Awake My Soul. To God’s Brand-New Day. Filled with His Love
God’s birds . Greet us. We wake with a prayer of thankfulness. For the gift of today.
Awake, my soul, and with the sun
Thy daily stage of duty run.Shake off dull sloth, and early rise
to pay Thy morning sacrifice.Lord, I my vows to Thee renew.
Disperse my sins as morning dew.Guard my first springs of thought and will;
and with Thyself my spirit fill.(Ken Thomas, 1695)
Introduction. There is no better start to our day. Waking up with a prayer of thankfulness on our lips. Reaching out our hand for the Holy Word of God. Opening our hearts to the unlimited love of Almighty God.
Asking God, the Holy Spirit to guide us to some “good morning” verses. In other words, starting God’s brand-new day with our Father.
By starting our Father’s brand-new day with prayer and His Word. We are setting the tone for His love. And preparing our hearts for whatever comes our way. We may even find a smile on our faces. And a skip in our steps.
Reaching for the Holy Word of God as an early morning exercise. Is a loving habit. That is well worth cultivating. After a few words of thankfulness to our Father. For our peaceful night’s rest. Thanking God for taking care of us as His beloved child. We realize there is nothing greater in the whole world. Than, being a beloved child of our Heavenly Father, God.
Scripture Reading: But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God. (John 1:12, ESV)
Reading God’s Holy Word at the start of our day. Fills our hearts with God and His love. And equips us with all that is needed. We don’t know what will happen throughout the coming day. But our Father God knows. God, the Holy Spirit will lead us to the verses. That equip us for whatever comes our way.
For instance. A friend pops in for a Cupa. After a few moments it becomes apparent. She has something she needs to tell us. We make her feel comfortable. We listen. We truly listen. We remember how Jesus cared for those who were sad. And needing a friendly shoulder to cry on. We care for her as Jesus would. We love her as Jesus would.
We remember the Bible verses we read early this morning. When she is ready. We share. Yes! We share the love God with our sad friend.
Then we realize what a true treasure. Early morning prayer and Bible reading are. When being there for a friend. Having an opportunity to share the love our Father, God with her. We realize what a blessing God has given us.
Scripture Readings: Satisfy us in the morning with Your steadfast love,
that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. (Proverbs 90:14, ESV)O Lord, in the morning You hear my voice;
in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for You and watch. (Psalm 5:3, ESV)This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24, ESV)
At the start of our day. We make quiet time for prayer and God’s Holy Word.
As we start our day. We prioritize making quiet with our Lord a loving habit. We then find. As we step from our bed. A gentle smile is our greeting to our family and to the world. God’s brand-new day is greeted with a smile.
Here in Australia. We have a magnificent bird. The raucous and happy Kookaburra. He wakes us up each morning with his loud laugh. His raucous call wipes away our sleep and our dreams. As dawn breaks. Almighty God presents us with opportunities to share Him and His love.
We all have heard the phrase, “laughter is contagious.” Well, this is oh! so true for the raucous call of our early morning visitor. The Kookaburra. As he greets us in the early dawn. We cannot help ourselves. You and I must quietly join him. And have a little chuckle. For no other reason. God loves us enough to send our friend to greet us.
Scripture Reading: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. (Philippians 4:4, ESV)
The start of our day. Is a wonderful opportunity. To refresh and renew our pledge. To serve God. To devote our day to Almighty God.
Along with our brief prayer of thankfulness. I believe. We must. We should pledge to Almighty God. To use this gift. His brand-new day in God’s service. Whatever we do throughout this day. Is done with the love of God in mind always.
When interacting with others. We pledge to the Almighty One. To serve Him always. In whatever way we can. That we are always the mirror image of His Son, Jesus Christ. We treat others as Jesus did. You and I care for others. With Jesus’ tenderness, kindness, compassion and LOVE.
The Lord, Jesus Christ touches the deep and hidden parts of us. With His soft and personal love. So, in our dealings with others. We let ourselves be open to them. We reach out with the compassion of Jesus. So, they are comfortable with us. And, feel they can rely on us. Feel they can trust us. With their cares and their troubles. And lay them down at our feet. As we lay ours down at the foot of the cross.
For this again is being the mirror image of Christ. For as we lay our burdens down. We allow our friends to unburden theirs.
Our early mornings become times of love and thanksgiving as never before.
- Words tumble from our lips. Brief prayers are the first words each morning.
- Our very first action. Is to reach for the Holy Word of God.
- We seek the guidance of God the Holy Spirit.
- For some “good morning” Bible verses.
- Then we are equipped for a day in God’s Holy service.
Marvin’s article on prayer. Fits nicely with mine, Diane.
Through Prayer with Jesus. The Power of Prayer | by Marvin McKenzie | The Dove | Jan, 2024 | Medium
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