God is Our Refuge. We Are Safe in His Powerful Arms
Abide With Me! In the mighty arms of Almighty God. We are protected from all harm.
Abide With Me!
I need Thy presence every passing hour
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s pow’r?
Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.(Henry F. Lyte, 1847)
Reflection. Our Lord! Almighty God is our refuge. God Almighty is our fortress. We place our trust and our faith in Him.
Scripture Reading: Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:1–2, NIV)Psalm 91:2 Reminds us that God is our refuge and fortress. It is a call to make the Highest God our refuge and fortress. It gives us hope that we will be safe in God’s arms, no matter what happens. It encourages us to always place our trust in God, no matter how safe or perilous our circumstances may be. (https://www.thedeepthingsofgod.com)
We are so very loved. The Almighty One protects us with His love. Almighty God reaches down from Heaven to us. Under His mighty wings. Our Heavenly Father shields us from all harm. He loves you and I so dearly. He is our mighty fortress. God’s love is a place of rest and such a calming peace. Such comfort. Such calm. Such love does God provide for those who place their trust and their faith in Him.
We at times are so weary. At these times we turn to God in prayer. We reach for our beloved Bible.
This article focuses on the message behind the “Lord is my refuge and my fortress” as seen in Psalm 91.
Ever since Adam and Eve chose their own path. Over God’s righteous and holy path — leading us to the Kingdom of God. Every person has experienced days of sadness and times of deepest despair. There also are the times. When our faith in God may weaken.
These are the times we call upon our Heavenly Father in prayer. These precisely are the times we need His protection the most. These are the moments we call for God’s shelter from harm.
Our refuge and fortress help us overcome our fears. (Martin Kiogora, THE DEEP THINGS OF GOD BLOG)
I hope. I pray, dear reader. Through this article we shall learn how Almighty God Himself wants us to call upon Him.
Almighty God Himself wants us to call upon Him. God desires for us to seek His protection and His shelter from all daily harm.
Almighty God is here to overcome our fears, our sadness and indeed our times of heartache. It is God. God Almighty alone who is our refuge, our strength and our shield.
Psalm 91 is a message from Moses. A prayer of God’s everlasting security, protection, and safety. The soldiers’ Psalm.
Scripture Reading: He will cover you with His feathers,
and under His wings you will find refuge,
His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. (Psalm 91:4, ESV)What Does Psalm 91 Mean?
The main theme of Psalm 91 is God’s protection of His people in the midst of distressing circumstances — among them pestilence, terror, darkness, enemies, and war. Below we’ll explore the message of this Psalm in detail so we can gain greater insight into God’s character, love, and preservation of his people. (Christopher Reese, Bible Gateway Blog)
Even today. In the hustle and rush of modern life. Psalm 91reverberates within our souls. You and I join the many, many believers. Who have found solace in these words of love, comfort, and hope.
The prayer that is Psalm 91. The words within this prayer of Moses. Still resonate within the hearts of believers today.
For trusting and faithful believers in Almighty God. The profound. The comforting. The restful and peace giving message we read in Psalm 91.
Echoes deep within hearts still. No matter how harsh life is treating u. The calming and reassuring words within Psalm 91. Remind us that we are never truly alone.
In times of fear. In our days of trial and heartache. Mose’s prayer speaks to our souls. His Psalm offers spiritual comfort. Mose’s prayer for safety places us in God’s love. We are in the shelter of the Most High. No safer resting place can we seek. We place our faith and our trust. In the shadow of the Almighty One. We have no fear. We believe. Yes! We believe in the protection and the safety of Almighty God.
Scripture Reading: He will call on Me, and I will answer him,
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him
and show him My salvation. (Psalm 91: 15–16, NIV)
Dwelling under the safety and the shelter of the wings of Almighty God. Abiding in the protection and in the comfort of God — ALWAYS.
This Psalm’s beginning is a blessed assurance. To all who trust in God with all our hearts. To all believers who never doubt God’s love for us. The imagery of this inspirational prayer emphasizes our need to seek God. It speaks to our hearts. It calls for us to consistently seek first and always God’s Holy presence. This Psalm places our lives and our hearts in the hands of our Heavenly Father — ALWAYS!
It is by walking constantly in the loving presence of God the Father. That true protection, rest and shelter is to be found. Whenever we pray for it. This blessed assurance is how Psalm 91 begins. We praise and we worship God for His protection and for His unceasing Care — AMEN!
Conclusion. God is Our Refuge. We Are Safe in His Powerful Arms.
Scripture Reading: If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
and you make the Most High your dwelling. (Psalm 91:9, NIV)
- Abide With Me! In the mighty arms of Almighty God. We are protected from all harm.
- Our Lord! Almighty God is our refuge. God Almighty is our fortress. We place our trust and our faith in Him.
- I hope. I pray, dear reader. Through this article we shall learn how Almighty God Himself wants us to call upon Him.
- Psalm 91 is a message from Moses. A prayer of God’s everlasting security, protection, and safety. The soldiers’ Psalm.
- For trusting and faithful believers in Almighty God. The profound. The comforting. The restful and peace giving message we read in Psalm 91.
- Dwelling under the safety and the shelter of the wings of Almighty God. Abiding in the protection and in the comfort of God — ALWAYS.
Audio music video for your inspiration. For you to enjoy.
Gary’s article is both uplifting and inspiring, Diane.
I pray there was something in my article where God blessed you.
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Send me a comment on how God blessed you through my words.
God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.