Let Us Every Day Celebrate God Almighty and His Unlimited Love
Every day is a celebration. Every moment is used to show Almighty God our love. For our Heavenly Father loves us always.
Introduction. God, our Father knows everything. Almighty God already knows we love Him. Do we have to show to God? How much we truly love Him.
Scripture Reading: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. (Deuteronomy 6:5, ESV)
God is the creator of the entire universe and all within it. God is omniscient. God Almighty knows all there is to know. Our Heavenly Father knows that we love Him. Let me ask of you, dear reader. Your child loves you, yes??? Do you feel blessed? Feel extra loved. Feel extra special, when she shares her love with you. In these oh! so special moments. These times of shared love. We treasure each moment. We cherish these times of love within our heart. Gems of love, in our treasure chest of family memories.
God is our Heavenly Father. Almighty God loves us with a love undeserving. He loves us with a deep and personal affection. God’s love so intimate and touching. Each day a gift of love. Every moment is shared with a Father who loves with such wonder.
We glimpse at times eternity. God is saddened. When we do not show to Him our dearest love. Our Father is saddened when our adoration is withheld. Our Heavenly Father’s heart is broken. When we neglect to say, “I love you.” We don’t want to break God’s compassionate heart. Do we?
For when we walk in the Holy and loving presence of our Heavenly Father. You and I are in the company of the sweetest and purest form of love. We remember. God is LOVE. We always remember, we are in the presence of love itself. God is love. We walk each day in the presence of LOVE.
There are so many simple and meaningful ways in which we deeply love our Father. Our love for God speaks volumes in our praise to Him in our persistent prayers. As we kneel before the throne of Almighty God. Giving to God our sincerest thanks. For all the blessings our Father has showered upon each of us. Not just breezing through. Recalling the wondrous gifts, He has bestowed upon us. Too numerous to count and to recall each one.
Scripture Reading: If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. (John 15:7, NIV)
In our prayers, we worship God for the most precious gift of all — LIFE. For life is the most wondrous of blessings. We gaze around us. The world is simply bursting with life. The birds in our garden. Singing and playing. Yes, they also are bursting with their life given to them from their creator.
To list all the life and the wonders there is on this precious planet. Would indeed fill God’s universe. So, you and I simply worship God. With our whole heart and soul. We worship the Almighty One in prayer and in song. For the mystery and the majesty of life. OUR LIFE. ALL LIFE.
Scripture Reading: Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. (1 John 1:3, NIV)
Why is it vital to show to God Almighty how deepest LOVE?
Scripture Reading: We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19, NIV)
The first and most obvious answer. You and I show our love to Almighty God. Because God first loved us.
Then another good. No very good. No great reason to show to God Almighty our love. We are created by God to love Him with all our heart and with all our soul. Our Creator, God made us for this sole purpose — to love Him. For God our Creator made all His people in His image. We are made in the very likeness of God Himself.
1+1+1=3. God is love (1). God created made all His people in His image (1). Therefore, we reflect His love, by truly loving God (10). 1+1+1=3.
So, in all we say. In all we do. In all we are. We LOVE God.
Show to Almighty God our Love. By getting to know our Father through His Holy Word.
Scripture Reading: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16, NIV)
We earnestly wish to draw closer and closer to God, our Heavenly Father. Our deepest desire is to love God more dearly every hour. How do we accomplish our most heartfelt need?
By turning to God’s Holy Word. There is no truer source of God. For the Word of God, is God Himself.
The Holy Word of God was written by the Finger of God. God’s Love Story to mankind was inspired by God, the Holy Spirit. Written by many men. Over the period of many centuries. Written by God to the heart of every believer.
God is unfathomable in mystery and also the Creator of all things — including humans.
The greater mystery is that He desires intimate fellowship with you and me, and all humanity.
He desires to be known and acknowledged. He desires to reveal Himself to the expectant, seeking person. (Cynthia Johnson, Christian Journey of Spiritual Growth Blog)
I do not know about you. My time spent in God’s Holy Word is cherished. My time learning of and about the One who loves me so. Is treasured more and more with each reading.
Scripture Reading: Psalm 118
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,
His love endures forever. (Psalm 118:1, NIV)
For to love God more and more each day. Brings to each of His beloved children. Life true life. A life of perpetual bliss. A life of LOVE. A life of wonder.
This brief article is quite uplifting, Diane.
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