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Loving Jesus — Getting to Know Our Lord
Moving Passed Just Knowing About Jesus — Truly Loving Him on a Deeply Personal Level!
“I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippians 3:8)
Thomas’ article shows how knowing and loving Jesus benefits our lives.
Jesus, we know is God the Son. Jesus, we accept as our Lord and Saviour. Jesus, we acknowledge as the risen Son of God on high. BUT! Who really is Jesus, we crave so earnestly to know. We desire more than shallow knowledge about our Lord and Saviour. We long to experience and understand Christ. To perceive who He really is. To grasp in full His pure and perfect love for us.
We long to know Him on a truly deep, intimate and personal level. As did His beloved Apostles and disciples. To behold for ourselves the human and vulnerable side of our God the Son.