God’s Angels Protect and Keep Us Safe
Our Father’s messengers. Almighty God’s angels. Bring to us hope, protection, comfort and safety.
Guardian Angel / Beautiful Angel.
Guardian angel, from heaven so bright,
Watching beside me, to lead me aright,
Fold your wings round me, O guard me with love,
Softly sing songs to me, of heav’n above.Angel, dear Angel, oh close by me stay,
Safe from harm shield me, all ill keep away.
Then you will lead me when this life is o’er,
To Jesus and Mary to praise evermore.(Unknown, 1903)
Introduction. Our LORD. Almighty God loves us dearly. He sends His Heavenly angels. To protect and to comfort us, always.
Scripture Reading: For He will command His angels concerning you,
to guard you in all your ways.
On their hands they will bear you up,
lest you strike your foot against a stone. (Psalm 91:11–12, ESV)
You and I are so very much loved by the Almighty One. Almighty God sends to all His beloved children. His messengers. God delivers to us His ministering angels. God’s angels comfort us in our times of troubles, always. Life brings to us extreme times of pain, suffering, loss and grief. Our Heavenly Father foresaw these times of sorrow. Our Creator sends to us His ministering angels. To comfort us as and when needed. For this is how very much our Heavenly Father loves us.
In our extreme times of sorrow and our days of unbearable hardship. With trembling hand. Through many, many tears. We reach out for our only hope. The Holy Word of God. As we do this act of complete faith. This display of absolute trust. In God our Heavenly Father. We place our belief and our hope. To the One who loves us without limit, without hesitation, we pray.
God sends to you and to me. His ministering angels. God delivers to us the comfort we seek. The peace needed during this time of turmoil. And yes, at times of utter desperation. God’s angels are here with us. Giving us the comfort and the peace, we so desperately seek.
We reach for God’s Scriptures. Throughout many sources where people have found peace. Through the ministering of God’s angels.
Scripture Reading: Bless the Lord, O you His angels, you mighty ones who do His word, obeying the voice of His word! Bless the Lord, all His hosts, His ministers, who do His will! (Psalm 103:20–21, ESV)
It is once more Christmastime. Where Christmas trees festoon many, many homes, shops and churches. Where Christmas lights brighten streets, shops and homes.
Christmas trees topped with their own ANGELS. Christmas cards and creches in supermarkets in every town. Many, many, many Santa Clauses answering all children’s wishes.
God delivers to you and to me His real angels. Not paper, or plastic or wooden angels. Yes, real and infinite ministering messengers. Always here to comfort you and me. In our times of sadness and our heartache, they comfort us.
Scripture Reading: Suddenly a great company of the Heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
Glory to God in the highest Heaven, and on Earth peace to those on whom His favor rests. (Luke 2:13–14, NIV)
The Almighty One sent to Earth. His Heavenly angels on the night of the birth of His beloved Son, Christ Jesus. On the first Christmas night. On the night Mary gave birth to her son, our Messiah God. God’s anointed One, Christ Jesus the true meaning and gift from God at Christmas.
On the very first Christmas night. A multitude of Heavenly angels, praise to God Almighty. Singing their peace and goodwill to all mankind.
Many, many Christians throughout Christendom echo this great and joyful occasion. We sing along with God’s Heavenly host of oh! so long ago. For this is truly what the birth of our Lord, Christ Jesus is. A joyful and a great occasion. An occasion which heralds the promised salvation for all mankind.
Man has fallen into darkness due to sin. All mankind separated from our Father. Lost and stumbling in our sin. The joyful tiding of this blessed night, over two millennia ago. Christ Jesus brings to this fallen world — God’s salvation.
At this, and every Christmastime. All Christians throughout Christendom. Join with the Heavenly Host.
Scripture Readings: To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (Philippians 4:20, NIV)
For the director of music. A Psalm of David.
The heavens declare the glory of God,
the skies proclaim the work of His hands. (Psalm 19:1, NIV)
“Glory be to God in the Highest.” Always, always we give all the glory to God.
“For there is peace on Earth.” Our Lord Jesus brings to all who accept Him as their Savior. True and lasting peace. “Goodwill towards men!” As we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior. You and I are once more reconciled with our Heavenly Father. We once more walk in the Kingdom of God.
For you, I and all members of Christendom. At this blessed and loving time of each year. We share the true message of Christmas with family and friends. Should we not be shedding this joyful message much, much further?
We share the love and joy of Christmas with all those we meet. If even with a gentle and welcoming smile. Or a Christmas cake and a brief chat. With a lonely neighbor. For not all people are blessed. As we are with friends and family. It is in by doing this, that we are inviting her. Also, to share in the true meaning of Christmas. God’s saving grace, through Jesus her Lord. For we never know. God may be using us, to welcome her Home.
Scripture Reading: Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. (1 John 4:7, ESV)
Then, with the help of God, our Heavenly Father we share the message of Christmas. All year long. For the rest of our life.
Christmas is forever, not for just one day, for loving, sharing, giving. Are not to put away like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf. The good you do for others is good you do yourself. (Norman Wesley Brooks)
As we walk our life of faith in Jesus, our Lord, our Savior, our God. We remember every day this message. The true meaning of Christmas time. The birth of our Messiah God. The bringing to the Earth God’s salvation to all mankind. We are eager to share this joyful message to each person we meet every day of our life.
Not only in our words of kindness, tenderness and compassion. But in little gestures so unexpected. Like a bunch of flowers at a hospital bed of a complete stranger. Like a kiss on a cheek to our beloved one, as we pass by. Like a visit to a nursing home or an aged care facility, perhaps just once a month. Little gestures reflecting the love of Jesus Himself.
Yes, this is the true meaning of Christmas time. Sharing the love of God and His Son with all those we meet.
This brief message full of love and hope, Diane
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