Discerning Divine Direction
Lord, let your word abide still in our hearts.
Therefore they sought again to take Him: but He escaped out of their hand. (John 10:39)
Here is Jesus, the Master Divine of the entire universe, who intentionally designed, fashioned, and drew the master plan of the world in His eternal architectural glorious room: and went ahead by His excellent wisdom to form, and build, the world so beautifully.
He nodded in acceptance, confirming that the world, is good to exist.
And God saw everything that He had made, and, behold it was excellent. (Genesis 1:31a)
Furthermore, He discovered the need to create man in His image, and as soon as He had made him, He poured blessing upon man: ordered him to be fruitful through recreation, multiply through peaceful co-existence, fill the earth, and govern the same as he reigns over the rest of the creatures of God; enjoying, feasting, and worshipping God in His presence — by the power of the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:28–30).
Woefully, it wasn’t so long a time when sorrow, misery, and misfortune scurry, set into the life of man as he went astray through the SIN OF DISOBEDIENCE: where he completely crashed and dashed out of the garden/paradise of Jehovah.
It is a pity that this scenario and ugly incident has given birth to awkward, unfortunate generations that have stumbled, fallen, and come short of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.
But lo and behold, man, grope for the wall like the blind, behaving as if he didn’t have the eyes of wisdom. How come he is stumbling at noonday as if in the night; doing things in the land of the living as if in the desolate places of the dead that is found in the land of gross darkness
Scripture Readings: O, what a capital, an outstanding error; as we can see the man in his full flesh wandering state, stretching, pointing his strayed and evil accusing finger at the King of Glory. Charging and calling Him a devilish, madman? (Isaiah 59:10)
Because of preaching the truth about His identity, relationship with His Father, and His eternal mission concerning the salvation of the fallen man; he might be reinstated back to God. Calibadgilima! (John 10:20)
From the above Context: Here is Jesus Christ standing victoriously tall, as He supernaturally made His escape from corrupted and evil men who misconstrued, misquoted, and misunderstood His divine and standard teachings/sermons. They labelled Him a blasphemer: as such, they attempted to arrest, capture their Creator, drag Him out of the city and stone Him to death.
As of the time of filling this divine and excellent report, these wicked men that were thirsty for the innocent blood of the Saviour Divine and King of Glory had already tried to eliminate, terminate, and execute the Master of the whole world: but His Father (the Almighty God), helped Him through.
Scripture Readings: I and My Father are one. (John 10:30–31)
Then the Jews took up stones again to stone Him. (John 10:31–42)
Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall: but the LORD helped me. (Psalm 118:13)
Living an erroneous life is very dangerous because, under such kind of conditions, people are bound to commit blunders that may be too late to amend.
There is therefore, the need for every living soul to humble himself before the Rock Of Ages and the Lilly of the Valley, for Him to lead him/her to eternal truth and treasures of life that will completely set him/her free indeed.
Scripture Reading: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)
A Prayer. Lord, let your word abide still in our hearts, also use your word, to work signs and wonders in our midst as we prepare for your second coming. Amen!
Troucucumpox Autrozuampora Erocomutabeth Obuburemebe.