Almighty God is our Shepherd. We are His Flock
Almighty God is our shelter. The Lord restores our souls.
Scripture Reading: Psalm 23, NIV
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He restores my soul.
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
You prepare a table before me. (Bing, 02/09/2024)
Reflection. David’s Psalm 23 is a song that speaks of our needs. And Almighty God’s ability to fulfil each one.
Scripture Reading: Psalm 23, also known as the Shepherd’s Psalm, speaks to our desires and God’s ability to fulfil them 1.
Today, my dear ready. This article is a Bible study. Into one of the most familiar and beloved Psalms in the Holy Word of God. David’s Psalm twenty-three.
Scripture Reading The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. (Psalm 23:1, ESV)
I hope. Neigh, I pray we are not so familiar with Psalm 23. THAT. We have forgotten the meaning and the purpose of this Psalm. The sacred and divine purpose of these Holy words. How this precious Psalm applies to our lives. Do we know? Do we put them into practice?
As we work, through this Psalm. Let it touch our hearts. Let it teach our souls. Let it be our guiding light.
David’s Psalm 23 is a song and comforting prayer.
At a glance. This beloved text promises all believers a wonderful and blessed life. Or? Does it? We have read this hallowed Psalm many, many times. On our wedding day. It was our chosen Bible text. At our children’s birth. As we knelt before the Heavenly throne in a prayer of true gratitude. When we felt our lives were in danger. We recited this Psalm for comfort and inner strength.
Many, many times throughout our lives. We have turned to and recited this Psalm. Have we ever stopped and asked? What is necessary for us to receive and apply the blessings promised? Have we?
Why did God choose sheep as His subject for David’s Psalm? Firstly, sheep find comfort, protection and companionship in their flock. Sheep are true conformists. They enjoy being in a herd. They find protection in numbers.
We may not. Especially in today’s modern society. Where it is fashionable to look after “number one.” When we take an honest look at ourselves. We are far from happy members of God’s flock at times. After all. Look around. Each house has a fence locking us in. And others. Many have security systems and even electric fences. No, we do not act as sheep. Happy in our flock.
Secondly, we only benefit from being part of God’s flock. When we are indeed in the safety and protection of His shelter. We need to be in the presence of Almighty God. Sadly, we all at times wander far from the God we love. We at times give into temptation. We wander far from the protection and safety of the Good Shepherd. We find ourselves lost and alone.
If we want the benefits and the promises stated in David’s Psalm. We have to remain within the flock of the Good Shepherd. It is not good enough for us to be one of the sheep. To go our way. To wander far from the protection, safety and love of the Good Shepherd. No, we need to be the sheep of Almighty God. We have to read the Holy Word of God. We have to learn and obey the Holy Commandments and Laws of Almighty God.
We have a God who loves us. God is love. When we do give in to temptation. Jesus, the Good Shepherd searches for us. Jesus calls for us by name. When He finds us. He carries gently back to Almighty God. Jesus takes back to the flock. Through the precious blood of the Lamb of God. Through the saving grace of Jesus, God the Son. Jesus carries us back to the shelter of our flock.
What Does ‘He Restores My Soul’ Mean?
It is unfortunate but very true. Each life has a time when our very existence is threatened. When either our life or the life of a loved one is cut short through illness or injury. When financial crisis. Threatens our self-worth. When family violence and abuse. Threatens our reason for living. At these times sadness and heartbreak take over. We are so very exhausted, both physically and spiritually.
Even in our darkest valleys. The Good Shepherd carries us Home.
Scripture Reading Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. (Psalm 23:4, ESV)
When we read or hear the words ‘He restores my soul,’ we are reminded of the comfort only God can provide. He listens to our cries and hears every word. When we feel the weight of life is too hard, we can go to the Father, He will restore our soul. He will lead us in paths of righteousness. He comforts the brokenhearted. He collects every tear. (Melissa Henderson, Bible Study Tools Blog)
This verse in David’s psalm is such a comfort. We in our deepest despair have a God whose comfort is only a prayer away. We have a Father who hears our prayers for peace. We have a God who is love. Almighty God who hears and answers all our prayers. Our Heavenly Father hears and reads our desperation. Almighty God feels our fears. He loves us till eternity.
God is able and strong enough to carry whatever load we pass over to Him. God is the provider of all peace. When asked. He will replace all our fears with His peace. Anything is possible for God. We do not need to be timid in what we ask of God. We believe. He can achieve anything we ask. When asked in complete faith.
Conclusion. We remain in the shelter of God’s presence. We receive the blessings and the promises of Psalm 23. We are one of God’s beloved sheep.
When we turn to God in a time of turmoil in sincere prayer. We are given His blessing of peace. When we seek forgiveness. We are washed clean in the blood of the Lamb. When brought down by the weight of life. Almighty God lifts us. With His mighty hand and His love. Through our prayers, our faith in Almighty God and our unbounded love for Him. We are in the safety of God’s shelter. We are one of God’s sheep. Almighty God is our Good Shepherd.
Marvin’s article is beneficial, Diane.
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God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.