Our Lord Jesus. Loves Each One of Us. Even the Untouchable
With the touch of Jesus, the Great Physician. We are cured. In our weakness. We are made whole.
Scripture Reading: When Jesus came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed Him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before Him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”
Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” He said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy. Then Jesus said to him, “See that you don’t tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.” (Matthew 8:1–4, NIV)
Reflection. Jesus is God the Son. God is love. Jesus loves everyone. Even those forced to isolated and lonely lives.
According to Jewish law and customs, one had to keep 6 feet (2 meters) from a leper. If the wind was blowing toward a person from a leper, they had to keep 150 feet (45 meters) away. The only thing more defiling than contact with a leper was contact with a dead body. (David Guzik, Blue Letter Bible Blog)
In our minds, we picture this poor man. Most of his life. He had been shunned by his family, friends and the Jewish community. Can we even imagine the sense of isolation and desperate loneliness? Each day he would crave the gentle touch of compassion. Each night seek the tender touch of a loving hand. Signs that he was loved. Signs he was worthy to be loved.
For me, when I visit my sons. When they meet me at the airport. The first thing we do. Is hug. Just a short and brief hug. For we all know how grown men are. They are not much for hugging their mothers in public. But to have to remain at least six feet away. Would simply break my heart. Yes, I would cry a river of tears.
So, in our imaginations. We can feel the heartache this poor man lived with. Then he had hope. Then his heart gave him the trust he truly needed. His sister told him of a man who would heal him. She told him of a man who would make him whole. He believed. His heart knew. His heart gave him the complete faith he needed. He believed.
Scripture Reading: And the man approached Jesus. This leper worshiped Jesus. (Matthew 8:2, NIV)
This man did not approach Jesus asking only for healing. This poor, suffering, and lonely man worshipped Jesus. The leper approached his Lord with such a sense of urgency and need. We dare not even imagine this man's desperation. People in his community viewed him as already dead. People who contracted leprosy were classified as the walking dead. To us, this is a heavy burden to carry. To us, this is a shocking way to have to live.
Jesus did not see this poor and suffering man as his community did. No, Jesus saw him as a creation of God. Jesus loved him. Jesus cared and felt pity for him. Jesus turned back to him. Jesus had kindness and compassion for him. The crowds most probably warned Jesus of the dangers of approaching the leper. Jesus stepped even closer. The disciples probably warned their Lord of their fear. Jesus approached the leper, with love and tender care.
When all others kept the required distance. And the majority even further. Jesus let this sad and suffering man approach and worship Him. Then the wonder of wonders. “Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man.” The Son of God reached out His hand and touched the untouchable. The instant Jesus touched the leper. The leper was healed. The faith the leper had in Jesus. Permitted Jesus to perform His miracle.
Have we the faith of this leper? Do we approach Jesus the Great Physician? With complete and absolute faith and trust? Do we trust in the One who makes us whole? Do we approach Jesus with faith sure and strong? When all others have turned their backs on us. We believe. Yes, we believe, Jesus loves us still. Jesus, God the Son shall always love us. Jesus performs His miracles still.
Jesus reaches out to touch us. Jesus heals us with His love and makes us whole.
Scripture Reading: Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man. (Matthew 8:3a, NIV)
We all are untouchable to Almighty God. We all have sinned. We all have fallen short of the glory of our Heavenly Father. We all have sinned. We all have separated ourselves from the presence of Almighty God. We approach Jesus with courage and confidence. We approach Jesus with genuine humility. We approach Jesus with a true sense of reverence. We seek Almighty God’s forgiveness. Through the saving grace of Jesus, His beloved Son.
Jesus the Great Physician, reaches out His hand to us. Jesus our Lord, Redeemer and God touches us with His unbounded love. Jesus the Great Physician heals our brokenness with His love. With complete faith in Jesus, we are made whole once more. Jesus touches our hearts with His love. Jesus heals our wounds and soothes our sorrows. We are made whole. We are once more in the presence of Almighty God.
We know how terrible our sins are. Yet, with complete faith in Jesus. We ignore the jeering of the crowds. We know other people have failed to help us in the past. In the deepest recesses of our hearts. We believe. Jesus shall make us whole once more. In our weakness. We have no one to carry us to Jesus. We struggle alone. We in our faith shall make it to Jesus. Our very existence depends upon it.
Conclusion. We worship Jesus by coming to Him. We are the untouchable. We come to Jesus. We come to worship Him
Always honouring Him. He is the One who shall meet our otherwise impossible needs. Jesus is God the Son. With God anything is possible. Jesus reaches out His hand and touches our hearts. We are healed of our brokenness. We are whole. We are once more in the presence of Almighty God.
This story of “Jesus Heals the Leper” is powerful. I believe it shall touch your heart.
Gary’s article is both uplifting and truly inspiring, Diane.
I pray there was something in my article where God blessed you.
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God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.