Let Jesus Shine His Love into Our Heart
Jesus is the light of the world. Christ is the bearer of God’s light — the GOSPEL.
Shine A Light!
Waking up to another life
No more sorrow and no more night
You’re the light, let it shine now, let it shine now,
Burning bright, ’cause we’re not ashamed.
Got a world to illuminate,
You’re the light, let it shine now, let it shine now.[Chorus]
Nothing can stand against us,
Our praise will break the darkness,
We declare, Your kingdom’s here.
Because our God is for us
We’re living in the promise,
We declare, Your kingdom’s here. (Josiah Bottling)
Introduction. My next few articles are to be based on Jesus is the Light.
Scripture Reading: When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life. (John 8:12, NIV)
Jesus’ beloved Apostle, John introduces our Lord. Jesus Christ’s aspect as God’s light is highlighted in chapter one of John’s Gospel.
We recall. You and I picture. John the Baptist, as he hesitated to baptize Jesus. As he recognized Jesus Christ for who is truly is. Jesus, God the Son. Jesus the Messiah.
Scripture Reading: Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. (Matthew 3:13, NIV)
Saint John is showing to us. Jesus is the true and bright light of God Almighty. For, it is Jesus Christ, and He alone who reveals God’s true glory to the world.
God’s Holy Word refers to Jesus Christ as the “light of the world.”
This term refers to Jesus Christ being as us being tempted and led to sin and darkness. Yet, unlike us. Jesus, our Lord, our God. Remained pure. The very symbol of purity, Holiness and Almighty righteousness.
Is this the amazing and wondrous essence behind Jesus’ light? At Christmas time, young and old sing carols of Jesus. Christians and non-Christians alike raise their voices to Heaven. You and I and many thousands around the world. Sing of our joy in carols about the light of Jesus. The light of Jesus bringing into this world light to shine into the darkness of sin.
You and I, and all the world. It seems, sing at Christmas time. We sing at Christmas time, joyfully because Jesus is the light of the world.
Scripture Reading: For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6, NIV)
Saint John reveals to us God’s true is beamed through Jesus. Even before Jesus entered the world as a newborn babe at Bethlehem. Yeah! Even before the beginning of time itself. Jesus was with Almighty God. Jesus is God.
Scripture Reading: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1, NIV)
Let us ponder on this mystery of mysteries for a moment. Even before the blessed birth of the baby Jesus at Bethlehem. God, the Son Jesus existed in perfect harmony with His beloved Father in Heaven.
Is there any love greater than the love of Jesus??? Is there any Person who loves us more than He does???
Scripture Reading: And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (Ephesians 5:2, ESV)
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. (John 15:12, ESV)
There was never a moment. Neigh, not a milli-second in time. When Jesus was not a loving partner with Almighty God. Yet, and this is how very much He loves you and me. Jesus, our Lord, our God, our Savior. Stepped down from Heaven. He left His Father who loved Him dearly. Jesus came to Earth to shine God’s light into this world of darkness and sin.
Scripture Reading: The people walking in darkness,
have seen a great light.
On those living in the land of deep darkness,
a light has dawned. (Isaiah 9:2, ESV)
The faithful and obedient people of Almighty God had been waiting for their Messiah for many, many hundreds of years. Seven hundred years before the birth of Jesus, our Lord. God’s holy prophet foretells of the birth of our Messiah. (Refer to Isaiah 9:6)
God’s Holy Word is the truth. Seven centuries later. Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist. Held in his trembling and waiting arms. The baby Jesus. The Messiah. Isaiah’s blessed prophecy fulfilled.
Jesus Christ the light of the world. Christ Jesus guides us to the everlasting peace of Almighty God.
Scripture Reading: And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7, NIV)
The God of peace be with you all. Amen. (Romans 15:33)
Can you imagine holding Jesus, our Messiah as a newborn baby in your trembling arms? Such a gift. Such a loving blessing from Almighty God. A gift of love, hope, peace and eternal life. Well, you and I have the next best thing to holding the baby Jesus. You and I can read of this miracle in God’s Holy Word.
Jesus, God the Son. Jesus the light of the world. Christ Jesus the wonder. The mystery. The miracle behind the light of Jesus. Jesus’ light shines constantly. No matter how dark our world. No matter how hard Satan tries. The light of Jesus can never be dampened. May God forever be praised. The light of Jesus shines into our heart. We are at peace now and for eternity.
Just as all people. All over the world cannot survive without God’s sunshine. We as true and faithful believers cannot exist without Jesus and His shining light. When God our Creator said. “Let there be light!” (Genesis 1;1, ESV) Was He referring to the ever-shining light of His beloved Son, Jesus?
Jesus, the light of the world. Is to us, as victorious as a candle in a very dark room. For light, even as dim as a candle. Light always conquers darkness. Jesus steps into this world of darkness and sin. Jesus’ light and His love are always victorious.
Jesus is the victory over sin. Jesus is our saving grace. The conqueror over death. The penalty of our sin. Satan and his demons are forever conquered.
Conclusion. We, every day of our life and for eternity. Praise God Almighty for the light He sent into this world of darkness.
- Jesus shines His light into our heart.
- We accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord, Savior, God.
- We, now and for eternity, walk in Jesus’ shining light.
- Jesus’ light forever more conquers the darkness of sin.
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