Christ our Lord. Christ our God. Jesus our Messiah

In Christ alone we place our faith and our trust. Our hope and our future is found in Jesus.

Mrs Diane Mary Markey
5 min readApr 19, 2024
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In Christ Alone.

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song.

This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.

What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease.

My comforter, my all in all
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

(Keith Getty and Stuart Townend, 2001)

Reflection. Our hope is placed firmly on our Lord Jesus. Let us place our faith and our trust always in Jesus.

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Scripture Readings: That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe. (1 Peter 4:10, NIV)

Praise to God for a Living Hope

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. (1 Peter 1:3, NIV)

In Christ alone our hope is FOUND.

In Christ alone we place our TRUST.

Blessed be the Holy Name of Jesus our LORD.

Our lives at times are overwhelmed with the cares. The worries of this world. There are days in which our anxieties leave us felling lost, alone and ever so hopeless.

During my required research for my daily articles. It has dawned on me often. Jesus our Lord and our ever loving companion does not want us. At any time to feel overwhelmed. Jesus loves so very much. He wants to share our burdens with us. At the foot of His cross we lay our burdens down.

Jesus, the God who loves us so. Jesus tells us. When we have grown weary of carrying our burdens alone. When we are sick and tired of trying and failing. Jesus reaches out His hand in love and tenderness and says,

Scripture Reading: Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28, NIV)

Our Lord Jesus’ invitation for us to stop struggling alone. Is such a comfort to us all. We have been carrying our loads of worries, problems and uncertainties for far too long. We gladly pass them over to the One who loves us so. Gladly.

Jesus’ invitation is far more. He does more than share our loads of troubles with us. Jesus tells us He will give us rest.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 11:28 is a verse of Divine invitation in which Jesus Christ extends His hand and says, ‘Come to Me, and I will give you rest.’ (Christian Pure Blog)

We reach out our hand to Jesus. Jesus invites us to join Him by reading of Him in His Gospels. We sit with Jesus for a little while. By reading of Jesus and His love for us in His Gospels. The more time we spend with Jesus. The more at peace we feel. There are so many verses in His Gospels which speak of the peace which Jesus gives to us.

We picture ourselves sitting comfortably with His disciples. And in loving companionship with Jesus our Lord. At the close of another busy day. Walking the dusty roads alongside our Rabbi. Preaching the good news of the Kingdom of God with Him. Now we just sit with Jesus for a while.

We have left our cares and our worries behind. In the presence of Jesus. All we feel is His peace. In the presence of Jesus all we feel is the love He radiates. Jesus has replaced our heavy burdens. With the rest that our hearts were craving for. We look to Jesus. We see the love He has for us. We see in Him our hope for a brighter future. Our hearts are at peace.

Scripture Reading: Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. (Ephesians 3:17–18,NIV)

Not only does our Lord Jesus give us rest. Not only does Jesus help us with our heavy loads of worries and anxieties. Jesus’ loves goes way beyond this. Our Lord’s love is so deep and is of such marvel. Jesus’ love for His beloved is without end. “What heights of love, what depths of peace?” Jesus’ love for you, for me and for all God’s people has no limit.

There is nowhere we can go. That Jesus’ love is not there. There is no circumstance in our lives. That Jesus’ love does not cover. This is the wonder. The marvel. The depth and the intimacy of Jesus’ love for us. This to us is such a comfort. No matter what happens in our lives. Jesus and His love is at hand. To comfort, to give us peace and to love us through. NO MATTER WHAT.

Walking daily in the loving and the comforting presence of Jesus. We may never experience a life free of fears, worries and anxieties. What we do have. Is a Lord who walks beside us. Every step of the way. When we stumble. Jesus bends low and picks us up. When we seek His help. Jesus is always here for us. At the times when our loads of worries are too heavy. He helps us with the burdens.

Jesus’ peace is always just a prayer away. This I believe is worth repeating. The peace of Jesus is always just a prayer away.

The peace that Jesus places in our hearts is beyond our words. Jesus’ peace is remarkable. Peace that conquers all fears, even before they enter our lives at times. Peace that we can at times pass on to others. Jesus’ peace is a gift that keeps on giving. And, yes. Jesus’ peace is just a prayer away.

Today’s music video for you to enjoy.

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Mrs Diane Mary Markey
Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Written by Mrs Diane Mary Markey

Published inspirational books on my love for God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The articles on Medium also are Christian stories. Retired Counselor.

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