Member-only story
Jesus’ Command to Have Compassion, To Show the Kingdom of God
When we show others tenderness, compassion and love. We are acting as citizens of the Kingdom of God.
All who show tenderness, compassion and lend an ear to the needy. Are true participants and fellow citizens of the Kingdom of God.
Heal the sick in it and say to them, ‘The Kingdom of God has come near to you.’ (Luke 10:9, ESV)
On Christ’s tormented, agonizing and solitary trek to His resurrection. He was made an outcast, spat upon. Made lame, up to the point of not being able to carry on. From the cruel and tortuous stripes of the Roman soldier’s whip and the heavy weight of His cross. Bleeding, yes, the precious and pure blood of God the Son. Shed from the beatings of the soldiers, the nails hammered into the divine wrists and ankles. Even tasted death, three days and nights in the grave.
Jesus, God made fully man. Christ is made, and forever more will be, flesh. Our Lord fully UNDERSTANDS!
The Lord is a man of war;
the Lord is His name.You have led in Your steadfast love the people whom You have redeemed;
You have guided them by Your strength to Your Holy abode.The Lord will reign forever and ever. (Exodus, 15: 3,13, 18, ESV)