God is Calling Us Home
Deep in our souls, we hear God’s voice calling us. We believe. We answer His call. We answer.
Scripture Reading: We must hold on to God’s promise that we have said we believed. And we must never let go. He has promised and He will do it. (Hebrews10:23, ESV)
Reflection. It is amazing. We have a God who truly and intimately loves us. His love reaches the deepest recesses of our hearts and souls.
Believe. (Gentri)
Beneath an empty gaze
Hides the need I long to face.
Somewhere between where I have been
And where I’m going, my search begins.Deep in my veins, I hear a ringing
Of a voice ever calling me on.Believe, there is an answer. (YouTube)
As we begin a brand-new day that Almighty God has blessed us with. Do we appreciate how our Heavenly Father truly loves each of His children? Do we? Almighty God loved us yesterday. He will love us tomorrow. God loves us and is here for us today. God’s love covers us with His outstretched hand of protection. We are safe and sound in the safety and protection of His hand. God’s healing hand binds all wounds. God’s healing love. Heals our hearts and souls. Almighty God is here today. May our simple faith be felt by God in Heaven.
God’s comforting love brings us peace in moments of confusion and sadness. In moments of isolation and feelings of abandonment. God’s peace surrounds us. Like a warm and fluffy blanket. His sacrificial love cleanses all sins. Almighty God’s sacrificial love pays the price for our sins. God’s redeeming love brings us Home from the darkness. This is the most wondrous of God’s love.
We once were lost. Now we are found. We once were blind. Now we see the wonder of Almighty God’s love. In the words of His Holy Word. We see God speaking to us. We once were deaf. Now we hear the wonder of God’s voice. In the whisper of God, the Holy Spirit. We hear God speaking to us. This is how much God loves us. We once were dead. Now we live eternally with Him in Paradise. May the Holy Name of God be praised. AMEN!
Scripture Reading: We know how much God loves us because we have felt His love and because we believe Him when He tells us that He loves us dearly. (1 John 4:16, TLB)
I have had times in my prayer time with my Father. When I felt God so close by. When a gentle breeze brushed my cheek. These times were special. To say I felt blessed and loved. Are not enough. These times were much more. More than my simple words can explain.
God is love. If Almighty God never wrote or spoke any other words. These three simple yet profound words would be sufficient. God is love. There is not a moment or a circumstance that God’s love does not cover. We place our hands over our hearts. God’s love is there. We stand in the shade of a giant gum on a hot summer’s day. God’s love is there. We comfort a loved one who is a little sad. God’s love is there. We kneel in prayer. God’s love is there. God’s love is everywhere.
No matter where we are. No matter who we are. Praying to Almighty God and reading His Holy Word. Shows God how much we love Him.
Pray to God. Tell God that you love Him and love His creation. Tell Him you appreciate everything you have. The Bible says that we are to “pray without ceasing.” (Bing, 31/10/2024)
Prayer as Communication: Prayer is primarily seen as a two-way dialogue between you and God. It’s not just about making requests but expressing gratitude, confessing sins, and simply connecting with God in worship and adoration. (Philippians 4:6–7, James 5:16) (BibleStudyTools, 02/16/2024)
We kneel before Almighty God, on the Heavenly throne.
Scripture Reading: I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me diligently find Me. (Proverbs 8:17, ESV)
Do we appreciate how privileged we are? Almighty God loves all His children. We are His devoted and dedicated children. Our Heavenly Father each day showers us with His blessing and unceasing love. Each day God blesses us with such gifts as, family and friends, food and clothing and His Holy Word.
All we need to do to receive God’s unceasing love and blessings. All we need to do. Is to love our Heavenly Father with all our hearts, souls and lives. Is to love all God’s people as He loves us. When our lives are lived in such love. We are at peace. We are comforted by God Almighty. We are loved. Deeply, personally and intimately loved.
God’s love for us is so real. God’s love for us overwhelms our hearts and souls. God’s love for us shines forth onto all we meet. God’s love is so strong. We need to share God’s love. We want all of God’s people to know His love. We want all of God’s people to abide in God’s love. We work tirelessly to show the urgency of redemption. We pray ceaselessly that all lost souls find their way Home to Almighty God. We pray endlessly that no one misses out on forgiveness.
Scripture Readings: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9, ESV)
For Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Thee. (Psalm 86:5, KJV)
Conclusion. God is Calling Us Home.
- Deep in our souls, we hear God’s voice calling us. We believe. We answer His call. We answer.
- All we need to do to hear and feel the love of Almighty God.
- Is to love Almighty God with all our hearts and souls.
- Is to love all God’s people as He loves us.
Gentri’s song, “Believe.” It reminds us to believe with all our hearts.
Believe — Stephen Nelson & GENTRI — Gather Conference 2023.
Stephen Nelson shares his coming out experience as an LGBTQ Latter-day Saint along with the story behind the song “Believe” that was born through inspiration and become an anthem of sorts regarding his experience and relationship with God. GENTRI performs “Believe” and Stephen accompanies them. (Lift+Love — Latter-day Saint LGBTQ individuals families friends)
Gary’s article is truly inspiring, Diane.
I pray there was something in my article where God blessed you.
If so, please highlight this piece.
Send me a comment on how God blessed you through my words.
God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.