Jesus the Great Physician. Heals! When We Place Faith in Him
We reach for His hem. Our hearts say. Jesus shall make us whole.
Scripture Reading: And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind Him, and touched the hem of His garment: For she said within herself, If I may but touch His garment, I shall be whole. But Jesus turned Him about, and when He saw her, He said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour. (Matthew 9:20–22, KJV)
Reflection. Jesus in His brief three years ministering here on Earth. Our Lord performed many miracles. He healed many of their illness.
There is also a meaning in the woman’s coming up from behind the Lord. It symbolizes the feeling of humility, unworthiness, and trust in His Divine mercy. Then through this external contact, she is brought into the presence of the Lord, and she is restored to health. And she is told, “Thy faith hath made thee whole.” (Saving Faith, Bill Woofenden)
This article, my dear reader. Is a Bible study into Matthew 9:20–22. The healing of a woman who had suffered for twelve long and terrible years. This woman had sought the assistance of earthly physicians. She had spent all she had trying to seek a cure. None had helped. She had heard of the miracles and healings of Jesus, the Great Physician. In her heart, she believed. She truly believed. In her heart and soul she knew, “For she said within herself, If I may but touch His garment, I shall be whole.” Such complete faith and absolute trust this woman had in Jesus, the Great Physician.
It is my sincere prayer. That each one of us has this sincere and hope-filled faith in Jesus, the Great Physician. In our hearts, we truly believe. With just one touch of Jesus’ garment, we are restored to wholeness once more.
Our Lord, Jesus the Great Physician uses this miracle of healing. Not only as a sign of His power of love and miraculous healing. Jesus is also our Great Teacher. The miraculous healing of this long-suffering woman. This healing is a lesson of absolute faith in His power.
This woman’s faith was so sure and very strong. “For she said within herself, If I may but touch His garment, I shall be whole.” Is ours? When we or a loved one falls ill. Is our faith as sure and strong? Do we reach out to touch the hem of His garment? Believing in our hearts and, souls. This is all that is required. To make us whole once more. Just a glancing touch of the hem of His garment.
Our Lord’s healing of this woman’s terrible suffering is a lesson in absolute faith in Him. Jesus is no longer physically with us. You and I no longer can reach out and touch His garment. How then is it possible for you and I to reach out and touch His garment still? Faith in Jesus. Faith is our soul’s confidence and belief in Him. A childlike reliance on His truth is found in His Gospels and the other Books of the Holy Word of God.
Faith. Absolute faith in Jesus, the great physician is revealed in the Holy Word of God. Reading Matthew 9:20–22 we not only are amazed by Jesus’ miracle. We learn of and from the lesson, Jesus teaches us behind it. Jesus performed His miracle. Jesus, the Great Physician healed this woman. When no one else could. Jesus her Lord and God healed her. Jesus healed her because her faith in Him was sure and strong.
The Lord did not say to the woman whom He had healed from her long infirmity, “Faith hath made thee whole,” but “thy faith hath made thee whole.” (Saving Faith, Bill Woofenden)
Do we notice the subtle yet profound difference here? It is the faith of the woman which made her whole. It is our faith in Jesus the Great Physician that will bring about our healing. It is our act of absolute faith in our Lord and God that allows Jesus to perform His miracles still. We reach out and touch the hem of His garment. Jesus heals!
We trust Jesus the Great Physician to perform His miracles. To heal our loved ones. We have no doubt. There is no question in our hearts and souls. Jesus has the power and the love to heal. Jesus heals still. It is our faith in Jesus that brings about the healing. It is our absolute faith in our Lord that allows Jesus to perform His miracles still.
There is another lesson Jesus the Great Teacher is showing. The meaning of why the woman approached her Lord from behind. This approach symbolizes for us the feelings of sincere humility and genuine unworthiness.
We at all times remember who Jesus truly is. Jesus is God the Son. Jesus is the Son of the Most High. Jesus is the one and only, beloved Son of Almighty God. Jesus is the Messiah. Our Saviour and Redeemer and our God. In the name of Jesus, every knee must bow. There is no greater name than Jesus. In Jesus’ presence, we bow before Him. When speaking His Holy name. It is done in an attitude of true reverence and awe. God placed Jesus at His side in Heaven. To rule alongside Him in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of lords. There is no person greater than our Lord and King, Jesus.
According to the Bible, Jesus is greater than Moses, angels, Elijah, and John the Baptist 1. Jesus is the one Lord through whom all things came and through whom we exist 2. To reject Jesus is to reject God’s greatest message and our greatest hope 1. (Bing, 30/08/2024)
Then we realise who we are. We are the ones who hung Jesus on His tree. We are the ones who walked in the darkness of our sins. We are the ones that He saved and washed clean. We are humble and bow down before our Lord and King. We at all times know our place. We are His beloved disciples and followers. We love Jesus our Lord, Savior and God with all our hearts and souls.
I’ve Touched the Hem of His Garment (She only touched) — Roots.
This is a Gospel song about faith in Jesus' power to heal. It was inspired by Matthew 9:21, which mentions the woman who believed that she would be healed if she touched the hem of Jesus’ clothing. Some later publications simply called it “The Hem of His Garment).
It was written by American Pentecostal music teacher and songwriter, George F. Root (1820–1895.) (
This article truly deserves to be shared, Diane.
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God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.