Love Changes Everything. God’s Love Changes Us
God’s love is the greatest force in all of creation. There will never be enough words to describe God’s love.
God is Love; Let Heav’n adore Him.
God is Love, let heav’n adore Him,
God is Love, let earth rejoice.
Let creation sing before Him,
And exalt Him with one voice.God who laid the earth’s foundation,
God who spread the heav’ns above,
God who breathes through all creation:
God is Love, eternal Love.(Timothy Rees, 1922)
Introduction. God’s love is such a powerful force. Every aspect of our life. God over time through His unceasing love changes.
Scripture Readings: And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6, ESV)
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Your presence and take not Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will return to you. (Psalm 51:10–13, ESV)
We cannot fully experience the mighty power of God’s love without change. Moved by God’s love! You and I continually think, act and yes! Even pray differently. Thoughts drift through our minds never considered. All focused on our Heavenly Father and His love for us.
You and I reach for God’s Holy Word at the start of each brand-new day. At the close of our day. We settle in bed. Make room for God and His Holy Word. The first words on our lips, are a prayer. We whisper to our Father as we wake. Little and subtle changes God’s love bring. This to our life brings peace. Each day ever more careful not to let go God’s hand. Every moment cherished in the loving presence of our Father, God. Each action. Every word is taken to bring God the glory always. AMEN!
God’s love seeps into the deep recesses of our hearts. There is no part. Not a single aspect of our very existence. Not affected by God’s unceasing love.
You and I, as we read about God’s love through His Holy Word. Feel His love deep within and move our heart. Our hearts are filled to overflowing with God’s undeserved love.
Scripture Reading: For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12, ESV)
God’s Word is alive and active in the deepest and hidden parts of our hearts. God’s Word moves our hearts into action. As if God’s finger reaches down from Heaven and stirs the very recesses of our soul.
The Almighty One. God’s love. In the depths of our hearts. Produces subtle changes. Our actions. Our words. Yes, even our prayers are God-centered.
Scripture Reading: See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! (1 John 3:1a, NIV)
Almighty God’s love is as inspirational as it is powerful. God’s love transforms the way we view others. We see ourselves now as we truly are. You and I are members of God’s divine family. We are God’s servants. Serving the needs of all those around us.
God’s unceasing love has a subtle impact on all we do. His strength and God’s courage gives to us the words of comfort as and when needed. We work fearlessly in the service of God our Father. Believing in the deep and hidden parts of our hearts. All our needs He always provides. His guiding hand we hold all our days. Leading us, Home. Our lives are at peace.
The love of God Almighty is so different from the love of the world. For worldly love is merely feelings and emotions.
Scripture Reading: The Lord gives strength to His people,
the Lord blesses His people with peace. (Psalm 29:11, NIV)
Worldly love is used to sell Hallmark greeting cards. Worldly love is wonderful and at times heartbreaking.
It is the love of Almighty God. Our love for the Almighty One which helps us forgive those who kill and hurt those we love. It is the love of our Heavenly Father which helps us care for the unlovable. With compassion, kindness and tenderness. Treating these outcasts with the love of God.
It is the love of God. And the love He has for us which sees us through. We know our weakness. His love gives us the strength and the courage to carry on. We know our faults. God forgives. We know our limitations. Our Father sees us through. God is love. God’s love is powerful and has changed us. We live to serve Him by caring for the needs of others.
We love all those around us. When we truly love Almighty God with all we are.
Scripture Reading: God’s Love and Ours
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. (1 John 4:7–8, NIV)
God’s love overflows in our heart so. We want to share God’s love with all those around us. We see a lady down on her luck. We reach out a hand in kindness and say just a few words of comfort. For these may be the only words spoken to her all day. A neighbor’s lawn is left uncared for. This is not usual for him. We knock on his door. To find he has been laid off from his job. And he has no money to pay for the fuel for his mower. We go home and get ours. Such small deeds make the world of difference.
God’s love overflows into the hearts of those we touch. For this is what God created us for. To love those around us. We do as Jesus did. We love those around us. And as we do. We pray for them. This is the greatest gift we can give them. We pass them into the loving arms of God.
Scripture Reading: I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. (1 Timothy 2:1, NIV)
Love Changes Everything. God’s Love Changes Us.
- God’s love is the greatest force in all of creation.
- There will never be enough words to describe God’s love.
- God’s love is such a powerful force. Every aspect of our life. God over time through His unceasing love changes.
- The Almighty One. God’s love. In the depths of our hearts. Produces subtle changes. Our actions. Our words. Yes, even our prayers are now God-centered.
- The love of God Almighty is so different from the love of the world. For worldly love is merely feelings and emotions.
Kate’s article if followed would change the world for the better, Diane.
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