Praise God in Song and Music. Shine His Love onto the World

Mrs Diane Mary Markey
6 min readNov 1, 2023


With heart overflowing with God’s love. Let us sing His praises.

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How Great Thou Art!

O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made.
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art! (Carl Boberg, 1885)

Introduction. We love Almighty God because He first loved us. We show to Him our love in song and music. We praise our Lord in song and music.

Scripture Readings: Praise the Lord!
For it is good to sing praises to our God,
for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting. (Psalm 147:1, ESV)

He put a new song in my mouth,
a song of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear,
and put their trust in the Lord. (Psalm 40:3, ESV)

We love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19, ESV)

I wonder. Do we really understand? Do we fully comprehend what is meant by? We love Almighty God because He first loved us. You and I once more return to who God truly is. God is love. God by His very nature is love. Our Heavenly Father loves us, longingly because He is love. God loves us for His own sake. He loves us out of His desire to love and to be loved by us in return. We could not love as much. Now this is to be loved. Truly and forever loved by Almighty God.

Is it any surprise? Our heart bursts out in praise to the One who loves us so. Is it any surprise? Our voice sings out His love in praise and in worship. We bow our head in a prayer of thanksgiving. We lift our voice in praise and in worship. For God, our Heavenly Father loves such a person as you. For Almighty God loves such a person as me. We praise His Holy Name, AMEN!

When we ponder on the power, majesty and greatness of Almighty God. An overwhelming sense of awe fills our heart and our mind. Just contemplating the immensity of His universe. Brings to us a sense of wonder and a feeling of awe. Once more our heart and our voice lifts to Heaven in a song of praise.

Then we catch a reflection of ourselves in a hallway mirror. Not as young as we once were. Still beautiful in the eyes and the heart of our Creator. Again, a song of praise is ushered to Heaven. For the miracle. The gift which is our life. God’s blessing, we offer and dedicate to Him. Our very life we devote to the service of Almighty God.

Scripture Reading: I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are Your works,
my soul knows it very well. (Psalm 139:14, ESV)

Almighty God loves us so. God sent His beloved Son Jesus, who paid the price for our sin. Christ on His wicked and cruel cross rescued us from our darkness.

Scripture Reading: For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23, ESV)

God’s Holy Word. God’s love story written in love directly to our heart. Teaches us an amazing truth of His love. A love so deep. His love so true. God gave His only Son to purchase us from our sin. Almighty God sent His dearly beloved Son. As the sacrificial Lamb of God. Jesus Christ our one and only eternal atonement from our darkness. To the eternal light and glory of our Father.

This truly is divine and Supreme love. This is love, not earned or deserved. Not that we first loved God. But that Almighty God first loved us. Our Father sent and gave His beloved Son, Christ Jesus. As a pure and perfect Sacrifice. To take away our sin. To lead us from our darkness. To lead us to the eternal light and glory of God Almighty.

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After Christ rescued us from our darkness. After Jesus paid the price for our sin. For the rest of our lives and for eternity. We glorify our Father.

Scripture Reading: But we see Him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone. (Hebrews 2:9, ESV)

As a mirror image of the Almighty One. In all our actions and in all our words. We love freely and give generously. As He did. We may not be asked to sacrifice a beloved child. As was Abraham in the Old Testament. But we must be willing to do so, if asked to by God.

Basking in the light and in the glory of Almighty God. Do we love God, as Moses. Ask of Him to show to us His glory. Ask God to show to us His splendor, His majesty. As did Moses in Exodus 33.

The glory of God has a multitude of meanings. It may refer to God’s magnificence and His mighty power. As displayed by the power He uses in answering our prayers. Or by the unimaginable power He uses in the creation of His universe. God’s glory, as is God Himself. Is way beyond human comprehension. But like Moses we pray to God to show us just a little of His glory.

Scripture Reading: The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. (Psalm 19:1, ESV)

Seeing God’s glory throughout our life is vital. God’s glory shows to us just how wonderful and amazing He truly is. Look at the person next to you in the shopping aisle. She is wonderful and amazing, yes?? She is created in the image of God her Creator. In the very likeness of God Himself she is made. She is wonderful and amazing!!! Everywhere we look, we see evidence of God’s glory.

Once more we bow our head in a prayer of thanksgiving. Again, our voices we lift in a song of praise to our Heavenly Father.

There is not a corner of our life which does not speak of God’s glory and His magnificence. Not a day goes by that does not show to us His glory in our lives. We do not need to ask to be shown of His glory. God shows His glory to us each day. In the love He has bestowed to us in His Son Jesus.

God’s glory we bask in each day. His love we bathe in every day of our life. We abide in the Kingdom of God. We walk in the loving and Holy presence of God. We are the adopted children of God, our Heavenly Father.

Conclusion. Yes, we see. We live in the light. We, now and for eternity dwell in the glory of Almighty God.

  • Praise God in Song and Music. Shine His Love onto the World.
  • With heart overflowing with God’s love. Let us sing His praises.
  • We love Almighty God because He loves us so. We show to Him our praise in song and music.
  • Almighty God loves us so. God sent His beloved Son Jesus, who paid the price for our sin. Christ on His wicked and cruel cross rescued us from our darkness.
  • After Christ has rescued from our darkness. After Jesus has paid the price for our sin. For the rest of our lives and for eternity. We glorify our Father.

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Mrs Diane Mary Markey
Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Written by Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Published inspirational books on my love for God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The articles on Medium also are Christian stories. Retired Counselor.

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