Life Itself is a Gift from God. In Prayer be Thankful
Overflowing love fills our heart. When turning to Almighty God in prayers of thanksgiving.
Introduction. The miracle of life itself. Is a gift from our Creator God. As we bow our head in prayer. We give to Almighty God our true thanks and all our love.
Does each prayer to Almighty God thank Him for our gift of life? Noticing the act of breathing. Inhaling and exhaling. The involuntary act of respiration. Without which life would cease.
This is how necessary God and His unceasing love is to all His beloved children. We breathe in God’s unfailing love and breathe out our love and our devotion to Him. Yes, love sacred love. Is to us as necessary as the air that surrounds us.
Do we thank God for the life He gave to us in each prayer? Yes, oh! Yes, we do. Yes, we must!
The miracle that is human life. As beloved children of God. We should. We must be forever thankful.
Scripture Reading: Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
I will praise the Lord as long as I live,
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being. (Psalm 146,1–2, ESV)
God, our Heavenly Father gave to us 86, 400 seconds each day. Have we used at least one today to say, “thank you?” For our life, for our very existence.
As I write, this my initial draft of my new article. I am aware of my mind, my hands, my eyes, so on and so forth. All working in glorious harmony. Thank you, God. Amen!
Let us never have another second pass. Without paying attention to all the good things our Heavenly Father has bestowed to us in our life. Never, never forget to count and be forever grateful for His many blessings. Life is the gift which makes all His blessings a reality. Life for eternity in the presence of Almighty God.
Scripture Reading: See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so, we are. (1 John 3:1a, ESV)
Then we look around. What else do we glimpse to marvel at. To be forever grateful for. A photo of a beloved family member on a cabinet close by.
The family is very important to Almighty God. There are many verses in God’s Holy Word showing us how to treat our family members.
Scripture Reading: Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
the fruit of the womb a reward. (Psalm 127:3, ESV)
As you and I read this verse penned by King David, (who dedicated it to his son Solomon.) We recall our Lord Jesus’ dealings with His little ones in the Gospel. How tenderly and lovingly Jesus treated each child. As a heritage of Almighty God every child must be treated with love and kindness at all times.
Sadly, news headlines throughout the world scream otherwise. Young children sold into slavery. Young children living in the homes of drug addicts. Young children sold into the hands of those who use them for their own amusement. What an evil and dark world these children face. As children of God, we cannot. We must not turn our backs on these little ones.
The children in our own family. These also are a gift. A heritage from Almighty God. Each child to be taught the ways of our Heavenly Father. Every child to be loved with all our heart. Each child to be heard and to be listened to. Each child to be cherished and treasured. For each and every child is created in the image and the very likeness of God Himself.
Even when our families drive us a little crazy, we love them still. After all, there are times. So many times, when you and I drive our Heavenly Father a little crazy, yes? And He loves us still, yes??? Family and family members make life worthwhile. So, we put up with the crazy times. And look forward to the good and wonderful times with them.
Scripture Readings: Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? (Matthew 19:5, ESV)
Train up a child in the way he should go,
even when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6, ESV)
Prayer of thanksgiving for the love of God. The most important prayer we pray each day.
Scripture Reading: Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,
for His steadfast love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods,
for His steadfast love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords,
for His steadfast love endures forever. (Psalm 136:1–3, ESV)
King David as he wrote this Psalm of love to God Almighty. Sang to God of his love and his never-ending thankfulness. By repeating the phrase, “for His steadfast love endures forever.” David shows to us. That God’s love is never-ending. In other words, no matter what we are facing in life. Our Father’s love can be relied upon.
We sing along with King David and give thanks to our Lord. Our God. Our Heavenly Father. Life is not always easy. There is one thing we can be assured of. God’s unceasing love for us. “For His steadfast love endures forever.”
As we begin each day. As we work each day in the service of God. At the close of the day. We give thanks to Almighty God for His unceasing love. For never a second goes by that our Heavenly Father does not love and bless us.
Scripture Reading: How precious is Your steadfast love, O God!
The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.
They feast on the abundance of Your house,
and You give them drink from the river of Your delights.
For with You is the fountain of life,
in Your light do we see light. (Psalm 36:7–9, ESV)
Conclusion. Life Itself is a Gift from God. In Prayer be Thankful.
- The miracle of life itself. Is a gift from our Creator God. As we bow our head in prayer. We give to Almighty God our true thanks and all our love.
- The miracle that is human life. As beloved children of God. We should. We must be forever thankful.
- Then we look around. What else do we glimpse to marvel at. To be forever grateful for. A photo of a beloved family member on a cabinet close by.
- Prayer of thanksgiving for the love of God. The most important prayer we pray each day.
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