Stories on Love, Inspiration and Life Lessons
Feeling God’s Presence
How to Fell God’s Presence in Your Life!
There are days when my heart is troubled, and just being in the Lord’s presence and thinking about His love for me fills my heart with inexplicable peace and joy. Joseph Prince
We rarely think of the air we breathe, yet it is in us and around us all the time. In similar fashion, the presence of God penetrates us, is all around us, is always embracing us. Thomas Keating
You don’t know how to pray? Put yourself in the presence of God, and as soon as you have said, ‘Lord, I don’t know how to pray!’ you can be sure you have already begun. Josemaria Excriva
I recommend his inspirational story: “Le’s Stop Pretending Christianity is Actually Relevant, Okay?”
So here’s to a vibrant, attractive future. May we at HeartSupport, and fellow followers around the globe live, love, and speak in such a manner that inspires our fellow man and causes God to do a work in their heart. Benjamin Sledge
I recommend his inspirational article: “Don’t Condemn Christianity Because of Christians”
We won’t be perfect. We’ll still fall short. We’ll still be criticized. But if we’re trying with all our heart to live a life characterized by service, grace and faith, some people will see that Jesus has a message worth listening to; a message that can change the world. Bebe Nicholson
Today’s story progresses on my topic of being continually in the Holy presence of God the Father. This is a life-long journey of love and companionship. A relationship compared to no other. A journey shared between God and You!
To enter into the Holy presence of God the Father we first have to find our way in. There is only one way to enter the Holy Tabernacle of the Holy of Holies. Jesus Christ has paved the way once and for all for mankind.
Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, is perfect and without sin. He opened the entrance to God the Father’s loving and eternal presence. The curtain between mankind and God has torn asunder. Access to God is forever open.
Can you grasp the amazing and enormous implications of this sacrifice? Christ died on our behalf. That once cleansed of our sins we are truly reconciled to God the Father. Jesus opened the way into God’s Holy presence for us all.
All are welcome! All are loved by God!
Jesus through His sacrificial death is our only entrance into God’s Holy presence. Be continually thankful. You are always welcome with God’s loving and open arms.
Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Hebrews 10:19–22
The Holy Bible promises that you are now welcome to enter the Holy of Holies. Through your union and faith in Jesus Christ.
Therefore, you are now in the very presence of God the Father. You can feel and experience God’s presence anywhere and at any time.
You can draw near to the Creator of the entire universe. He created all, from the observable universe right down to the microscopic organisms. All are created by God our Creator. And wonder on wonders you have free companionship with Him.
Through faith and belief in Jesus. You can confidently draw near to our Heavenly Father. He will then lovingly and tenderly draw near to you.
How do I feel when I am in God’s Holy presence. Well, this changes every time.
Firstly, there is always thankfulness. Deep, deep soul-felt gratitude. I look around me, and though if measured my life according to the standards of the world. I have very little.
I am rich beyond measure. When I empty myself of me, that is. When I fill myself with God’s love and blessings.
I have His blessed gift of writing stories to you, dear one. A gift I humbly use to share God’s love and joy.
I at times am sad and lonely. But, this is my weakness. God does not abandon me. I remember. I turn to God in prayer. Again, He fills me with His pure and tender love. I am once more at peace.
At other times I feel His loving and abounding presence. When I am strolling along my favourite beach. Accompanied by my youngest son, Mark. To say my heart is overflowing with love. I am granted a few special days with him each year. He loves me with a simple and pure love that brightens my heart. Mere words cannot speak of how my heart sings when I am with him.
We both love God more than life. This love unites us. We share moments of joy. Pointing out things of God’s beauty. Yes, we are both in the Holy presence of God at these times. God created Mark. He created me. He created my favourite beach and all the beauty thereon.
What is there for me to do? I worship God. I praise Him. I humbly sing my love for Him, through the Holy Name of Jesus, Amen!
Each day is different in the presence of my Lord, God the Father. Sometimes I am just there. Simply me and my loving Heavenly Father. I am getting to know Him and about Him a little more each day. Through His Word — the Holy Bible and the guidance of His Holy Spirit.
Life for me has had its devastation. Times when I was just wanting God to take me Home, to paradise with Him. Times when I am so very, very tired. I wrestle with myself. I know what I should believe. I know God loves me. I get so very tired.
Then a gentle, loving nudge from His Holy Spirit. I am reminded to call upon Him.
To come clean. To cry my heart out to Him in earnest and sincere prayer. I quietly, simply and honestly speak to Him, my Heavenly Father. In the Name of Jesus, our Mediator.
My cancer was not miraculously cured. The horrendous domestic violence did not immediately cease. I found peace. I found the strength to struggle on. My burden was shared. My Lord, His Spirit, my Helper and Comforter loved and supported me.
With the support and care of my medical professionals, I am now cancer-free. Thank you, Heavenly Father! With trembling inner strength and leaning on God for help. I walked away, once and for all from the domestic violence. Again, my heartfelt gratitude, Heavenly Father!
Always remember God never gives you more than you can carry. More than you can bear. You are never alone. He helps carry your load.
When you seek God’s presence, He is always there. Always lovingly and patiently waiting. His arms open wide. His right hand waiting to hold your hand in wise guidance. His bright and shining light waiting to shine on your path.
It is because His Holy Spirit is moving you to draw near to God the Father that you feel the gentle urge to do just that. Answer this urge and you will be blessed. Blessed with the presence of God.
Do you realize what a wonder this is? That the Creator of the entire universe wants you to draw close to Himself. What wonder? What pure love divine?
You now have the rest of your life to live in true companionship with God the Father. You are loved this much.
Draw close to God and He will Draw close to you.
Living daily in God’s presence. Learning of Him and about Him through His Word, The Holy Bible.
Gaining guidance, comfort and help from His Holy Spirit.
This is my prayer now for you, dear one!
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