God the Creator Made All There Is. The Entire Universe. All Its Wonders and Majesty
We kneel before God. In praise and awe. That all this. God made it out of His love.
Reflection. As we gaze up into the heavens on a clear and starry night. We cannot help but be amazed. We stand in awe and wonder. At the glory and power of God’s creativity.
Scripture Reading: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. (Genesis 1:1, NIV)
Genesis 1:1 is the first verse of the Bible that introduces the theme of creation 1. It can be understood as a statement that the material universe had a beginning and was created by God 23, or as a statement describing the world’s condition when God began creating 3. The verse does not reveal the details of how or when God created the universe, but it affirms God’s power and sovereignty over it. (Bing, 11/08/2024)
We feel the nearness of the Creator God. As we stand awestruck at the vastness of His universe. Our minds are astounded at the mighty age and size of His creation. As we lift our heads to see the stars sparkle and dazzle in the brilliance of God’s glory. As our hearts and souls fill with His power and magnificence. As our hearts and souls overflow with the Creator’s love. We sing prayers of praise and worship.
We know each star, comet, planet and galaxy came to be out of God’s love. We believe. With every fibre of our being. We believe. God spoke and each dazzling star came to be. We may never know quite how God created all there is. But we believe. Oh! Yes! We believe. God spoke His Word. And all there is was made. This is how mighty and powerful God the Creator is. This is how much Almighty God loves us.
This belief is certain and true. This belief cannot be shaken. No, not by modern theories or sciences. The world may believe the universe formed itself randomly. We know the truth. The world may believe all came to be from “The Big Bang.” But where did “The Big Bang” come from? We know the truth. The world may believe there is an infinite number of universes. So eventually one would get it right. We know the truth. God the Creator spoke His Word and all there is came to be. We may never completely understand. We have faith in the truth of every word of God’s Holy Word. If it is written in the Holy Scriptures. Then for us, it is the Gospel truth.
We are thankful. We praise the Holy Name of our Creator God. You and I realize the might and the power it took to do all this. We remember all was done through His never-ending love. God is love. We realize we have a God who loves us so much. God Almighty is so powerful and mighty. There is absolutely nothing God cannot achieve.
We turn to Almighty God in times of sadness or heartache. His power, might and, love heals our hearts and souls. We share our happiness and joy. We remember God the Creator made the universe out of His love. Our belief and faith in Elohim, The Creator God. Increases as we gaze up into His heavens. Each star dazzles and sparkles. Each creation in His mighty universe praises His Holy name. We also sing praises to the Creator who made us.
The Creator God loves us. With kindness and tenderness.
Elohim: The Creator God.
Elohim is the name by which God is introduced in the very first verse of the Bible. Elohim is stronger and more powerful than anyone or anything. He is the God powerful enough to create the world from nothing. But He is also the God who is strong enough to handle anything you or I may face. When you are dealing with impossible circumstances, know that Elohim is able to help you overcome any difficulty in life. (Bibleinfo. Blog)
We are touched by the Creator God’s power and might. He brought the universe into being. The Creator made you and me also. Our Heavenly Father loves us with such tender and kindly love. When we kneel before the Heavenly throne in prayer. God is always patiently listening. When we cry out to Almighty God in sadness. God answers with words of kindness and such peace He plants in our hearts. When our prayer is a plea for healing. He sends the healing hands of a physician. He once more hears and answers our prayer. When being cared for by our doctor. We believe. We are treated the the hands of Jesus.
The Creator is the God who heals the hearts and souls of those who call to Him in prayer. Almighty God is a God who loves completely and without condition. God Almighty can be relied upon. He listens to and answers each little prayer. God, our Heavenly Father is always here for us. He never, ever will leave us alone. We are loved so by our Father. He sacrificed His only beloved Son. So each one of us shall live for eternity with Him in the Heavenly Kingdom.
Conclusion. The Creator God spoke the entire universe into being. Almighty God whose power and might is beyond our comprehension. God Almighty uses His power and love to heal our hearts and souls. Each little prayer is heard and answered.
It’s a reminder of the limitless nature of God and His involvement in every aspect of our lives 3. 🌟
It’s a powerful expression of awe and appreciation for God’s handiwork in creation. Many artists have covered it, including Chris Tomlin, who featured it on his album “Our Love Is Loud” 1. The lyrics celebrate God’s majesty and declare His holiness:
It’s a reminder of the limitless nature of God and His involvement in every aspect of our lives 3. 🌟(Bing, 11/08/2024)
Marvin’s article once more needs to be shared, Diane.
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God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.