Let God Fill Our Heart to Overflowing with His Love
We sing for joy. Our heart overflows with the love of Almighty God.
Your Love Never Fails.
Nothing can separate
Even if I ran away
Your love never fails.
I know I still make mistakes but
You have new mercies for me everyday
Your love never fails.You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes. (Chris Quilala, Jesus Culture Music)
Introduction. God is LOVE. Almighty God pours His unceasing love into our heart. Till it overflows.
Scripture Reading: Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. (1 John 4;7–8, ESV)
People who have not accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. Yes, even non-believers have heard of and are familiar with this blessed phrase. “God is love.”
You and I dive ever deeper into God’s blessings. We yearn to understand fully the hidden depths of God’s unfailing love.
Our Almighty God loves you and me so. More, so much more than we shall ever know and fully understand. Our Heavenly Father’s love brings thoughts to Him. For a future of hope and peace and eternal life for each of His beloved children. God loves each of His children with such love.
If we open our heart wide enough. Our heart. Our life, each day is filled to overflowing with the joyful love of our Heavenly Father.
Scripture Reading: So, we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. (1 John 4:16, ESV)
Our Heavenly Father’s love never fails. Nothing can separate us from Almighty God and His unceasing love.
Do you ever feel so very small and insignificant before our Father??? After all, you and I are only one among billions. We are crowded in on a tiny planet. Seemingly collapsing in on itself. We see images all around us. Of over-crowded and highly polluted cities. Of people, especially children on the point of starvation and living in extreme poverty.
Who are we that God should love us so??? The needy and the wretched in this oh! so sad world. Need God and His love far more than we do, yes??? Who are we that God overflows our heart with His unceasing love??? Who are we???
God’s heart and will for each and every one of those seven billion people is to give them a future and a hope, from the most devout and God-fearing among them, down to the most unrepentant sinners. (Thomas Nelson, 1982)
Almighty God loves each and every one of His beloved and obedient children. God’s unbounding and unconditional love covers us and overflows in our heart. While yes, there are times when you and I feel the absence of His loving presence.
God, through His precious Holy Word has pledged to us. Nothing or no one can separate us from Him. Our Heavenly Father promises that from now till eternity. His unceasing love covers us and protects us always. This vow of love is for each of us. This promise from God covers any circumstance, at anytime, anywhere.
New mercies granted to us from Almighty God each day.
Scripture Reading: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
His mercies never come to an end,
they are new every morning,
great is Your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22–23, ESV)
I hope, I pray. Each day in God you, as for me is another steppingstone. On your journey of faith in His beloved Son, Christ Jesus. According to God’s Holy Prophet Jeremiah. You and I, and all true believers receive bountiful mercies and God’s blessings each day.
Yes, God’s mercy and His blessings in our life never, never run dry. As we wake, we pray a few words of thanks. Acknowledging God’s generosity. Showing to our Father we forget never our day is always blessed with His loving and gracious mercy.
After many, many years of faithful training. Our heart and mind wake up to find our Heavenly Father near at hand. It at first seems far easier to wake up to the world of stress or family commitments.
Scripture Reading: Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the Name of the Lord our God. (Psalm 20:7, ESV)
You and I love our Heavenly Father so. We commit our heart. Our early morning prayer time to Him. Then a soft and gentle smile greets our early morning, as we wake. God’s love for us, is our alarm clock. We literally jump out of bed. Looking forward to seeing what wondrous mercies and blessings our God has waiting in store for us.
God is LOVE!!! The Almighty One never changes. Therefore, God’s love for each of His beloved children can be relied upon always!!!
Scripture Readings: For I the LORD do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed. (Malachi 3:6, ESV)
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with Whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. (James 1:17, ESV)
This eternal promise from God grants to us reassurance and calming peace. One thing earthly life guarantee is change. Constant and unpredictable change. Therefore, God’s eternal promise. He is constant and unchanging. Is, yes so reassuring to us.
What does this mean to us? As we turn to God’s Holy Word. The words written down so very, very long ago. Are true, vital and relevant to us still. The promises of love, hope, peace and eternal life God lovingly keeps always. God Almighty keeps now and for eternity all His pledges and promises of love.
The love Almighty God displayed to the Nation of Israel many thousands of years ago. He pours upon you and I now and forever more.
God is LOVE. All the divine and Supreme attributes spoken of in the Bible. All the miracles performed by His Son, Christ Jesus. Are as active and as powerful in our life still.
God is LOVE. God never CHANGES. We place all our faith, trust and love in Him.
Scripture Reading: I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13, ESV)
Conclusion. Let God Fill Our Heart to Overflowing with His Love. We sing for joy. Our heart overflows with the love of Almighty God.
- For me, it takes a lifetime to open my heart wide enough to fill it with God and His unceasing love.
- Our heart is open and welcomes God and His unceasing love.
- Yes, then life is indeed a life of joy and gladness.
- We wake each and every day eager to see what mercies and blessings God shall endow to us.
- God is Love. God never changes. With these promises in our heart. We can indeed move mountains.
If God touched your heart,
please highlight your favorite passages
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Thank you.