Each Little Prayer Brings Us into God’s Presence
The more we pray. The nearer God our Father draws to us.
My Little Prayer.
Heavenly Father, I am grateful
For Your eternal presence.
I am learning to be patient
And that You are really there.I’m learning every day
That I won’t always have my way.
But I’m beginning to understand
That for me, You have a plan.
Ooh, You!(David Archuleta, 2016)
Reflection. We yearn to be in the arms of God Almighty. You, I and, all faithful believers pine to be ever near Him. To be near to Almighty God. God our Heavenly Father desires to draw us close to Him. Prayer is our bridge. Which crosses the divide between humanity and the Divine.
Scripture Reading: The Lord is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous. (Proverbs 15:29, ESV)
Our little prayer brings us near to The Almighty One. Our Heavenly Father desires to draw us close to Him.
Scripture Reading: James 4:8 NIV — Come near to God and He will come near — Bible …
Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
Our little prayer, we whisper to Heaven on high. On our knees we bow low. Before our God, our Creator in humble prayer. We bend low before the Holy throne of Almighty God. Our little prayer of love. Our petition to God our Father. Our words are our love. Our little prayer is our song of praise and adoration. Our words unfurling in Heaven in the presence of all God’s angels. Our words fly to God’s Holy presence. You and I face toward the Creator of this wondrous gift — PRAYER.
Our little prayer is spoken with courage and with thanksgiving. With our hearts wide open to God our Heavenly Father. Thanking Him for all His blessings. We are listening in patience for God’s reply. God has never failed us. We believe. Deep in the deepest recesses of our hearts. God our Father will not fail us ever. Our little prayer He will answer — ALWAYS!
Our little prayer brings us ever nearer to the One we seek. We seek God our Heavenly Father with each whispered prayer. We hunger for the presence of Almighty God. Every moment of our lives we need to be close to the One who loves us so. We hunger for God. As our mortal bodies need the bread we bake. You and I thirst for the love of our Heavenly Father. As a new blossom soaks up a spring shower. After an extended drought.
Each humble little prayer whispered to the One who waits patiently. Each prayer spoken to its creator. Every prayer is our bridge. Every word spoken to Almighty God in prayer is our bridge. Our bridge, our crossing between us and the Divine. Our little prayer spans the spiritual gap between us and the Holy One. We are so very blessed. You, I and, all Gods children are so loved. We have a God who is love. We are gifted with an eternal connection between us and the Almighty One. A blessing to be used any where and at any time.
God Almighty created prayer to be used by all His beloved children. We speak to the One who is always patiently listening. We whisper our little prayer. We enter the loving presence of our Heavenly Father. We sit for a little while. Neigh, we linger for eternity in the presence of the Almighty One. With the words of our Little Prayer. We feel God. You and I are warmed and comforted by the love of our Heavenly Father.
Scripture Reading: The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying:
“Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you. (Jeremiah 31:3, NKJV)
Let prayer be such an essential part of our lives. We never want to be a moment away from God and His loving presence.
Scripture Readings: I will walk in the LORD’s presence in this world of the living. (Psalm 116:9)
One thing I ask from the Lord,
this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
and to seek Him in His temple. (Psalm 27:4, NIV)
We all have times when our Heavenly Father is so near by. God Almighty’s presence is so very close. It is as comforting as a cooling breeze on a summer’s day. God’s love warmed our hearts. God’s peace and His presence soothed our troubled souls.
Our Heavenly Father in these precious moments. Is so near by. Almighty God’s nearness drowns out all earthly concerns. God touches our hearts with His love and His closeness.
Oh! How you and yearn to be continually near to God. We remember. We recall. We have a God who is a God of love. God is love. God Almighty has granted us a way to be continually in His Holy presence. God’s blessing. Almighty God’s wondrous gift — PRAYER.
Scripture Reading: He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:24)
One thing and one thing only is required. Consistent and diligent prayer. PRAY CONTINUALLY.
To live our lives in a manner of continuous prayer. Wait! What??? Never stop praying? Is this even possible? I can testify that after years of practise. Much assistance from God the Holy Spirit. YES!!! Continuous prayer. Not only is possible. But is doable.
I have formed an attitude of consistent prayer. For example, as I draft out my articles. I am praying to God the Holy Spirit for His guidance and His inspiration. He never, never lets me down. When I use my little black car as a free taxi for friends and neighbors. Words for our safety whispered to God.
Yes a continuous attitude of prayer. Leads to a continuous presence with Almighty God. Gaining a continuous attitude of prayer. Takes many, many years of practise and help from God’s Spirit. I assure you, my dear reader. It is possible. My pledge. It is truly worth it!
Scripture Reading: Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. (Romans 8:26–27, ESV)
Conclusion. Almighty God has built us a bridge to close the gap. Prayer is our connection between us and Him.
Today’s music video for you to enjoy.
Sebastian’s article is truly uplifting, Diane.
I pray there was something in my article where God blessed you.
If so, please highlight this particular piece.
Send me a comment on how God blessed you through my words.
God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.