Earth Enlightened by the Glory of God. The Word of His Truth
As disciples of Jesus our lives speak and bear fruit for God our Father.
We need to replace the lies of the enemy with the truth of God; to do so we need to know the truth of God. (Christine Caine)
Tell of His wondrous faithfulness,
And sound His power abroad,
Sing the sweet promise of His grace,
And the performing God. (Isaac Watts)
Introduction. Jesus’ parable answering the Pharisees’ question, “whereunto shall we liken the Kingdom of God?” (Mark 4:30-32, KJV) The Mustard Seed.
Jesus may have had a tiny mustard seed in His hand as He taught this parable of faith. Our Lord spoke this lesson to His disciples and the multitude. We also are His disciples and so are in Christ’s loving and caring hands. You and I sit close to Jesus and eagerly soak up His lesson of faith and love. We are one among the multitude that listen. One among the throng who learn from Jesus the Messiah.
Our faith in Jesus is pure and genuine. Yet, our path of faith is never, never complete. As the mustard seed germinates and grows into a mighty tree. Our life of faith is forever forward and upward. Our life began with a simple, yet profound act. An act of belief and trust.
You and I confessed our sins to God our Father. We accepted Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior.
As a tiny mustard seed scattered by the Sower, Jesus Christ. Our faith in God the Father was implanted in the eternal Kingdom of God.
Scripture Reading: He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you. (Matthew 17:20, ESV)
Jesus told His disciples. God through His Holy Word speaks to us. When our faith is as small as the tiny mustard seed. We surely shall move mountains. Jesus is showing to us what potentiality our absolute faith and trust in Him accomplishes.
As you and I read of Jesus in the Gospels. As our life, our journey with Jesus unfolds. We learn of Christ’s love for each of us. We are part of Jesus’ family in God His Father. Each day we search the Holy Word of God to learn of and about our Lord. You and I want nothing more than to be as Jesus. To show God the Father’s love to all those we meet. To teach about the Kingdom of God to all those still wandering in the darkness of sin.
All our life we live for Jesus. Each day our faith in our Lord grows. We are planted firmly in the soil of God’s Holy Kingdom. As the tiniest of seeds. God’s mustard seed. Our love, trust and faith in Jesus grows invisibly in the soil of the Kingdom of God. Ever reaching upward to our Heavenly Father. Ever seeking the love of Jesus and His Father, our God.
Scripture Readings: So, faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. (Romans 10:17, ESV)
And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6, ESV)
Placing our faith, trust and belief in our Lord, Savior, God, Jesus.
The entire Word of God is written about our Messiah. The Gospels tell of Jesus’ birth, ministry, crucifixion and return to His Father. The whole story has one purpose. To draw people back to God the Father.
Faith, trust and belief in our Lord, Jesus Christ is the sole desire of the Holy Gospel. God our Heavenly Father’s free and merciful gift to each person. Through the saving grace of His beloved Son Jesus.
As the mustard seed in Jesus’ parable reaches ever upward to the warmth of God’s sun. We as Jesus’ disciples reach for His love and His teachings. Jesus plants the seeds, His disciples into God’s Kingdom.
You and I are nourished by the Holy Word of God. We are watered by the living waters of Jesus Christ. Every day we place our hope in things invisible and hoped for.
Scripture Reading: By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. (Hebrews 11:3, ESV)
This is true and sincere faith. This is growing and maturing as Jesus’ disciples.
As Jesus’ disciples we spread the good news of the Kingdom of God.
Scripture Readings: From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17, ESV)
Nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the Kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” (Luke 17:21, ESV)
There are so many examples in God’s Holy Word telling of people’s faith. Noah’s absolute faith in God. Long, long before the storm clouds. He built God’s arc. Abraham about to sacrifice his only son. Mary, Jesus’ mother in faith obeyed God. So many more men and women of faith.
Then there were Jesus’ disciples. Saint Paul in his Roman jail. In chains, beaten and tortured in the name of Jesus. Writes his letters of love, encouragement and blessings. To the early Gentile believers. The Galileans who risked all to spread the good news of the Kingdom of God.
In the beginning the good news was a tiny seed germinating in God’s soil. Over the millennia it grew into the mighty tree of Christianity.
Scripture Reading: built on the foundation of the Apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In Him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. (Ephesians 2:20–22, ESV)
A church of billions. Each child of God precious and loved by our Heavenly Father. Each person is nourished by the Scriptures. As you and me thirstily study God’s Holy Word. We gain the wisdom to pass it on lovingly to others.
As the mighty tree provides a nesting place for God’s birds. Our faith and love for Jesus provides solace for others. The mighty tree reaches ever upward to the rays of the sun. Jesus is the light for those lost in the darkness of sin.
Scripture Reading: For at one time, you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true). (Ephesians 5:8–9, ESV)
Conclusion. Earth Enlightened by the Glory of God by the Word of His Truth.
- Jesus’ parable answering the Pharisees’ question, “whereunto shall we liken the Kingdom of God?” (Mark 4:3032, KJV)
- Placing our faith, trust and belief in our Lord, Savior, God, Jesus.
- As Jesus’ disciples we spread the good news of the Kingdom of God.
Paula Thomas’ article “Gift of Service” is inspiring and well worth your time.
Gift Of Service. Do you know that all the things we… | by Paula Thomas | Anchored In Christ | Medium
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