Stories on Love, Life and Inspiration
Life’s Gentle Hints for Change
Listening to Life and Your Inner Voice!
You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of. John Rohn
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. Barack Obama
If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Frederick Douglass
Each of us wishes to grow into the person we inspire to be. To grow, change both simple and significant, is its tool of the trade. Your inner voice gently nudges you to listen when it is time for a change. When you do indeed heed its call, life can be oh! so exciting and new. Life has the lessons and tools you need, just waiting for your seeking. Change can be scary at first. Then each day dawns with excitement. Even a day where a dream is being fulfilled.
For many years I was quite content to just live for myself. Especially since retirement. Simply put, I merely got up early each morning, took my beloved dog, ‘Little Lady’, for her morning play in the local park and returned home. Then I commenced my day of doing what I wished to do.
I saw no harm in this. Then a very small light bulb blinked in my mind. I gradually realized something was missing. I felt most content and I saw no apparent need for change, yet? Something, but what? There was a question that needed to be answered. But, I didn’t even know I had a question.
Firstly, I had to identify what was missing. I was mostly, quite satisfied and content with my life. Just felt this gentle nudge. Something was not quite right. This little hole needed to be filled, but I couldn’t even identify there was indeed a hole. What it was going to fill it.
Then, as life sometimes does the answer simply happened. I didn’t seek answers, I didn’t even recognize I had a question. The initial ‘dripping of the tap’ indication a change was needed was indeed subtle. Yet, life-changing. However, I only listened at first when it suited and I still lived life generally as I wished.
I started making changes in my life through small steps at first experiencing only small changes as a consequence. Yet, like raindrops constantly falling on granite boulders, I did indeed change. The unknown question was answered without me even realizing it.
The accumulation of hints for change soon drew my attention and I changed. And, WOW! I am glad I did. Then I graduated with more commitment to my friends and the Moree community. Which I now realize is essential for continued growth. Again, the unknown question was answered without me even realizing it. Yet this time I saw more dramatic changes. I was called upon in ever-increasing ways to use as a member of my community. What a privilege! What an honour!
I certainly changed my attitude. From the moment I decided to become a professional artist and not just paint as a hobby changes needed to be made. I joined BAM, Moree’s local art gallery, where I had to change my choice from self-induced isolation to communal gatherings.
I participated in the free art classes it offered to local artists, entered the two competitions it held each year, etc. Looking back I am pleased I swapped my ‘alone time’ for this ‘belonging’. It has given my life extra meaning. Almost like a comforting warm blanket on a chilly winter’s evening. When I look back on my life before painting — I wonder how I even found meaning on my own without the company and companionship of others.
The reward of recognition and praise from my peers. I always believed I had a gift for painting beautiful seascapes and landscapes. But, it was not until I received the praise from more talented and experienced artists that I truly felt worthy. The more social aspect of being an artist was in itself a reward for my many hours/days/weeks spent brush in hand before my easel painting.
Another truly astounding reward for getting out there is The sound of laughter from fellow artists as we participate in a free Art Class at BAM on a Saturday morning, which brightens my week. They praised me as I showed them photos on my mobile phone of the seascape painting I was currently working on. Not only the companionship of like-minded community members but, the gems of information given not only improved my skills. But, gave me a deep sense of purpose and belonging.
There was an even more compelling need to deliberately practise being a member of the Moree community. I was not to allow myself to slip back into my comfort zone, which is simply liking being alone. Don’t get me wrong here. I still value my ‘alone time’, I always put it to good use. I am using this time now to draft this new story. Or I may use another chunk of my ‘alone time’ to finish another seascape painting. Or, something else I cherish. But, now I see these activities in a completely different light. Now my focus for my paintings is on how the aesthetic value is for the viewer and for my storytelling the emphasis is on how valuable the content is for my reader.
This is a complete change of focus for me and I must admit far more rewarding.
There was an even more compelling need for me to listen to the summons for change. I was living a life dominated by and for me. Not realizing that at the time. Of course, I was there when needed for family and friends but they had to ask first. Now, it is taking the initiative. It is I seeking praise and just a little adoration for my simple original oil paintings. I, and only occasionally, seek help.
This inner voice calling for me to be a true friend, and family member and belong to the Moree community in a meaningful way unfolded in my life like a common caterpillar into a beautiful Blue Butterfly.
I cannot say these changes happened overnight or were indeed miraculous mind-blowing changes. In any case, the call to change did change my life. I still value my ‘alone’ times. A time such as now when penning to paper I am drafting the first draft of this new story. My precious alone time with God. Or, time just BEING. I rarely feel lonely. For these times I turn to what comforts me and the shadow of loneliness disappears behind the sun of comfort and companionship.
It is, however, doubtful whether my dream of being a world-renowned Master Artist or an Amazon World Best Seller will be filled in my lifetime. But, dream I will. Dream I must. Then audiences and fans will flock to me. I will retreat to my cave and seek my ‘alone time’ once again. No worry about that I guess.
Yet, I am pleased my life has changed and now I have a completely different outlook on life. I look forward to each day and the interaction it brings with others. I look forward to the volunteer days at the Moree community store. Having many opportunities to chat with customers and show off my paintings and stories on my mobile phone. They, too, share their personal stories with me, knowing I can be trusted not to gossip. I am grateful for these times of friendship and trust which engender a cheerful companionship looked forward to each week.
Over the three years since I commenced painting original seascape and landscape art I have grown simply through the choice of being with others more. I am careful in all my dealings with family, friends and other members of the community to not harm. When I do offend another I sincerely apologise, make the necessary steps to reconcile our connection and move on.
The overall lesson I have learned is that I am not an island and to ‘grow’ as a person I need the tender watering that only the companionship of others can give.
There is evidence of this change in my everyday life and these changes are definitely for the better. The simple act of a completed seascape painting needs to be professionally framed by Moree Custom Framing. So, I got dressed up, as I do, drive my little ‘black’ car downtown and popped into my local art store. As I am a regular customer we chat for quite some time as she shows her sincere admiration for my new creation. To say this boosts my ego is quite an understatement.
Then just a few weeks later I pop back in to pick up my framed painting. WOW!! What a difference!! From just another original oil painting on canvas — to a wonderful piece of art in an ornate gold frame. Well worth the money.
However, the bond between the two artists is strengthened and is indeed more valuable to me than the frame. Kerri has often given me tips to guide my journey as an aspiring artist. For instance, it was Kerri who introduced me to the Naive style of painting that I simply enjoy as an alternative to Realism that I favour.
Growth for me comes by being, simply by being — listening to my inner voice and learning from the wisdom of others. Otherwise, I would stagnate in my isolated world satisfied with my own company.
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Leo Buscaglia
What then about the needs of others? I am no longer living a life of self-induced isolation. But, as a member of the wider community. What I believe is that each person I deal with deserves to be treated with respect, kindness, politeness and with dignity. Each person deserves no less. Each person then in turn feels valued. If within my dealings with people they also treat me with ‘respect’ and ‘dignity’ then I am glad to be alive and valued.
Life in the Moree community brings me joy and a sense of commitment. Friends turn to me in times of stress and I am glad to help. Even if it is only as a ‘free taxi’ and a chat. My neighbour pops in with my dinner and stays a while for a chat and a giggle. How I look forward to these simple pleasures. We chat about nothing in particular-just ramble on-as good friends do. WOW!! Yes, Life is Great!
As to taking these life lessons with my future me? They have become part of who I am now as I struggle with everyday obstacles. The jewels passed on to me by family, friends and fellow members of my community will be cherished and used wisely.
I cannot claim to fully grow overnight in any aspect of my life. Least of all the interactive nature of my dealings with others. I trust when I fail my sincere apologies will be accepted and friendships restored. I love living in this rural regional community and feel I have indeed been accepted both as a person and as a professional artist.
A remaining tension still lingers within because of my latent tendency to find ‘alone’ time. Though I must admit I no longer regret a knock on the door. Now, I look forward to it and no longer view it as an invasion of my “alone time.”
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