In our Hour of Need. God Sends to Us. His Angels
Almighty God not only sends us His angel. Our Father sends us the exact angel we need.
Angels Among Us
When life held troubled times, and had me down on my knees
There’s always been someone there to come along and comfort me
A kind word from a stranger, to lend a helpin’ hand
A phone call from a friend, just to say I understand.And ain’t it kind of funny that at the dark end of the road
Someone lights the way with just a single ray of hope.Oh I believe there are angels among us
Sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me in our darkest hours
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give.To guide us with the light of love.
To guide us with the light of love.
( Don Goodman, Becky Hobbs, 1993)
Introduction. Almighty God is not only a God who loves us. God is also our Heavenly Father. A Father who genuinely cares. When our hearts are heavy. He sends an angel to carry our load.
Scripture Reading: When Zechariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear. But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John. (Luke 1:12–13, ESV)
I want to share with you a story. I found online:
A fellow was walking home late one night in an unsafe part of a town. Two men approached him and talked briefly with him. At first he thought they were going to rob him, but after a short conversation, they went their separate ways.
He had felt God’s presence and was no longer afraid. He got home without any problems
The next day, he heard a police report that two men had been arrested for theft in the very part of town he had been the previous night. And the description fit perfectly the men he had seen and talked to. He was grateful for the safety and protection he experienced, but then he began to wonder why they hadn’t robbed him. He felt it must have been the result of his prayer that night.
But his curiosity wouldn’t let him leave it at that. Somehow, he got permission to visit the jail where these two men were in custody. He explained what had happened the night before and asked to see the two men. They remembered him and the first thing he asked was, “Why didn’t you rob me last night?” They said, “We weren’t about to bother you with that big black dog you had with you.” (James, The Bible Speaks to You, Blog)
I know. I know this is only an online story. It touched my heart. God’s angel, if He so desires. Can even take the form of a scary, big black dog. WOW!!!
What this means for you and for me. Is this. Our Father’s love is so personal. God knows our deepest. Our darkest needs.
In our darkest day. God sends His angel. Our Father sends His specific messenger to you and to me.
We in our most desperate hour. When no light at the end our tunnel we spot. Even the weather outside seems against us. The rains patter against our windows.
Then our Father’s love we glimpse. Out through our lounge room window. Our Father, God sends us His message. It’s His angel. God sends us His message. To take away our darkness. Our Father sends a specific angel. To brighten our hearts and our day.
As we peak out through our window. The perfect artist has sent us a message. God has painted His love into our hearts. God’s rainbow speaks of His love. Directly into our ever-waiting hearts. We stand quietly. Letting in God and His love.
The beautiful. The delicate colors of God’s rainbow. Speaks tenderly into our hearts. We listen. With our hearts wide open. We eagerly. With all the love for God we have. We listen. You and I pray to our Father. Our praise. For His artistry. For God’s rainbow. For our Father’s words of love. You and I thank Him.
Almighty God has transformed our day of desperation. Our Father has changed our day of darkness. Our loving God has transcended all our sadness. God Almighty has lifted us up. Into His hand. He has lifted us. We are again in the loving and the beautiful presence of God. Forever more we will be in the presence of the One who sent us His angel.
So! The big, black, scary dog in the online story. May have been an angel of God after all. MAY BE????
God’s Heavenly messengers. Almighty God’s angels. Precisely what do they do? And why?
Where do we start to study what and why are God’s angels? Yes! You guessed it! The Holy Word of God. When studying the Bible about God’s usage of His heavenly messengers. A sacred/divine pattern is revealed. God’s uses His angels to:
- Announce the birth and the arrival of special babies.
- The naming of this child.
- Protect and to guard us.
- Guide us.
- Prophesy.
- Give specific instruction.
- Comfort us.
- Give us peace.
The main function of God’s angels — To praise the mighty glory of Almighty God always.
Scripture Readings: Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord from the heavens;
praise Him in the heights!
Praise Him, all His angels;
praise Him, all His hosts! (Psalm 148:2, ESV)And one called to another and said:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;
the whole Earth is full of His glory! (Isaiah 6:3, ESV)
Angels are just as active now. As in Biblical times. You, I and all faithful believers are so loved by our Father. God speaks to us. By sending us the exact angel. At the specific time it is needed the most.
Almighty God’s angel appears in such a loving way. You and I understands and accepts in our hearts. God’s message. We accept the love of God with which it is sent. We feel the rest God gives us. We walk again in the presence of our Lord. In gratitude and in love. We walk and we live in the presence. Of the One who sent us His angel.
Almighty God’s angel protect us from the dangers that this life throws at us. I have a favorite hymn. I replay it many times through my Smart TV. “Mary Did You Know?” One particular scene resonates in my heart. Where God’s messenger first appears to Mary. The first words God’s angel speaks.
Scripture Reading: The angel said to her, “Don’t be afraid, Mary; God has shown you His grace.” (Luke 1:30, ESV)
Many times through the Holy Word of God there are examples. Where angels are sent by God to protect and to shield people from harm and from their enemies.
Let us spend time to read and to be reassured by these stories.
Let us be comforted through our Bible. When, if and at our darkest times. God loves you and me so deeply and so intimately. Through God’s Holy Word. He reminds us of the many stories. Of his special love. Of our Father’s personal care for each of His beloved children.
Almighty God sends His specific angel to comfort. Our Father sends us the exact angel to minister to the needs. Of each true, committed and faithful believer.
There have been times on our path of faith. When ridicule and testing. In the Holy name of Jesus. You and I have been tested through.
Then comfort is found. In the soft and in the tender voice of a stranger. Sweet and pure words of love are spoken. Just a gentle and a brief ray of hope. Yes! God has sent to you and to me. Our Heavenly Father. In our time of ridicule. In our moment of testing of our faith. God sent us His specific angel. To His faithful and trusted believer.
We, you, I and all faithful believer. On bended knees. Pray, “thank you.”
God’s angels. Almighty God’s messenger. Specific and unique. Suited to our specific and unique needs.
Deb’s article with give you the courage to carry on, Diane.
All Is Well. A Story of Extravagant Love and… | by Deb Kalmbach | The Dove | Medium
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