Jesus’ Return. We Kneel Before Our Lord. All is Well

The Lord Descends on the Clouds. In Majesty and in Power.

Mrs Diane Mary Markey
6 min readJun 11, 2024
Jesus Returns. Image by

All is Well with My Soul.

When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll.
Whatever my lot you have taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul.

And Lord haste the day when my faith shall be sight
And the clouds be rolled back as a scroll.
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend
Even so, it is well with my soul.

(penned by hymnist Horatio Spafford and composed by Philip Bliss, 1876)

Reflection. All faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Long with all our hearts. For the return of our Lord. On this blessed day. True peace will fill our hearts. All will be well with our souls.

Jesus is imploring us, through Saint Luke, to be ready for His return.

Scripture Reading: Always be ready for My return. Be like people that are ready to start work at any time. They have put on their clothes so that they are ready for work. And they have lit their lamps. You must be like servants that are waiting for their master to arrive. (Luke 12:35–37, ESV)

We have a God. Jesus, God the Son. Jesus places hope in our hearts. This precious hope is given to us through the blessed love of Jesus our Redeemer. We are the children of God the Father. As such we are children of light. We no longer live in the darkness of sin. We live each day with faith, love and the precious hope of the return of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. From the moment of our salvation. Until the day of Christ Jesus’ return, we work, “like servants that are waiting for their master to arrive. (Luke 12:37, ESV)

Being ready for Christ Jesus’ return. Working as Almighty God’s people. Living each day according to His sacred and divine will for us.

But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness

Scripture Reading: So that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober. (1 Thessalonians 5:4–6, NIV)

As Christians, we no longer belong to the old world. We belong to the new world in Christ! You are wide awake long before the full sunrise has dawned. Stay awake, then, because this is God’s new reality, and it will shortly dawn upon the whole world. (Jack Schull, Preach It, Teach It Blog)

The primary objective of Saint Paul in Thessalonians chapter five. Is to remind is as God’s children. We are also children of the light. We no longer live in the darkness of sin. You and I now live in God’s new and wondrous world. Ushered in through the precious blood of the perfect Lamb of God. We were purchased by the sacrifice our beloved Redeemer. Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for our sins. Christ Jesus hung on His wicked and soul saving cross. Now we live as children of the light. We walk each day in God’s new and amazing word of freedom from sin and death.

How do we prepare for the return for the return of Jesus?

By praying. By praying some more. Then praying some more. And as with anything else pertaining to our spiritual journey. We reach for the Holy Word of God.

Scripture Reading: Jesus states that no one will know the exact time of His return. (Matthew 24:36, ESV)

If it were an earthly king who was coming for a visit. We would clean our house. Till every room was spotless. We would prepare for him the finest meal. We would put on our finest dress. We would …… Well, the King or kings is on His way. The Lord of lords is returning. We do far more than this. We work each day as if it was today Jesus is returning.

Scripture Reading: No One Knows When Jesus Will Come Again.

Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. But no one knows the day or the hour. No! Not even the angels in Heaven know. The Son does not know. Only the Father knows. (Matthew 24: 34, ESV)

“When the Son of Man comes, it will be the same as when Noah lived.” (Matthew 24:35–37, ESV)

There are so many teachings in the Holy Word of God referring to the return of our Lord. The Son of God. God the Son. Jesus Himself tells each of His followers. No one really knows the date of His return. So, we treat each day. As if it were today. We keep our house. Which is our body. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We keep our house spotless. Free from sin — ALWAYS.

Jesus knows that this is not going to be easy. He also knows the devil will be working overtime to separate us from Jesus. This is why there are so many passages spread throughout the Gospels reassuring us. So many wonderful words of love from Jesus telling us we are never alone. Jesus Himself walks beside us every step of the way. His hand is holding ours. Jesus’ love comforts us and gives us peace. Jesus’ love brings us the strength we need to carry on.

Jesus gave to each of His faithful followers a gift. A blessing without which life would be a continual struggle. Jesus placed within our soul His Spirit. God the Spirit dwells within each faithful follower. Jesus’ Spirit works with our spirit to guide, comfort and to give us the strength we need.

God the Holy Spirit guides our hands and our hearts to the required Bible texts. Guiding us to the lessons Jesus needs to teach us. For Jesus wants us to be prepared for His imminent return. He does not want one His faithful followers to be left behind.

We spend our days living solely for God the Father. In humble and loving service to and for God Almighty. By caring for the physical and emotional needs of family, friends, neighbors and strangers alike. At the same time always praying that God touches their souls.

You and I love God Almighty with all our being. And show this love to others. With every action we take. With each word we speak. We love God and our fellow man.

Conclusion. Each day is spent in eager anticipation to the return of our Lord.

Every moment is spent in prayer. Looking forward to rising with Jesus at His return. Each prayer we speak. A mention is made thanking Him for this wondrous and amazing blessing. Each person we meet. We find an opportunity to mention this wondrous blessing. For we, as does Jesus. Do not want a single person to miss out. We want every person to be with Jesus as He returns to the Heavenly Kingdom.

We have so much love in our hearts for God Almighty and His beloved Son Jesus. We want all God’s people to rise with Jesus as He returns to His Father. We want what Jesus wants. For all God’s people to enter into the Kingdom of God. To live for eternity with Him and His Father. To spend eternity worshiping and praising the Almighty One. To sing with all God’s angels our praise to and for Jesus. This is our prayer. That each person we meet hears the love of Jesus. That every person of God answers the invitation of Jesus. That we all enter the Heavenly Kingdom together. We all sing Hallelujah together.

Today’s audio music video for your inspiration. For you to enjoy.



Mrs Diane Mary Markey
Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Written by Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Published inspirational books on my love for God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The articles on Medium also are Christian stories. Retired Counselor.

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