God’s Spirit Burns Within Us

Oh! Breath of Almighty God. Burn within. Fan the flame of our faith.

Mrs Diane Mary Markey
5 min readJun 26, 2024
White Dove — Holy Spirit. Image by pixabay.com

Fresh Wind.

Breath of God
Fan us into flame.

We need a fresh wind
The fragrance of Heaven.

For hearts that burn with Holy fear
Purified in faith and deed.

(Ben Fielding, Brooke Ligertwood, David Ware, and Matt Crocker, 2021)

Reflection. When God the Holy Spirit first began His ministry at Pentecost. He chose to appear as “tongues of fire” resting on each faithful believer.

Scripture Readings: The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost

They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (Acts 2:3–4, NIV)

For our God is a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:29, ESV)

Do not quench the Spirit. (1 Thessalonians 5:19, ESV)

Sitting around a campfire with friends and family. On a clear, cool, frosty, and crispy winter’s night. Our little campfire not only warms our coldness. The campfire’s dancing flames soothes our hearts also. The dancing of the flames. The crackling of the burning logs soothes away all troubles. We all fall silent before our little campfire. Perhaps songs of praise to our Heavenly Father break our silence.

In silence we sit in comfort and in peace. Our bodies, our hearts and our souls are slowly comforted. At true, lasting and calming peace are we. At the dancing and the crackling of the flames. We sit mesmerized by our little campfire. The light of our little campfire. Shines through the darkness. The brightness and the of movement the flames. Gently colors our hearts with Almighty God’s love. All is well with our world. All is well.

This for us symbolises the gentle burning of God’s Spirit within our hearts. God the Holy Spirit is the campfire burning gently within our hearts. The ambers which never go out. The dancing and the crackling of God’s Spirit. Is the still small voice of God’s Spirit as He speaks softly to our hearts. God’s Holy Spirit speaking to us. God’s Spirit speaking to us of His unceasing and unconditional love.

God the Holy Spirit is gently and lovingly guiding us along our spiritual path. God the Holy Spirit guides us as we go Home. Teaching us of and about our Lord Jesus. Jesus’ Spirit comforts us. As we make our way Home to the Kingdom of God. God’s Spirit gives to us, His strength as we make our way Home. The gentle dancing and the crackling of the burning logs is God’s still small voice. We listen. We listen for the Spirits’ guidance — ALWAYS.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 46:10 NIV says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the Earth.”123. The verse is part of Psalm 46, which is a Song of praise to God for His protection and strength1. The verse encourages people to be still and know that God is in control123. It also reminds people that God will be exalted among the nations and in the Earth123. (Bing, 26/06/2024)

God’s Spirit is the pure and sweet fragrance of our Lord Jesus. Jesus is the aroma of His Father, Almighty God.

Have we ever wondered why people in ancient times were drawn to Jesus. As He went from town to town. As healed the lame, the blind, the deaf and even raised the dead. As Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Crowds and individual people were drawn to our Lord and their Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Jesus obeyed and loved His Heavenly Father with all His being. Jesus exuded the fragrance, the very aroma of God the Holy Spirit.

Reading about the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. We picture Jesus’ life through His Gospels. In our minds we see the crowds of people flocking to hear His teachings. We imagine the crowds of people begging for His healing mercies. We picture all the people there joining Jesus as He worshiped God the Father. They joined with Jesus and gave their faithful and joyful praise to Almighty God. Yes! Individual people and crowds alike were drawn to the love and the mercy of Jesus their Lord.

Scripture Readings: Getting up, He went from there to the region of Judea and beyond the Jordan; crowds gathered around Him again, and, according to His custom, He once more began to teach them. (Mark 10:1, ESV)

Large crowds followed Him from Galilee and the Decapolis and Jerusalem and Judea and from beyond the Jordan. (Matthew 4:25, ESV)

How to Keep the Fire of the Holy Spirit Burning?

Firstly, we shall go back to our little campfire. If we want to keep this fire burning. We need to re-stock the wood. We need to get rid of the rubbish and the ashes. That would prevent the new wood from doing its job. We need to keep the campfire free from the weather and other elements. We need to protect our little campfire from anything that would stop it from doing its work.

The same goes for the campfire which burns within us. God the Holy Spirit needs to be re-stocked through diligent and consistent Bible Study. God the Holy Spirit Himself is our guide and our Mentor in this. God’s Spirit is our teacher for all things pertaining to and about Jesus. When we are reading the Holy Word of God.

God’s Spirit guides us to the texts He needs us to read. God’s Spirit helps us to understand these verses. He then implants the relevant verses into our hearts. As we battle and struggle against the forces of darkness. The Bible texts God’s Spirit has implanted are our weapons. The devil flees at the sound of these verses. God the Holy Spirit is there for us. As and when we need Him.

Conclusion. As faithful followers of Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer. We have the blessed gift of God the Holy Spirit within our Hearts.

God’s Spirit burns within us. Guiding us on our way Home to the Kingdom of God.

Today’s audio music video for your inspiration. For you to enjoy.

Released in January 2021, Hillsong Worship’s “Fresh Wind” was a welcome call for revival on the heels of 2020. Need we go into the reason why? In typical Hillsong Worship fashion, they unlock a need the world can understand with a message we all need. (Word by Word Blog)

I pray there was something in my article where God blessed you.

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Send me a comment on how God blessed you through my words.

God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.



Mrs Diane Mary Markey
Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Written by Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Published inspirational books on my love for God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The articles on Medium also are Christian stories. Retired Counselor.

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