Stories on Love, Life and Inspiration
Life Is Our Classroom
Thrive on the Lessons Life Teaches!
The universe and all history is your classroom. Stella Adler
Everyday is a school day, and the world is a classroom. Life is a teacher, choose your curriculum. Colin Wright
The world is the true classroom. The most rewarding and important type of learning is through experience, seeing something with your own eyes. Jack Hanna
The school of life begins the moment we are born and continues for the rest of our lives. It begins at our mother’s breast. Then as toddlers, we learn from copying our families.
Then we take our first tenuous steps into our exciting and adventurous world. As toddlers, the world seems so immense. So new — so much to learn. We take our first steps into our classroom. Life! The World!
You wake up refreshed each new day. Eager to learn from the classroom of life. You know its library contains a never-ending source of wonders. Lessons for your amazement and appreciation.
Today’s digital age makes life’s classroom so much more accessible. So much more exciting. You can experiment every day with ways in which technology can enhance your learning.
I love to watch documentaries on Amazon Prime pay T.V. as I have my lunch break. These documentaries cover so many diverse topics. Topics from history, to people climbing Mt. Everest solo (not for me), to organizations saving our precious planet. And only $10 a month. I learn so much from these well-produced documentaries.
You, too, will learn so very much about our wondrous world from documentaries, the printed press and magazines, and so many other resources of the modern world. You are favoured to live today. The age of knowledge is at your fingertips.
You wake up each morning having breakfast and perhaps watching a documentary. Your brain and your heart is soaking up ever more knowledge. You are indeed starting your brand new day learning something new about this amazing world. Our world — our life is indeed our classroom.
Now you step forward into your brand new day. What lessons has it to teach you? Perhaps, you can change the way you view daily opportunities and challenges? Not just as part of daily routine. But, again as a part of your life’s curriculum?
Time itself only moves in one direction — forward! You need to go with it. You need to constantly move forward. When faced with times when something special presents itself, a lesson is taught. This lesson is stored in your repertoire of experiences. Your library of memories of good times is expanding.
Of course, some lessons are not so good. Life knocks you down from time to time. So you reach back into past experiences. Experiences learnt by yourself or watching others. Your library of stored skills helps you pick yourself back up again.
You didn’t enjoy this lesson so much. But it is of value for your future. Life is indeed a classroom in which lessons are never-ending. Your library of skills and resources continues to grow. Your sense of achievement and accomplishment inspires you to keep on learning.
Learning from Life helps you to become the best person you possibly can be. You have deep within you desires, ambitions and dreams. These longings crave to be fulfilled. We all have dreams and desires.
Your inner drive to achieve these personal goals requires you to dive deeply into your repertoire of skills and resources. Just to start you on your path to your own goal of personal fulfilment.
The secret of my life is that I always managed to fly another day. Boutro Boutro Ghalis
The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give your gift away. William Shakespeare
I have always thrived on learning. Upon retiring just a few years ago I decided to indeed fulfil a long-held passion. To become a professional artist. To say I needed to learn, well, yes!!! I needed to answer so many questions. So, I applied to my first online art course. Then I took flight. I am now a professional artist. I have sold some of my paintings. I am ready to soar.
To promote and sell my original oil paintings I also needed my website. So yes, more learning. I had to design, develop and run my website and keep it on top of Google. Boy! I am glad I love learning. I wake up each morning truly excited. What new lessons has life got to teach me today?
Then, of course, my storytelling here on Medium. What style and topic do I choose? I know what I am passionate about. So that answers that! How am I going to find the time to write a story and publish it regularly enough? How to learn to tell a story in a captivating manner. No, problems there. I can yabba on quite easily??? Boy, I am glad I love learning. And it appears people do appreciate my stories.
So, I have been blessed by God with two gifts, putting brush to canvas and fingers to the keyboard. Yes, I give my gifts away. My paintings are available via my website. My stories are read by my readers across the world through Medium.
You have discovered your gift to share. The time and effort to learn all which is needed is truly worthwhile. This gift for you provided meaning to your life. This gift is your way of sharing something of yourself with the world. Life again is wonderful! Its lessons broaden your horizon. This gift has shown you a path to true happiness.
You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need. Jerry Gillies
Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself, to be at peace. Luminta D. Saviac
A miraculous gift from Life that I wish to pass on — Forgiveness. You have been hurt by people you care about the most. You try to figure out why. The more you struggle with the why’s and how’s. The more the pain and hurt strike your heart.
There is a way to ease this deep inner turmoil. Forgive! Forgive the person who caused so much pain. The person who caused so much pain either doesn’t know or doesn’t care. So, you ask yourself why carry this hurt around any longer?
Why not lay this pain aside? It is not a simple one-step process. It doesn’t have to involve the person who caused the hurt and suffering. It is something you do for yourself.
It is the golden path to healing. I am not going to bore you with all the jargon here. Just promise you peace of mind, heart and soul.
Forgiving the person takes time and a choice not to let these memories hurt you anymore. You are proving to yourself you are of value and deserve to be happy once more.
Forgiveness is a lesson life teaches which heals once and for all. The pain cannot hurt anymore. You won’t allow it to. The other person may not even know of the forgiveness. What is important. You are free. Free from the hurt of what happened to you.
The person I find the hardest to forgive is myself. I seem to do the same things over and over again. I do find the strength and wisdom with God’s guidance and do forgive myself. Over and over again.
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. Dr Seuss
I’m constantly learning, and that is the greatest gift of life in my opinion,-to always be learning and growing. Krisin Chenoweth
I am an upbeat person by nature. I find it quite easy to find a reason to laugh at myself. I find when I am a little down, having a chat with a neighbour, which includes a gentle joke about me, brings a sense of inner peace.
I realise it isn’t easy for most people to laugh and make fun of themselves. You find life is very serious and demanding. This is where the invaluable classroom of life steps in. You have learned from the skills and resources you have gained, who you are. A confident, kind and worthy person, who judges yourself with utter kindness.
So, yes, feel free to laugh at yourself every once in a while. But, only in the company of family and friends you can trust. The last thing you need is to be hurt. Look for reasons to have a good giggle every day. I do! It adds sunshine and brightness to each day.
In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed. Khalil Gibran
The classroom of life is a lifelong tutorial. From the moment we are born, continuing for the rest of our lives. The world and life present us with many wonders and amazing things every day. The challenges and opportunities of our lives are lessons to add to our library of resources.
We live in an exciting age, where modern technology brings the world into our loungerooms and to our fingertips. We can learn from documentaries, magazines and so many other sources, just how immense and beautiful our world is.
Each day brings lessons that help us to grow and develop. Lessons such as forgiveness, which gains freedom and peace. Lessons such as learning to laugh at yourself, and brighten life when you are down.
Life and the world as a classroom have never-ending lessons. You set your curriculum. You are the teacher and the student in this classroom.
So, enjoy your study and grow!
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This article is also published in Vocal Media.