The God who Parted the Sea. Holds Victory Over Sin
God Almighty never changes. The Creator who made us perfect in His garden. Is the same God who loves us now.
House of the Lord.
We worship the God who was
We worship the God who is,
We worship the God who evermore will be.He opened the prison doors
He parted the raging sea
My God, He holds the victory.(Jonathan Smith, Phil Wickham, 2021)
The same God who gave power to Moses to part the Red Sea. God the Miracle Worker separates our sin from us. Our Heavenly Father washes away all unrighteousness. Through the precious blood of His beloved Son Jesus Christ. Almighty God holds victory over the power of darkness.
Reading of Moses parting the Red Sea in the Holy Word of God. Remembering the plight of God’s beloved nation.
Scripture Reading: Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left. (Exodus 14:21–22, NIV)
Picturing the fear and the terror in the hearts of God’s people. The Pharaoh. The mighty king of Egypt and all his army were marching defiantly to eliminate the Istraelites. God’s beloved nation was trapped between this mighty army and the sea. Is it any wonder they were terrified?
Moses spoke to his people,
Scripture Reading: Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (Exodus 14: 13–14, NIV)
The Israelites had a God who always kept His promises. When Moses lifted up his staff. Almighty God sent a “strong east wind and turned it into dry land.” The Israelite nation marched forward on this dry land into freedom. Can you picture the joy and the thanksgiving in the hearts of these people? Can we?
These people. Men, women and children were facing certain death. A death at the hands of those who hated them so. God Almighty intervened and saved them. The joy and the thanksgiving in the hearts of each of these people. We can only imagine.
Now we turn the clock forward three thousand years. To our current time. We are facing our own Red Sea of our sin. The Red Sea of our darkness which separates us from the Heavenly Father. We remember. We recall. We have a God who never changes. The God who loved the Israelites. The Worker of Miracles who separated the Red Sea. Almighty God who set His chosen people free. Is the very same God who sets us free.
God our Heavenly Father parts us from our sin. God the Father washes away our sin. God Almighty sets us free. And free we are. To live with Him now in the Kingdom of God. Right here. Right now. Then when it is time for us to return Home to Him. Almighty God is waiting patiently for us in His Heavenly Kingdom. Where we shall worship God and His Son Jesus for eternity and beyond.
The same God who commanded Moses to lift up his staff. The same God who parted the Red Sea and freed the Israelite nation. Is the same God who offers all humanity His salvation. God Almighty sent His one and only beloved Son to pay the price of our sin. God Almighty is the same now as He was in the day of Moses. Almighty God is the same now as He was in the day of Jesus our Lord, our Redeemer, our God. Our Heavenly Father is the same God as He will always be. God the Forgiver of all sin.
All people have been offered this precious blessing. All people stand at the edge of the sea that has been parted. It is our choice whether or not to cross over. It is a once in a lifetime offer. Take it or leave it. It is up to us. We cross over to freedom on dry land. Or not. The choice is entirely up to us. What is waiting for us. If we choose to cross. Is the Kingdom of God. The Heavenly Kingdom is our reward. We walk now and for eternity in the loving presence of Almighty God.
Scripture Reading: Here are some Bible verses that explain how accepting Christ moves us spiritually: (Romans 10:9) So you will be saved, if you honestly say, “Jesus is Lord,” and if you believe with all your heart that God raised Him from death. (CEV) (2 Corinthians 5:17) Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new. (CEV) (Bing, 18/06/2024)
God Almighty sent His one and only beloved Son Jesus as a perfect sacrificial lamb. Jesus is the precious Lamb of God. It is through the precious blood of Jesus. We are set free. Jesus is the staff which sets us free. Jesus is the staff that parts the sea and sets us free. It is entirely up to us whether or not we cross over. Jesus stands before us and offers us His invitation. It is entirely up to us. Whether or not we accept it.
Once we do. Once we have accepted Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior. We cross over on dry land into the Kingdom of Heaven. We walk with all God’s saints in the Heavenly Kingdom. We walk daily on the dry land of God’s Heavenly Kingdom. A land of God’s love. A land of God’s grace and His mercy.
We still live on this world. Yet, we are not of this world. We live in complete obedience to the Holy Law of God. We live each day in the service of Almighty God. We care for the physical and emotional needs of those around us. In this way we are serving the God who loves us so. At times we stumble and fall. These are the times we remember. God is the same God who saved His chosen nation.
We fall on our knees. We pray to Almighty God. To once more part the sea of sin for us. For though we may change with the winds. Our Heavenly Father never changes. He lifts up His mighty hand. God parts our sin from us once more. Our Heavenly Father again washes away our sin. We walk once more on the dry land of the Kingdom of God. May the Lord be praised. We have a God who never changes.
We may be blown about by the winds of change. But may God Almighty be praised. God never changes.
Scripture Reading: God is not man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should change His mind. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not fulfill it? (Numbers 23:19, ESV)
Today’s audio music video for your inspiration. For you to enjoy.
Gary’s article truly needs to be heard, Diane.
When Praying Is Hard. 5 simple encouragements | by Gary L Ellis | The Dove | Jun, 2024 | Medium
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God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.