I do thank you for taking the time to read and accept my writings.
I have have Jesus perform a miracle for my son. So, my faith in Jesus is strong and will never waver.
I will never question your faith or try to change it. This is not my place. It is not my place to judge. In the Holy Word of God. It tells us not to judge. Lest we be judged.
Allah and Almighty God is One and the same God. May He be praised. We will work from there.
We are blessed to have a God who is love. For God is love. In both Islam and Christianity. God is love. We both share this. God is love.
Nothing or no one can take this away from us.
This is such a wondrous gift from Almighty God. Such a blessing. We are loved by the Creator of everything.
May Almighty God/Allah be with you always.
Please continue to read my writings.
Please let Allah/God fill your heart with His love through my words.
Again, thank you, Diana a humble servant of God.