First of all, I sincerely thank you for following me.
I have just read your article on Climate change for Canada. INSPIRATIONAL!!!
Finally, I live in a nation--Australia-- where unfortunately those who make the decisions on climate change related matters seem to focus primarily on monetry resources . Instead of what is needed for our precious blue planet.
It makes me sad to think we live in a nation where technocology makes it possible to bring in the changes needed to make a difference. But, as a nation we choose not to. I only hope we have not left it too late.
I believe we need to work on a global scale. I fear it is too late to work one nation at a time. Though we do indeed need a starting point.
We have the financial and technical resources to pull it off. We live in a time where miracles can happen. We as a species have the technology to make these miracles happen. We have the billionaires, who, if they so chose could finance these miracles instead of wanting to populate Mars, etc.
If only we stopped being focused on "Me" and spread the wealth around. There is more than enough and we cannot take it with us when we go. If you know what I mean?
Now all we need is the motivation. I, my family and friends do what we can as citizens of the world.
David Attenborough must be saddened when he journeys the world and sees what devistation mankind is doing to God's amazing creation.
Animals starving so we can be gluttons. Natural habitat destroyed so we can be housed. Palm trees planted at the expense of natural forests. Forests logged and burnt so cattle/sheep can graze and crops grown. Will we never learn?
I love to start the mornings with a documentary on pay T.V. -- Canada is such an amazing country. But, global warming is taking away the ice for the polar bears to hunt and they are starving. It makes me feel so small.
I am a 'half-full' sort of person and I believe when we as a global community act life will re-generate and the earth again will "shine'.
They are so many wonderful organizations and individuals out there fighting. Our planet and our existence hangs in the balance.
It is uplifting for me to realize that people such as yourself are out there fighting for our planet. For the existence of the human race itself is at stake.
If only politicians and large industry leaders realized.
Please never give up, we rely on fighters such as you.
Many, many thanks, Diane.