Almighty God Created the Entire Universe and All It Contains
Our Creator is all-powerful. Untameable. Awestruck. We fall to our knees.
Scripture Reading: O Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom have You made them all; the Earth is full of Your creatures. (Psalm 104:24, ESV)
According to the Bible, God created all things12. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth1. All things were made through Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made1. For by Him all things were created, in Heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things were created through Him and for Him1. God created the whole universe through Him and for Him2. (Bing, 30/10/2024)
Reflection. Standing in wonder and awe at God’s mighty heavens. We realise how indescribable the power and might of the Creator is.
Indescribable Song by Chris Tomlin.
Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky.
And You know them by name
You are amazing, God. (Musixmatch)
Above us. The Creator of all there is. Has placed billions upon billions of stars in His heavens. We stand awestruck. We stand bewildered. Why such a powerful and mighty God? Should bother with one, such as us? We stand with prayers unspoken. We stand in complete silence. Words of love and gratitude cannot be found. In our heart of hearts. We stand bewildered.
The ever-expanding universe contains stars uncountable. The mysterious universe captivates our imagination. As nothing else does. Poets since the beginning of time. Have written words of love and mystery to her. Authors of love and poetry. Have written to her. Of her might, majesty and power. Movies have been written. Taking us on journeys to faraway planets. To far-off corners of the universe. Astronomers and scientists attempt to know of her mysteries. And fail miserably.
It is only the Creator who knows all her secrets. It is only God the Creator who knows the hows and whys of the entire universe. He has blessed us with the ability to stand in awe and wonder. For now, this is enough. For now! We pray to the Creator of all this power and majesty. We usher a prayer to Heaven. We pray to Almighty God. We thank Him for all the beauty and wonder. That is the entire universe and all the majesty it contains.
The Creator also made all the animals, plants, insects and all the life in the waters of the Earth. We praise and worship the Holy Name of God, the Creator.
Scripture Reading: And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:20–22,KJV)
I don’t know about you, my dear reader. I cannot get enough documentaries and magazines teaching me about the wonders of nature.
Documentaries, for example about my nation’s Great Barrier Reef. Her magnificent corals, the fish and, plant life that rely upon it. I have had the fortune of SCUBA diving and snorkelling amongst her beauty. I have chased many a fish in its azure and tropical warm waters. I have swum among the colourful coral. I have floated on my back. Soaking up the warmth of the tropical sun. The memory of these tropical days. Are etched in my memory and my heart forever. My gratitude to her Creator is simple and profound.
We may stand in the middle of an arid desert. Thinking at first it is lifeless. Then all of a sudden. A lizard comes scurrying by. Then a bird of prey snatches him up. Then high above. God’s mighty eagle soars on her thermals. Then off in the distance a herd of what, we cannot identify. They are too far off. No, this arid desert is far from lifeless. There before us. Is one single white flower. How it manages to exist is beyond us. It is so very dry and hot outside.
We remember. We recall. Everything. Including this incredible single white and pure flower. Is in the tender and loving care of its Creator. Her Creator waters her. With the gentle mist that floats in from the ocean. Her creator nourishes her. From the manure of the herds of the desert. Her creator cools her. With the gentle breeze of the early morning and the cool of the evening. She is cared for by her Creator. Her Creator tends to her every need.
There is not a corner of this planet. Where Almighty God cannot be found. Where God is so is love. God is love. God’s powerful and healing love is everywhere. There is not a creation that Almighty God does not care for and tend to. From the largest of God’s creations, His whales. To the microscopic bacteria. All of God’s creations are tenderly cared for by their Creator.
Then there is man. The Creator made and loves us.
Scripture Reading: You are seen as precious.
Because you are precious in My eyes, and honoured, and I love you, I give men in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life. (Isaiah 43:4, ESV)
The mystery. The wonder. The miracle. The love. The Creator made male and female in the image of God. In the very likeness of God, he made man. We are the mirror image of God Himself. We were made to be Holy and righteous before Almighty God. It is Almighty God who provides for our needs. It is God who forgives and washes away our sins.
We are loved. Deeply, personally and intimately loved. By Almighty God.
We look at the precious and wonderful world God has made for us. We feel the love and comfort of our family and close friends. We see the home and the many blessings we receive from Almighty God. We realise we do not deserve such love. We humbly beg God’s forgiveness for any complaints.
Conclusion. The Creator made the entire universe and all the wonders it contains.
We stand awestruck. The magnificence, the simplicity and complexity of a single white rose. The power of microscopic bacteria. All of creation is in the powerful and loving hand of Almighty God.
Laura Story sings of God’s amazing power in, “Indescribable.”
“Indescribable” is a powerful anthem that describes the beauty and wonder of God’s creation. The lyrics highlight the vastness of the universe and the intricacies of nature, pointing to the greatness of God as the ultimate Creator. The song has been widely popular since its release in 2004, and continues to be a favorite in churches and Christian gatherings around the world. (Repeat Blog)
Doris’ article deserves to be heard, Diane.
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God keep you safe under His wings always, Diane.