Stories on Inspiration, Love and Life Lessons
God’s Love For You Is
God Loves You with Perfect, Infinite and Unconditional Love!
My trust in God flows out of the experience of his loving me, day in and day out, whether the day is stormy or fair, whether I’m sick or in good health, whether I’m in a state of grace or disgrace. He comes to me where I live and loves me as I am. Brennan Manning
And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 1 John 4:16
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
I recommend his inspirational article: “God loves us at our very worst”
In the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11–32, Jesus taught that the father would embrace, love, accept, and restore a person at their very worst; not when they are at their best. Ed Elliott
I recommend her inspirational article: “You Are the One Jesus Loves/Rest In His Love”
Sometimes, I think about what it was like for the disciples to be so close to Jesus. John was able to rest his head on Jesus’ chest (and I’m sure he did this often). John could hear His heartbeat, and he felt the rise and fall of His breathing. Imagine the peace and absolute contentment. The intimacy. Julia Kathryn
Today’s story is based on God’s love for every member of humanity. The awesome wonder of this love is that His love covers you and me.
I am not saying that I in any way have a full understanding of the depth and meaning of God’s love. Of His pure and true love for mankind. That is way beyond my simple understanding.
I am going to try for you. Through my own understanding gained through the study of His Word, the Holy Bible. Along with guidance from His Holy Spirit.
My hope and my prayer are that you will find and feel God’s love for yourself.
If, however, you are already a dedicated follower of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I pray these words are a blessing.
God’s Word speaks of God’s love as being PERFECT, INFINITE and UNCONDITIONAL.
What do these attributes of God’s immeasurable love mean? How do they affect and impact your life? The Apostle Paul centred his Gospel on God’s love. For Paul, God’s love is made perfect when it is reflected. Reflected back to Him by us loving Him in return.
This is a difficult concept to grasp. At least it is for me. How can a God who is Himself perfect? Express a love that is only made perfect when reflected back to Him. I try to see this from the fact that we are only able to love God. Because He first loves us.
Now the perfect love of God only being possible when reflected back to Him. Loving Him entirely and without exception makes sense. Have I made this a little clearer?
Let’s now see how this affects your everyday life. You are now bathed in the perfect love of God. You have made the choice (I pray) to love Him in return.
As God is Love. He doesn’t just love, as we do. He is LOVE! There is so much difference between the two. The world’s greatest reference libraries could not explain.
He created the entire universe with and through His love. You and I came into being through and with His love. God is LOVE! Heavenly Father I give You thanks, Amen!
You now abide in Him. And God, through His Holy Spirit abides in You. This is how deeply and strongly God loves you. He is not only close to you. He is in you.
You have within you God Himself. You have the gift. The blessing of God to open up His perfect love. You carry it within you every step of your life.
This blessing is accessed with the key of your reciprocated love for God the Father. Through your complete faith and belief in His Son, Jesus Christ.
This unique union and perfect love with God frees you from fear and judgement.
Remember and believe in this. You are receiving love from God. So pure. So true. Giving love in return filled with prayers and thanksgiving.
Your life and love will shine on other people. His perfect love is available to all.
The Perfect Love of God has another remarkable dimension. Another surprising attribute making your life ever more peaceful and rewarding. God’s love is based on a single fact. God is LOVE!
God’s love is not based on what you do, or do not do. Who you are, what race, creed, sex or religion. Whether you are rich or poor.
God loves you because He is LOVE!
You and I can stand before God. Abide each day in Him. Love Him with all our hearts, souls and minds. Nothing can separate us from God’s love.
It is God calling you to Him that draws you to Him.
I can think of no better place to be than to abide in God for the rest of my life. And then in Paradise with Him for eternity.
Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour is your key to God’s abiding love. He has unlocked the door for you. God has welcomed you in.
When we love each other and God our love is sadly limited.
However, because God Himself is infinite. His love, therefore, is infinite. This infinite love links humanity to God Himself. This again only made possible by the sacrificial death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. Bringing salvation to us all.
When you combine God’s Infinite Love with the Understanding of Jesus. Jesus being Fully Man and Fully God! He truly understands our heartaches, pains and loneliness. You then have true confidence in His Infinite Love.
He works with you and loves you for who you are.
Jesus loved all those He walked with on Earth. He forgave all those who truly repented. His love was then infinite covering all He encountered. God’s love is now and always will be Infinite. He loves you and me. He never changes. His love for you is complete.
No matter where you are, or what happens to you. God loves you no matter what. God always will. You are not and never will be separated from God’s love.
God is love. When you have faith and believe in Jesus Christ you are reunited with God the Father forevermore.
The final attribute of God’s unfathomable love. I am going to touch upon this today. Is God’s intense and unconditional love.
God’s love for you is so intense, so sublime. So unconditional that He designed salvation to make you complete and pure once more.
If you are a parent. Can you imagine sacrificing an innocent child? Sacrificing this loved one for a person filled with guilt and shame.
This is precisely what is meant by the intense and unconditional love of God the Father.
He sacrificed His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus like us was tempted. After fasting for forty days and nights in the desert. Satan himself tempted Jesus thrice. Jesus each time rebuked satan with the Word of God.
Jesus never His entire life on Earth gave into temptation. Even on the night before His crucifixion. Knowing full well the suffering He was about to endure.
Jesus said: “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will”. Mark 14:36
Jesus never gave in to temptation. He was free from sin. He with His love for us sacrificed His life in our place. God could now freely give His love once more to you.
Once you repent of your sins and are cleansed. Washed pure by the sacrificial blood of Jesus. You are no longer separated from God the Father.
You have true and liberating love.
The freedom to serve God by serving other people.
The prime mover of God’s love is to have an abiding relationship with you, forevermore!
God loves you and always will!
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