Loving the Inner Beauty in the Person Next to Us
All people are created by God. God only creates beauty. The person next to us. Is indeed beautiful.
For the Beauty of the Earth.
For the wonder of each hour,
of the day and of the night.
Hill and vale and tree and flower,
sun and moon and stars of light.For the joy of human love,
brother, sister, parent, child.
Friends on Earth, and friends above,
for all gentle thoughts and mild.(Lyra Eucharistica, 1852)
Introduction. God is perfect. Nothing God does is imperfect. We are all creations of God. So, beautiful surely, we are.
Scripture Reading: Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. (Genesis 2:7, NIV)
You, I and all God’s people are truly loved by our Creator, God. Each one of His beloved people are God’s one and only MASTERPIECE. Each person. In her own way is truly beautiful before her God.
I, being a Professional Artist look for the inner beauty in all people. Especially to be found in their eyes. The window into the heart and the soul of each person I meet, I believe. When painting a person’s portrait. Extra care is to be taken when painting their eyes.
The media screams at us. Unless young and fit into a certain image. We are not beautiful. To believe we are beautiful is indeed easier said than done. To believe ourselves as a creation of God. Once more we reach for His Holy Word. Once again, a prayer to our Father for guidance is ushered to Heaven.
Our Heavenly Father shows to you and to me our inner beauty. Through His Holy Word we are reminded God created us in His image. Indeed, God made you and I in His very likeness. In His beautiful and perfect image, you and I were created. Such beauty we never more question or doubt. We are worthy of God’s love. We are indeed God’s MASTERPIECE.
Scripture Reading: He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11, NIV)]
Showing God’s compassion, tenderness and love to the lady next door. Turns an ordinary person into who she really is. A unique MASTERPIECE of her Creator God.
Do we remember a time when a friend turned a time of loneliness? To a time of sweet and pure beauty. You and I can do this for others, also. By speaking God’s words of kindness and compassion. When housebound due to illness she is. When we visit her, we take with us a bunch of God’s white roses. For nothing speaks of beauty than do His flowers.
Such tender gestures of God’s love turn an ordinary person. Into whom she truly is. A beautiful MASTERPIECE of her Creator God.
Scripture Reading: For we are God’s MASTERPIECE. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)
As we treat such a person with Jesus’ compassion and tenderness. Speaking with respect and dignity to her at all times. We may not realize it at the time. She feels she is worthy of our time, our trust and our love. Yes, a little beautiful also. If only for a few moments. For just a few moments she does not have to meet the criteria of society. For just a little while she is loved. Truly loved is she.
God gave us verses like; Proverbs 31:10 which tells us we are more precious than jewels, Ecclesiastes 3:11 which details that God has made everything beautiful in its time, or Psalm 139:14 exclaiming we are beautifully and wonderfully made are God’s ways or reminding us He sees us differently than how we see ourselves. And no matter what we see, we are unconditionally and eternally loved. (Lisa Igram, Biola University Blog)
For it is not only in the words we speak to those we meet. But also, in our actions. It is the simple, unspoken actions. Such as mowing our neighbor’s lawn. When they are on vacation. Not accepting offered payment on their return. Such simple actions of God’s love. Making our neighbor feel important. And yes! Beautiful.
There are an infinite number of ways with which we can make people feel beautiful. I always, always tell people how nice they appear. A smile is the only gratification needed. Their shoulders straighten a little. Their eyes sparkle. If only for a moment or two.
Indeed, she is a beautiful, recognized creation of God. For a little while, she sees herself as who she truly is. As a unique MASTERPIECE of her Creator God.
Showing the world how beautiful all creation truly is. We all experience God’s love, peace and beauty in God’s wonderland a little differently.
Scripture Reading: How many are Your works, Lord!
In wisdom You made them all,
the Earth is full of Your creatures.
There is the sea, vast and spacious,
teeming with creatures beyond number,
living things both large and small. (Psalm 104,24–25, NIV)
All of God’s creations are formed by His love. So, all of God’s creations are indeed truly beautiful. As you and I stroll along our favorite beach. On a starry and moonlit night. Countless stars sparkle and dazzle high above. The full moon reflects in the surf as it hits upon the rocks on the shoreline. To say this night is pure magic. Be littles our experience. For God’s love overflows in our heart.
No matter where we are, in God’s wonderland. No matter the time or the season. Pure and sweet beauty abounds. Pure and sweet beauty comforts and surrounds us. The butterfly who honors us with her brief visit. On her journey from blossom to blossom. The birds as they sing chirpily their praise to their Creator God. All of God’s creations. Each one, in their own specific way. A true MASTERPIECE.
Scripture Reading: From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth. (Psalm 50:2, NIV)
As devoted and dedicated believers of and in Almighty God. We are created in the very image and likeness of God Himself.
- At times it is hard for us to see our inner beauty.
- Then we realize we are created in the image and very likeness of God Himself.
- God is perfect and therefore, beautiful.
- So, we are indeed beautiful.
- We show to others God’s love and compassion.
- Showing to them. They also are God’s unique MASTERPIECE.
Deb’s article is truly uplifting and well worth your time, Diane.
All Is Well. A Story of Extravagant Love and… | by Deb Kalmbach | The Dove | Dec, 2023 | Medium
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