Let Us Drink of the Love of Jesus

Mrs Diane Mary Markey
6 min readJan 15, 2025


Our Lord offers us His refreshing water, His LOVE. This water refreshes our hearts and souls.

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The Samaritan woman looked into the face of Christ, listened to His voice, and recognized Him at a time when most others rejected all He taught. We know Him too, or we can, if we allow His healing power, His nourishing strength, His peace and joy, to flow through us like ‘a well of water springing up into everlasting life.’ (Kathleen H. Hughes, April 2003)

Reflection. Jesus, our Lord offers us a choice. Love the world? Or Love Him?

Scripture Reading: Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water.” (John 4:13–15, ESV)

Listening to the song included in this article, I ask myself. How could Jesus, my Lord, my Saviour, my Redeemer, my God, love me? There are times, and days when I do not love myself. In these days. I am like the woman at the well. All alone, feeling worthless and unworthy of the love of Jesus.

At times. I find myself like the woman at the well. Choosing to be apart from the rest of the world. I choose to be alone. I feel worthless and unworthy. Some days. When out and about. My head is bent low, my shoulders stooped and my heart is heavy.

Then a man approaches me. He is different somehow from the rest. He looks into my heart. He reads my heart. He sees my unworthiness. He offers me water that refreshes my heart and my soul. My hands are trembling. I accept. With all the love in my heart. I accept His living water. I accept the living water of the love of Jesus. This all takes place as I read in the Gospels. The story of the Woman at the Well. For this woman may be me. This to me is the greatest love story ever told. The story of Jesus’ love for me.

Jesus approaches us. As we sit in the quietness of prayer. As we sit in the quietness of our time with Him through the Gospels. Jesus approaches us. For we too are the woman at the well. Jesus our Lord is thirsty and weary from His journey. Jesus our Lord sat for a while in the cool at Jacob’s well. A Samaritan woman came to draw water. Jesus asked her for a little cooling water to quench His thirst. Jesus her Lord read her heart.

We are this Samaritan woman. Jesus reads our hearts. Jesus knows of our love for this world. The water we drink every day. Picture this very familiar scene. In the everyday life of this woman at the well. It is noon on a very hot day. A traveller is sitting in the shade at Jacob’s well. As the Samaritan woman approaches to draw water. He asks kindly for a drink. It appears He does not have a mug from which to drink. She offers Him hers. He in return offers her living water.

They speak for a little while. Jesus, the traveller, reads her heart. Jesus offers her the living water of His love. She with a trembling hand and open heart accepts. O! How gladly she accepts. Then she runs back to town to tell the others of our Lord.

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Jesus has changed the heart and the life of this woman. Jesus has changed the hearts and the lives of countless millions.

All doors are open to the believer. It is the lesson of the Samaritan woman at the well. (Patti Smith)

Do we realise why Jesus chose a Samaritan woman for this lesson? Do we? At the time when Jesus lived. It was taboo for a Jewish religious man to associate with a Samaritan. Women were classified below men. So, for Jesus to be seen with this Samaritan woman would have brought Him shame. Jesus was above human discrimination and bias. Jesus loved all God’s people. Jesus loved this Samaritan woman. Yes, Jesus loved this Samaritan woman.

Everything Jesus did and still does. He does because He loves all of God’s people. Jesus is God the Son. Jesus is the beloved Son of God. God is love.

Jesus starts His discourse with, “Give me a drink.” (John 4:7b, ESV) This simple question changes this woman’s life. This simple question changes the lives of countless millions throughout Christendom. All we need to do. Is to answer Jesus. Yes, give me this living water. I accept your gift of salvation. We accept Jesus as our personal Savior, Redeemer, Lord and God. We are made new. We are washed clean in the precious and perfect blood of the Lamb of God.

Countless millions have encountered Jesus and accepted His offer of salvation. Countless millions have given their hearts, lives and souls to Jesus. These people have dedicated and devoted their lives to Jesus and His Father, Almighty God. These people have gone on to build mighty Cathedrals. Where many thousands gather to pray, sing praises and learn of Almighty God and Jesus.

Many believers are doctors, nurses and other professionals. Who give of their skills and time for others. Many believers work tirelessly in the background of our lives. Unseen and unheard. Working tirelessly to make our lives worth living. These believers drink daily of Jesus’ living water. These believers have in their hearts the love of Jesus. These believers shine the light and the love of Jesus. Into the hearts of all those they meet.


I’m coming to the well
with eager longing,
deep, yearning intensity,
so absolutely thirsty
to be filled with
your living water
to reach the depths again
of who I am. AMEN! (Sister Donna Butler, September 29, 2020)

Conclusion. Once you and I have drunk of the living water of Jesus. We will never thirst for the water this world offers us.

The living water that Jesus gives us. Is His love. Jesus’ love is infinite, boundless, forgiving and limitless. In return. We promise Jesus to shine His light and love into the hearts of all those we meet.

“Woman at the Well” is sung beautifully by Olivia Lane.

The Meaning Behind The Song: “Woman At The Well” by Olivia Lane.

The chorus repeats the phrase “Woman at the well” multiple times, emphasizing this woman’s struggles and the importance of acknowledging her pain and offering help.

Explore the journey of a woman at the well, searching for love and meaning in her life. They reference biblical texts such as the Book of Ruth, Proverbs, and Psalms, highlighting the wisdom and guidance found in these scriptures. The lyrics touch on themes of redemption, repentance, and the promise of eternal life. (Alberta FitzPatrick, January 5, 2024)

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God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.



Mrs Diane Mary Markey
Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Written by Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Published inspirational books on my love for God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The articles on Medium also are Christian stories. Retired Counselor.

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