Sweet is the Name of Jesus. Such Peace and Such Love. Jesus Gives Us

The sweetest name we speak. Jesus soothes sorrows, heals wounds, drives away fears, brings us His peace.

Mrs Diane Mary Markey
5 min readMar 17, 2024
Jesus loves us so. Image supplied by pixabay.com

How Sweet It is.

I needed the shelter of someone’s arms
And there You were.

I needed someone to understand my ups and downs
And there You were.

With sweet love and devotion
Deeply touching my emotion.

But You brighten up for me all of my days
With a love so sweet in so many ways.

(Lamont Dozier, Brian Holland, Edward Jr. Holland, 1975)

Introduction. Jesus’ love for all He meets. Jesus’ love is always tender and kind. Yes! Jesus’ name is sweet. His name brings us comfort and His peace.

Scripture Reading: How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth! (Psalm 119:103, ESV)

Indeed, the name of Jesus is the sweetest of all names. It carries immense honor and love. As the hymn beautifully expresses:

“Jesus is the sweetest name I know,
And He’s just the same as His lovely Name,
And that’s the reason why I love Him so;
Oh, Jesus is the sweetest name I know.”
(Psalm 139:1–4) (Sweetness Online Bible)

Jesus’ Holy Name means Savior. Yes! His Holy Name is who He is. Jesus is our one and our perfect Savior. Jesus is our ONLY way to our eternal Home.

Scripture Reading: Jesus said to him, “I AM the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6, ESV)

The Holy and the sweet Name of Jesus. Is our hope and is our calming peace. Just speaking the sweet Name — JESUS. Brings our troubled hearts — PEACE — REST. Yes! Just speaking the Name — JESUS. Brings you and me a sense of connectedness. We reach out our hand. Jesus’ scarred and tortured hand reaches back with all His love. His hand takes hold of ours. He never lets go. We praise and we worship. The sweetest Name there ever shall be — JESUS.

Scripture Reading: When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. (John 20:20, ESV)

The sweetest name our lips shall ever speak — JESUS, JESUS, JESUS. WHY??? Jesus’ Name for you and for me. It demonstrates to us. Not only His saving grace as our only Savior. Jesus’ Name speaks to our ever waiting and our beating heart. Of His truly Divine identity. For it is Jesus. Whose unique mission on Earth. The Anointed One/Messiah. We praise and we worship. The sweetest Name there ever shall be — JESUS.

Scripture Readings: Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace. (2 Thessalonians 2:16, ESV)

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. (Revelation 21:4, ESV)

Jesus loves us with such sweet love. But it goes so much further. Jesus’ sweet Name brings comfort, hope and peace. In our troubled times.

Jesus loves each of His disciples so very much. Jesus loves all God’s people. With all His tender love. With all His compassionate heart. He wants our lives to be lived. In His peace and in His comfort. Our lives are experienced. In a world of constant “ups” and “downs.” At times the “downs” seem bottomless.

Jesus’ sweet and Holy Name gives us the comfort and the peace needed. With His help. We not only endure our times of tribulation. Jesus’ blessed love and comfort. Gives us the strength to sustain and to carry on also.

Through all life’s trials and tribulations. You and I have a friend who is truly with us. We have a God who has suffered all we may suffer. Along our journey of faith. Jesus is our very best and our closest friend. Jesus is our God. A God who truly understands and He loves us through.

Scripture Reading: For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. (Hebrews 4:15, ESV)

Jesus, the embodiment of compassion and love, offers solace and strength to those who seek it. Let’s explore how His comfort manifests:

Shared Pain: Jesus doesn’t shield us from pain; instead, He enters our world and shares our suffering. When insults were hurled at Him, He didn’t retaliate. When He suffered, He made no threats. Instead, He entrusted Himself to the One who judges justly

His promise isn’t that we’ll never experience pain, but that He’ll never leave us. (Life Church Blog ) (Bing 17/03/2024)

The tender love of Jesus. Image supplied by pixabay.com

Conclusion. To truly love Jesus. As Jesus truly loves us. Is to love Jesus more than our very lives. Do we, do we, do we??

Jesus asked of Peter. He asks of all His disciples.

Scripture Reading: Jesus answered, “Will you lay down your life for Me?” (John 13:38,b, ESV)

I pray. I pray. Our unhesitant answer always is — YES! For Jesus hung on His cross and said — YES!

We now, for eternity, forever. We love Jesus our LORD. We adore Christ our Savior more than, our very lives — ALWAYS. Kneeling at the foot of Christ’s cross at Calvary. We see how very much Jesus loves us. Jesus gave His life as a demonstration of His love. Jesus embraced our sin on His cross. Jesus, God the Son bore the sin of all humanity.

You and I received Jesus into our hearts. We accepted Jesus as our LORD and our Savior. We, you and I treasure Jesus. Jesus is our greatest treasure.

Scripture Reading: Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ. (Philippians 3:8, ESV)

We love Jesus with all our being. With every beat of our beating hearts. We love and we adore Jesus. Jesus is our greatest and our only treasure. We praise and we worship. The sweetest Name there ever shall be — JESUS.

Gary’s article is truly inspiring. And fits nicely with mine, Diane.

Jesus: Always The Hero. Above and beyond all names that could… | by Gary L Ellis | The Dove | Medium

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Mrs Diane Mary Markey
Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Written by Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Published inspirational books on my love for God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The articles on Medium also are Christian stories. Retired Counselor.

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