God’s Grace and Mercy Bring His Forgiveness
The grace and mercy of Almighty God. Through the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. Makes us new.
Reflection. Forgiveness: The Very Foundation of Our Faith.
It is unfortunate but also very true. Each person has sinned. Each one has fallen and been lost in the darkness of sin. Everyone has wandered far from the loving arms of our Heavenly Father. Each person needs the forgiveness of Almighty God. Each person needs the cleansing blood of the perfect Lamb of God. Once washed clean. Jesus’ love reconciles us to the waiting arms of our Heavenly Father. Once more we abide in the comforting presence of Almighty God. The Kingdom of God is our Home now and for eternity.
Jesus descended from Heaven to offer to each His saving grace. Our Lord left Heaven and the Heavenly realm of His Father. Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins. Jesus Christ is the perfect Lamb of God. Jesus hung on the tree for us. Jesus sacrificed His life to pay the price for our sins. Jesus is the light who guides us Home to the Kingdom of God. This is the unbounded and sacrificial love of Jesus.
What is sacrificial love?
Jesus Christ perfectly exemplified agape love. As He suffered, bled and died on His tree. The Cross is now a symbol of hope and eternal life within the Christian faith. The wicked and soul-saving cross represents Christ’s sacrificial love for mankind. A tree on the hill of Calvary. The cross. A wicked and cruel tool used by the ancient Romans to crucify criminals.
On His tree. The innocent One suffered and died in our place. In the place of sinful mankind, Jesus bled and died. Humanity deserved this punishment for their sins toward a holy God. Jesus is perfect. No sin was found in Him. Blameless and perfect is Jesus our Lord and God. No fault or sin was found in Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
Scripture Reading: Yet God in His love for us took our place as “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 NIV). Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, we see a love unlike anything the world has ever known. (Ruth Clemence, November 01, 2019)
God’s forgiveness. Is a product of Almighty God’s grace and mercy.
God’s forgiveness is the ultimate act of “paying it forward.” In the beloved and familiar Lord’s prayer. Jesus instructs us to forgive others as our Father forgives us. Yes, we pay it forward. As God forgives us. Readily, easily and completely. God not only forgives us our sins. God washes our sins clean. Almighty God sends our sins so far away. They are removed from us. As far as the east is from the west.
This is how we also forgive those who hurt us. We wash them clean. We pray to Jesus. In the precious blood of the Lamb of God. We ask Jesus to cleanse them of their sins. We pray, we do not remember their sins. We do not carry any grudges. We do not seek revenge for wrongdoing. We seek the offender no harm. If possible we reconcile the relationship. If possible.
A prayer for forgiveness for the other. Is a prayer that truly heals the heart and soul.
Scripture Reading: Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:32, KJV)
I don’t know about you, my dear reader. At times total forgiveness feels a little selfish. Forgiving the offender brings our hearts and souls release. A prayer of total and unbounded forgiveness brings us release. We are freed from carrying guilt. We do not burden ourselves with the load of revenge. We free ourselves from grudges and at times even hatred. We are free. Well and truly free. This then brings us the added blessing of Jesus’ peace.
Forgiveness. Total and honest forgiveness. Is a product of Almighty God’s grace.
Scripture Reading: Jesus says, For if you forgive people their transgressions, your Father in the skies will also forgive you. But if you will not forgive people, then neither will your Father forgive your transgressions (Matthew 6:14–15, NIV)
Then there is the other by-product of Jesus’ forgiveness. We have to recognise our weaknesses and imperfections. This at times may be extremely heartwrenching. It may be a habit we try so hard to not commit. A habit we seek the strength of God’s spirit never to do again. But, we do. Over and over we hurt our Heavenly Father. Over and over we do the same thing. Over and over we pray for forgiveness. Over and over we promise Him never to do it again. Over and over. Almighty God forgives us.
Scripture Reading: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9, NIV)
Saint John isn’t referring to a one-time confession resulting in a one-time forgiveness. He’s speaking of forgiveness that’s both conditional (“if we confess our sins”) and ongoing (“the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin”). As we walk in the light, we see our sins more clearly; as we see them more clearly, we confess them; as we confess them, God is faithful to forgive, over and over again. (Justin Dillehay, January 6, 2021)
Conclusion. The gracious blessing of Almighty God — FORGIVENESS. Through the saving grace of His beloved Son. Jesus Christ our Lord and God.
- Though undeserved.
- Sets us free.
- When we readily, easily and completely forgive others.
- We are set free from the burdens of guilt, anger, revenge and hatred.
- When we are forgiven by Jesus our Lord of our sins.
- We are once more reconciled to our Heavenly Father.
- We once again abide in the Kingdom of God.
Matthew West — Forgiveness.
This song was inspired by the powerful true story of Renee Napier. Renee’s 20-year-old daughter was tragically killed by a drunk driver named Eric Smallridge. Despite the immense pain and loss, Renee chose to forgive Eric and even advocated for his prison sentence to be reduced.
Matthew West was deeply moved by Renee’s story and her incredible act of forgiveness.
It’s a touching reminder of how forgiveness can bring healing and transformation, even in the most difficult circumstances. (Bing, 27/08/2024)
Grace’s article shows us the value of Jesus’ Parables, Diane.
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God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.