Almighty God. His Powerful Love is in the Mornings
God’s beautiful birds greet us. At the start of our day. Each day is a gift of love from our Father.
Whisper a prayer in the morning,
Whisper a pray’er in the morning,
Whisper a pray’r at noon;
Whisper a pray’r in the ev’ning,
To keep your heart in tune.2 God answers pray’r in the morning,
God answers pray’r at noon;
God answers pray’r in the ev’ning,
To keep your heart in tune.( Arthur H. Ross, 2011)
Introduction. God’s sunrise. Our Father’s delicate and beautiful artistry is speaking to our hearts. “Good morning. My beloved. It is time to awaken. My brand-new day beacons.”
Scripture Reading: The Lord God has given me
the tongue of those who are taught,
that I may know how to sustain with a Word
him who is weary.
Morning by morning He awakens;
He awakens my ear
to hear as those who are taught. (Isaiah 50:4, ESV)
Almighty God has made our mornings truly special. Some He has blessed. Assuredly blessed with His delicate and His beautiful sunrise. Delicate pinks, oranges, purples and yellows. All these colors. Gently inter-changing right before our eyes.
We listen. With all our hearts. We listen. As our Father speaks silently to our hearts. “Good morning, my beloved. Good morning.”
God wants. Almighty God desires for you and for me. To merrily celebrate each morning. In God’s Holy Word. God speaks to us of His gift. Of the blessing that He gives to you and He bestows to me. His brand-new day. Let us each one wisely. Let us use every day to and for the glory of God — ALWAYS!!!
Scripture Readings: So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 2:31, ESV)
Let them give glory to the Lord,
and declare His praise in the coastlands. (Isaiah 42:12, ESV)Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power
and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
for everything in Heaven and Earth is Yours.
Yours, Lord, is the Kingdom;
You are exalted as head over all. (1 Chronicles 29:11, ESV)
From our morning to the close of our day. Our Heavenly Father is always, always nearby. Not a moment goes by that our Father is not present. For me, D. L. Moody speaks well how each morning must begin.
We ought to see the face of God every morning before we see the face of man. (D. L. Moody)
As you and I wake each morning. A habit has been formed over time. The very first thought is for the One who loves us so. As we open our eyes. The first thing we reach for. Is God’s Holy Word. The first words that pass our lips. Is a prayer of thanksgiving. For this brand-new day. For our lives. For just being. These words are spoken in love for our Father, we pray.
This beautiful and loving habit. Our God placed deeply into our hearts. Our early morning prayer. During our quiet and our solitary loving time with our Father, God. God shows to us such love. Our early morning prayer is such a precious. Is such a holy time with Him. Is such a loving time with our Father, who loves us beyond reasoning.
The significance of early morning prayer. In the Holy Word of God.
Scripture Reading: O Lord, in the morning You hear my voice;
in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for You and watch. (Psalm 5:3, ESV)The entire day receives order and discipline when it acquires unity. This unity must be sought and found in morning prayer. The morning prayer determines the day. (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Think About Such Things Blog)
Almighty God through and in His Holy Word calls our attention. To the vital importance of our early morning prayer. For all faithful and all committed children of our Heavenly Father. Early mornings are our special loving time for renewal and refreshing. Our spiritual commitment. Early mornings are our special. Our loving time with our Father, God. This is the time when you and I, once more. Commit to God our lives, our hearts and our love.
The vital significance of early morning prayer. Cannot and must not be trivialized. If this were not so. God would not speak of it so frequently in His Holy Word.
In the Holy Bible, God spoke of the early morning. As a choice time for being in His loving presence. This loving time with Almighty God is a time where we seek His provision and His wise guidance. Also, this is the time where we present to Him our burdens. And lay them down before Him.
This early morning prayer time. In the very presence of the Almighty One. Is such a wondrous opportunity. For you and I to praise and to worship Him and His Holy name. For all around us is still and quiet.
Scripture Reading: But I, O Lord, cry to You;
in the morning my prayer comes before You. (Psalm 88:13, ESV)
There are so many things you and I can quietly say to our Father. In our loving moments of prayer, in the early mornings.
Scripture Readings: And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, He departed and went out to a desolate place, and there He prayed. (Mark 1:35, ESV)
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7, ESV)
When I remember You upon my bed, and meditate on You in the watches of the night. (Psalm 63:6, ESV)
Prayer, our loving communion with our Father, God. Our loving time with the One who is always patiently waiting. Our prayer is a loving act. An intentional that builds an ongoing companionship. Builds an life-long relationship with the Almighty One. Through and by our deliberate conversation with our beloved Father, God.
Each and every prayer is directed to the One who created this miracle. To the creator of prayer. Is the same God who is patiently waiting our Heavenly Father. The one and only true living and active God.
Almighty God. His Powerful Love is in the Mornings
God’s beautiful birds greet us. At the start of our day. Each day is a gift of love from our Father.
God, the Father loves you and He loves me so very much. God created for us a means of communion between us and Him. We deliberately. You and I intentionally speak each morning with the One who is waiting.
Each morning we start the day loving the One who created us. The God who created prayer.
Nevena’s article is beautifully written and truly inspiring, Diane.
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please highlight your favorite passages
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