God we have. Reveal truth so wondrous. The Holy Bible teaches us the depth, breadth and height of God’s love. The Bible tells us there is no separation between us and the love of Almighty God.
Scripture Reading: And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow — not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. (Romans 8:38–39, NLT)
When reading the confidence of Saint Paul’s love for Almighty God in these verses. We begin to feel the true depth of the love Almighty God has for us. Even our daily worries cannot take away the love of our Lord.
Our need for Almighty God and His infinite love grows as our knowledge of Him deepens. Our knowledge deepens the more we read His Holy Word. The more we read His Word. The more eager we become to seek His truth. His truth becomes like the stream of fresh water in our meadow of faith.
As a stream waters the flowers, grass and the giant trees in a meadow we frequent. The roots of all God’s plants in this meadow. Unbeknown to us. Thirstily seek the freshness of this stream. By sending their roots silently underground. Not stopping till they have found the precious water they need to survive.
This is how it is for us. Our hearts and souls hunger for the truth of Almighty God. We reach out to God. We seek God’s truth. We do not rest till we find it. Till we find the quiet water we seek in the Holy Word of God. Remembering every word in the Bible. Is a word of love.
Scripture Reading: Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. (Proverbs 3:3–4, ESV)
The Holy Word of God. Truth to be written on our hearts.
The Bible is one of the greatest blessings bestowed by God on the children of men. It has God for its author; salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture for its matter. It is all pure. (Author Unknown)
I believe without constant and heartfelt searching of the Holy Word of God. I am useless to God. It would be like going to university. And not attending classes or buying any textbooks. I would not learn of or about Almighty God and His beloved Son Jesus. I would be useless to my God. My light for Him would not shine. My love for Him would grow ever dimmer. In my walk of faith, I would stumble.
For all people who love God. The Bible is their daily bread. The Bible is their provision for caring for the needs of those around them. The Bible texts are memorised and stored in their hearts. The Bible is the weapon used against the forces of darkness. When temptation comes our way. The Bible is our comfort when sadness and heartache darken our day. In short, the Holy Word of God is essential. We simply cannot survive spiritually without a daily dose of the Word of God.
Conclusion. The Greatest Gift of All. The Infinite Love of God.
I pray that you have felt the urgency of learning of the infinite love of Almighty God today.
We can see God’s love all around us. In the care, the Creator gives to His wildflowers. In the care, He shows to the animals all around the world. By seeing how much the Creator cares for all His creations. We must see how much God loves and cares for us.
I pray through this article. You feel a deeper need to read the truth of Almighty God. Your search for God and His infinite love. Will become your quest in life, also.
God be with you, AMEN!
Scripture Readings: God has an infinite, eternal, unconditional love for His chosen people in Christ. His love is infinite, greater than we can measure or understand (Ps. 103:11; Eph. 3:19), which God demonstrated by giving the gift of infinite value: “His only begotten Son” (John 3:16 KJV). His love is eternal (Ps. 103:15–17). His love is unconditional, giving the best good to those who do not deserve the least good (Rom. 5:8; Eph. 2:4–5; 1 John 4:10). John Owen said that God’s love always comes first: “It goes not only before our love, but also anything in us that is lovely”; He loves us “not because we are better than others, but because [He] Himself is infinitely good.”[1] (Paul M. Smalley, December 5, 2018)
“You Know Me” — A Worship Song Reflecting on God’s Deep Love and Care for Each of Us.
“You Know Me” is a deeply personal worship song inspired by Psalm 139, reflecting on how intimately God knows and loves each of us. It’s a reminder that He sees every detail of our lives, guides our steps, and surrounds us with His mercy and grace.
This song speaks to the wonder of being fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator who has written every moment of our lives. No matter where we are — whether in the darkest valley or on the highest mountain — His love remains constant, and His presence is always near.
“You Know Me” is my prayer of gratitude and trust, lifting praise to the God who knows my heart and still holds me close. May this song remind you of His unshakable love, inspire you to rest in His care, and lead you to forever bless His Name. (BoundByGrace, 22 Jan 2025)
Dennis’ article will truly help, Diane.
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God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.