All Life is Sacred. Let Us Praise His Holy Name
We have the miracle of life. To Almighty God we sing His praises.
Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well. (Anonymous)
Introduction. You and I are the handiwork of our Creator God.
Scripture Reading: So, God created mankind in His own image,
in the image of God, He created them.
male and female, He created them. (Genesis 1:27, NIV)
When life drags us down into the bottomless pit of despair. Almighty God reaches out His hand in love. Our Heavenly Father tenderly lifts us ever upward. WHY???
You and I as this butterfly cannot see how precious and beautiful to God we truly are. We get lost in our feelings of insignificance. Just one in the crowd of billions. Not to our Heavenly Father. You and I to God are His priceless and His treasured child.
God Himself in His Holy Word speaks of the beauty of human life.
Scripture Reading: All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flower of the field. (Isaiah 40:6, ESV)
In times of low self-esteem. We recite this verse and remember to God we are ever so beautiful. In fact, when we read the Bible you and I find oh! so many texts. Telling of the value and the beauty of all His people.
According to Almighty God. Human life is sacred and holy. It is a priceless and an adored gift from our Creator.
Scripture Readings: You shall not murder. (Exodus 20:13, NIV)
Whoever sheds human blood,
by humans shall their blood be shed,
for in the image of God
has God made mankind. (Genesis 9:6, NIV)
Each and every heartbeat matters profoundly to our Heavenly Father. Our Creator God is the giver, sustainer, provider and the owner of all life on Earth. Therefore, all life is prized and is to be cherished.
Scripture Reading: When You hide Your face,
they are terrified,
when You take away their breath,
they die and return to the dust.
When You send Your Spirit,
they are created,
and You renew the face of the ground. (Psalm 104:29–30, NIV)
This verse of King David teaches, God actively sustains all He created.
Through the laws of nature instituted at Creation and through humanity’s stewardship over the earth, God sustains life indirectly. But the Bible underlines God’s active and direct involvement, and the total dependence of living creatures on His activity. (Miroslav M. Kis, Ph.D.)
All true and faithful followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus. In their heart deeply believe in the sanctity of all life. This is especially so for human life. From the moment of conception, onward we remain sacred and holy to Almighty God till eternity.
This sacredness. This holiness comes with a commitment. For it brings with it inane responsibilities. We owe to our Creator God our life. Our very existence. He has placed in our soul a moral code of conduct, if you will. Which you and I need to abide by each day of our lives.
It, to me it is a wonder beyond words. You and I are a reflection of God Himself. We live this life with eternity in mind. Our future Home in God. Our restoration into God’s image to be fulfilled. We shall be as He is Holy and righteous. Living for eternity in Paradise with Almighty God. I look to eternity and to living with our Heavenly Father.
We belong to Almighty God. All His people are holy and sacred.
Scripture Reading: Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am Holy.’ (Leviticus 19:2, NIV)
A world of rushing to and from is our home, our daily life. If we do not run to where we are going. We will miss the prize. Always someone more worthy it seems???
Not to our Heavenly Father. You and I are His beautiful child. We are the image, the very reflection of our maker. We need not rush to spend time in His presence. You and I have eternity to love and to spend time with the One who loves us. The One who loves us more than we will ever know.
There is no greater love than the love of God the Father. No better place to be than spending quiet and solitary time in prayer. Prayer time with the One who loves us so. When was the last time your heart felt at peace in God’s presence? Have you ever marveled at the wonder that is you? We each are a gift of love from God.
Let us thank God and tread carefully as we accept the sacredness of our human existence. We sit in quiet contemplation in prayer at the mystery of human life. The simplicity. The complexity of the human form. All working as one for the glory and in the service of our Creator God.
Scripture Readings: And He is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything. Rather, He Himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. (Acts 17:25, NIV)
His Steadfast Love Endures Forever
A Psalm for giving thanks.
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!
Serve the Lord with gladness!
Come into His presence with singing! (Psalm 100:1–2, NIV)
For His gift of life. We sing and praise our Heavenly Father forever more.
Whether young or old, male or female, rich or poor. We are alive. You and I have this to be thankful to God for. Almighty God has blessed us with a mind to read and understand His Holy Word. God’s love story written, dedicated and devoted to you and to me. Our human body is made just right to serve our Heavenly Father. Our hands to create things of beauty. Our feet are made to walk the path of faith laid out by God according to His purpose.
The human heart beats to the rhythm of God’s drum. Our ears listen to the music of His Psalms and other songs and prayers written down in His Holy Word. Our eyes take in all the glory and the wonder of His creations. The mystery and the amazement which is the human form. Made in the image and the very likeness of God Himself. Yes, human life is sacred. To be treated as such. Each moment. Every day of our life.
Scripture Readings: When I consider Your heavens,
the work of Your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which You have set in place,
what is mankind that You are mindful of them,
human beings that You care for them? (Psalm 8:3–4, NIV)
Who is man to God? We are His chosen people. The reflection of God’s character and His nature revealed to all of creation. You and I made in the image and the very likeness of our Creator.
Conclusion. You and I see our intrinsic beauty reflected in God.
- All human life is sacred and holy.
- Every human heartbeat matters to our Heavenly Father. From the moment of conception till eternity.
- Each man, woman and child are created in the image. The very likeness of God Himself.
- Let us thank God and tread carefully as we accept the sacredness of our human existence.
- Whether young or old, male or female, rich or poor. We are alive. You and I have this to be thankful to God for.
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